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© RC19

Publications (selected)

2022 (alphabetical)


  • Arza, C, Castiglioni, R, Martínez Franzoni, J, Niedzwiecki, S, Pribble, J, Sánchez-Ancochea, D (forthcoming). The political economy of segmented expansion: Latin American social policy in the 2000s. Cambridge University Press
  • Byun, Y. (2022). Welfare Expansion without Inequality Reduction: Institutional Explanation of Old-Age Poverty in Korea. Cambridge University Press.http:// https//doi.org/10.1017/S0047279422000460
  • Béland, D., Jingwei He, A. (eds.) (2022). Special Issue: COVID-19, Inequalities, and Public Policies. Policy and Society, 41(2): 187-320. https://academic.oup.com/policyandsociety/issue/41/2
  • Béland, D., Campbell, A. L., Weaver, R. K. (2022). Policy Feedback: How Policies Shape Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Elements Series). https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108938914
  • Bonoli, G., Fossati, F., Gandenberger, M., and Knotz, C (2022, accepted and forthcoming). Sometimes needs change minds. Interests and values as determinants of attitudes towards state support for the self-employed during the COVID-19 crisis. Journal of European Social Policy. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/09589287221106977
  • Brown, M, Briguglio, M (eds) (2022). Social Welfare Issues in Southern Europe - Routledge, 2022, https://www.routledge.com/Social-Welfare-Issues-in-Southern-Europe/Brown-Briguglio/p/book/9780367206420
  • Budowski, M, Künzler, D (eds) Special issue: Social sustainability. Some RC19 members contributed articles to the peer reviewed and the Forum section. The journal is open access and the articles can be downloaded using this link: https://www.sozialpolitik.ch/en/current-issue/
  • Cooke, L. P., Hägglund, A. E., Icardi, R. (2022). Paradox or Mitigation? Childless and Parent Gender Gaps across British, Finnish, and German Wage Distributions. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society. https://academic.oup.com/sp/advance-article/doi/10.1093/sp/jxac016/6604559?login=false
  • De Sena, Angélica (2023) “Pandemic, Social Policies and Emotions in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires” (chap 7), in Scribano, A y Roche Carcel, J (Ed) Emotions Emotions and Society in Difficult Times ISBN: 1-5275-9050-X , ISBN13: 978-1-5275-9050-2. Cambridge Scholars Publishing UK. Pp 140-162, total 205.
  • De Sena, Angélica; Dettano, Andrea y Cena, Rebeca (2022). “Chasing the Research Object: Social Policies and Emotions in Virtual Spaces” (Chap 10) in Scribano, A; Korstanje, M y Rafele, M (ed) Global Emotion Communications: Narratives, Technology, and Power. DOI: 10.52305/RLBB3285; ISBN: 979-8-88697-269-6. Nova Ed.
  • Gandenberger, M., Knotz, C., Fossati, F., and Bonoli, G. (2022). Conditional Solidarity - Attitudes Towards Support for Others During the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Social Policy, 1 (19). https://doi.org/10.1017/S0047279421001070.
  • Garritzmann, J. L., Häusermann S., Palier B. (2022). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume I): Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. Download in OA: Theoretical Framework (ch 2) and Synthesis of Results (ch 16).
  • Garritzmann, J. L., Häusermann S., Palier B. (2022). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume II): The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies. Oxford and New York: Oxford University. Download in OA: Synthesis of Results (ch 17).
    • Silja Häusermann, Julian L. Garritzmann, and Bruno Palier, The Politics of Social Investment. a global theoretical framework (open access), in The World Politics of Social Investment (volume I) : Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy, Oxford University Press, 2022.
    • Caroline de la Porte and Bruno Palier, The Politics of European Union’s Social Investment Initiatives (open access), in The World Politics of Social Investment (volume I) : Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy, Oxford University Press, 2022.
    • Silja Häusermann, Julian L. Garritzmann, and Bruno Palier, The Politics of Social Investment in the Knowledge Economy: Analytical Insights from a Global Comparison (open access), in The World Politics of Social Investment (volume I) : Welfare States in the Knowledge Economy, Oxford University Press, 2022.
    • Bruno Palier, Julian L. Garritzmann, Silja Häusermann, and Francesco Fioritto, How Democracies Transform Their Welfare States: The Reform Trajectories and Political Coalitions of Inclusive, Stratified and Targeted Social Investment Strategies in Capitalist Democracies (open access), in The World Politics of Social Investment (volume II) : The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies, Oxford University Press, 2022.
  • Garritzmann, J. L., Häusermann, S., Palier, B. (2022). Social investments in the knowledge economy: The politics of inclusive, stratified, and targeted reforms across the globe. Social Policy & Administration 57 (1). https://doi.org/10.1111/spol.12874
  • Golden, D., Erne, R. (2022) Ryanair pilots: Unlikely pioneers of transnational collective action. European Journal of Industrial Relations 28 (4): 451-469. Full text: https://doi.org/10.1177/09596801221094740
  • Martinez-Martínez, O., Ramírez-López, A., Velázquez Leyer, R. (2022). Food Well-Being in Older Adults: Effects of a Universal Non-contributory Pension in Mexico. Social Indicators Research, 160(2-3): 523-539. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11205-020-02329-4
  • Nakray, K., Yi, Z., Clammer, J., Zhang, W. (eds.) (2022). Social and Economic Transitions in China and India. Welfare and Policy Changes. Palgrave Macmillan Singapore. open access: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-19-6124-3
  • Schoyen, M., Hvinden, B., Dotterud Leiren, M. (eds.) (2022). Towards Sustainable Welfare States in Europe: Social Policy and Climate Change. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781839104633
  • Szabó, I. G., Golden, D. Erne, R. (2022) Why Do some Labour Alliances Succeed in Politicizing Europe Across Borders? A Comparison of the Right2Water and Fair Transport European Citizens' Initiatives. Journal of Common Market Studies, 60 (3): 634-652. Full text https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9299583/
  • Velázquez Leyer, R. (2022). La política de salud y el impacto desigual de la pandemia de Covid-19. Este País. https://estepais.com/tendencias_y_opiniones/politica-salud-pandemia/
  • Velázquez Leyer, R. (2022). Las causas del reciente deterioro de los servicios públicos de salud. IBERO. Revista de la Universidad Iberoamericana, 13 (78): 30-35. http://revistas.ibero.mx/ibero/uploads/volumenes/64/pdf/las-causas-del-reciente-deterioro-de-los-servicios-publicos-de-salud-ricardo-velazquez-leyer.pdf
  • Velázquez Leyer, R. (2022). Los efectos de la austeridad en la respuesta del gobierno mexicano a la pandemia de Covid-19. Este País. https://estepais.com/tendencias_y_opiniones/efectos-austeridad-pandemia/
  • Velázquez Leyer, R. (2022). Review of Handbook on social protection systems by Esther Schüring and Markus Loewe (Eds.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar’. Social Policy and Administration. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/spol.12835
  • Yörük, E. (2022). The Politics of the Welfare State in Turkey How Social Movements and Elite Competition Created a Welfare State. University of Michigan Press. https://www.press.umich.edu/11429032/politics_of_the_welfare_state_in_turkey

2021 (alphabetical)

2020 (alphabetical)

  • Akram, Owasim (2020) "Generational Bargain, Transfer of Disadvantages and Extreme Poverty: A Qualitative Enquiry from Bangladesh" Why do the poor stay poor? And, crucially, why are their children likely to be poor and end up poor later in life? Based on a qualitative panel dataset from Bangladesh, this article extends our understanding on how inter and intra-generational bargains generate extreme poverty and implicate an extreme poor future. open access: Springer Link
  • Aldunce Ide, P., González Marello, M.P., Lampis, A., Pardo Buendía, M., Poats, S.V., Postigo, J.C., Rosas, A., Sapians Arrue, R., Ugarte Caviedas Ana Maria, Yáñez Fuenzalida, N. (2020). Capítulo 2 – ‘Sociedad, gobernanza, desigualdad y adaptación’. En Moreno Rodríguez, J.M. (Coord.). Adaptación frente a los Riesgos del Cambio Climático en los Países RIOCC (Red Iberoamericana de Oficinas de Cambio Climático). Madrid: McGraw-Hill.
  • Bozorgmehr K, Saint VA, Kaasch A, Stuckler D, Kentikelenis A. (2020) COVID and the convergence of three crises in Europe. The Lancet Public Health
  • Budowski, Monica and Daniel Künzler (2020, eds.) Thematic issue "Universalism" or Universalisms" in Social Policies?  Social Inclusion, Volume 8, Issue 1
  • Canil, K., Lampis, A. e dos Santos, K. (2020). Vulnerabilidade  e a construção social do risco: Uma contribuição para o planejamento na Macrometropole Paulista’. Cadernos Metrópole Vol. 22, Nº.48: 397-416, maio/agosto.
  • Cook, S., Kaasch, A., & Zwi, A. (2020).Forum Introduction: 'Moving the UHC agenda forward without waiting for the next health crisis' .Global Social Policy, 20(2), 215-219.
  • Dorlach, Tim (2020). Business Interests, Conservative Economists, and the Expansion of Noncontributory Pensions in Latin America. Politics & Society
  • Dorlach, Tim (2020), "The Causes of Welfare State Expansion in Democratic Middle‐Income Countries: A Literature Review”, Social Policy & Administration
  • Erazo Acosta, Eduardo (2020) Book chapter “Alli Kawsay: Epistemology and Political Practice in the Territories, a Possibility from the Andean Pluriverse for Ecological Justice and the Care of Mother Nature” In Book: The Palgrave Handbook of Climate Resilient Societies
  • Fossati., F.; Wilson, A. and Bonoli, G. (2020, forthcoming) “What signals do employers use when hiring apprentices?” Evidence from a survey experiment,  European Sociological Review
  • Fossati, F. and Trein, P. (2020, forthcoming) “Cobbler stick to your last? Social democrats’ electoral returns from labour market policy”,  Journal of Social Policy
  • Gough, Ian (2020) In times of climate breakdown, how do we value what matters?The coronavirus has shown us who the key workers are. We need a new theory of value if we are to face an even bigger threat. Open Democracy
  • Hassel, Anke, Palier, Bruno, Growth and Welfare in Advanced Capitalist Economies, How Have Growth Regimes Evolved? Oxford University Press
  • Formation, Equality, and the Welfare State, Anne Wren
  • Kaasch, A. (2020). Global Social Governance and Health Protection for Forced Migrants. In K. Bozorgmehr, B. Roberts, O. Razum, & L. Biddle (Eds.), Health Policy and Systems Responses to Forced Migration (pp. 235-246). Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Knotz C, Fossati F, Scalise G, Hooijer G. The roles of employers and trade unions in immigration and welfare state policymaking. Special Issue, Journal of European Social Policy
  • Koch, Max and Buch-Hansen, Hubert (2020) ‘In search of a political economy of the postgrowth era’.Globalizations
  • Koch, Max (2020) ‘Structure, action and change: a Bourdieusian perspective on the preconditions for a degrowth transition’. Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy, 16:1, 4-14:
  • Koehler, Gabriele, Kühner, Stefan, Neff, Daniel. Social Policy Development and Its Obstacles: An Analysis of the South Asian Welfare Geography During and After the ‘Social Turn’. Contribution to the Handbook of Development Policy, H. Zafarullah and A. S. Huque (Eds.) Edward Elgar Publishers. Forthcoming 2021
  • Krayter, S. & N. Reibling (2020): Medicalisation and psychologisation of poverty? An analysis of the scientific poverty discourse from 1956 to 2017.Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, forthcoming.
  • Laenen, T. (2020). Welfare Deservingness and Welfare Policy. Popular Deservingness and their Interaction with Welfare State Policies. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. Link: promotion video on YouTube.
  • Laenen, T., Meuleman, B., & van Oorschot, W. (2020). Welfare State Legitimacy in Times of Crisis and Austerity: Between Continuity and Change.Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. Link: promotion video on YouTube.
  • Lampis, A., Campello, Torres, P., Jacobi, P.R. & Leonel, A.L. (2020). ‘A produção de riscos e desastres na América Latina em um contexto de emergência climática’.O Social em Questão, Vol. 48: 75-92.
  • Lampis, A. (2020). ‘Colombian Sociology’, in Bobas, G. and Keskin, T. (Eds.). Sociology in the Global South. Istanbul: Anasayfa.
  • Lampis, A. (2020) ‘¿Haciendo Investigación aplicada o aplicando Investigación? Experiencias autoetnográficas en el campo de la adaptación al Cambio Climático’. En Carrión Hurtado, A. y Cuvi, M. (Org.) Investigación Aplicada al Cambio Climático y Ciudades. Quito: FLACSO Ecuador.
  • Leiblfinger, M., Prieler, V., Schwiter, K., Steiner, J., Benazha, A., and Lutz, H. (2020).Impact of COVID-19 policy responses on live-in care workers in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. Journal of Long-Term Care, forthcoming. Journal-Link: https://journal.ilpnetwork.org/
  • Leisering, Lutz (2020) “The Calls for Universal Social Protection by International Organizations: Constructing a New Global Consensus”. Social Inclusion 8 (1), 90–102
  • Maron, Asa (2020)  Austerity Beyond Crisis: Economists and the Institution of Austere Social Spending for At-Risk Children in Israel. Journal of Social Policy, 1-20
  • Marston, Greg; Humpage, Louise; Mendes, Philip; Bielefeld, Shelley and colleagues: Conditional Welfare: A Comparative Case Study of Income Management Policies
  • Nébié, G., C. Emeka-Anuna, F. Fofana N'Zu, and E. Delamonica, editors, (2020) Child Poverty and Social Protection in Central and Western Africa, Stuttgart: Ibidem Press.
  • Niedzwicki, Sara (2020) Uneven Social Policies. The Politics of Subnational Variation in Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Saraceno, C., Benassi, D., Morlicchio, E. (2020), Poverty in Italy. Features and drivers in a European perspective, Bristol, Policy Press https://policy.bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/poverty-in-italy
  • Steiner, J., Prieler, V., Leiblfinger, M., and Benazha, A. (2020).Truly legal!? Legal framing and legality narratives in live-in care in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. In: Katona, N. and Melegh, A. (eds.), Towards a scarcity of care? Tensions and contradictions in transnational elderly care systems in central and eastern Europe. Budapest: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 69–91. Open Access.

Major Study on Social Cash Transfers across the Global South completed

The research project FLOOR-B on social cash transfers in the global South, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) is drawing to a close after years of research in a team of researchers. Please find the data base, background information and outcomes of the project at www.floorcash.org. The research team is happy about any exchanges with colleagues who work in the field (contact: lutz.leisering@uni-bielefeld.de).


The Global Welfare Dataset (GLOW) (glow.ku.edu.tr) is a cross-national panel dataset that aims at facilitating comparative social policy research on the Global North and Global South. GLOW is an outcome of a comparative welfare politics research project, "Emerging Welfare," funded by the European Research Council (emw.ku.edu.tr) and based in Koç University in Istanbul.

You can find more information on GLOW and the EMW Project in the following Youtube videos:



The GLOW dataset includes 381 variables on 61 countries from the years between 1989 and 2015. It covers comparable panel data on both Global North and South as we have compiled data from a large number of international and domestic sources, conducted compatibility checks, and standardized the data. GLOW provides comparable cross-national data on social assistance, as we applied the same methodology of the World Bank's ASPIRE dataset in order to build comparable indicators across developed and developing countries. We have also extracted employee and employer contributions from SSA reports for all case countries.

In addition to welfare policy indicators, GLOW covers three other main categories of data, namely development, economy, and politics. As such, it provides panel data not only for social policy scholars but for sociologists, economists, and political scientists, and other social scientists. Researchers will find a wide range of standardized panel data that can serve as independent, dependent, or control variables in their quantitative analyses. GLOW also provides visualizations of welfare policy indicators across time and geography, and scholars can use it for descriptive purposes, as well.

We very much hope that GLOW will contribute to the scholarly efforts to reach a global theory of welfare states and welfare regimes. It is an outcome of a collective three-year-long effort of the large team of international researchers of the Emerging Welfare project. I want to thank my colleagues for their effort in the creation of this dataset, and I hope that GLOW will be a useful source of comparative welfare policy research. I will appreciate it if you can spread the word in your circles and if you can send us any feedbacks on GLOW, as well.

Best wishes

Erdem Yörük

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Koç University
Associate Member, Department of Social Policy and Intervention, University of Oxford
PI, Emerging Welfare ERC Project

2019 (alphabetical)

  • Adua, Lazarus and Lobao, Linda (2019) ‚ The Growth Machine Across the United States: Business Actors’ Influence on Communities’ Economic Development and Limited-Government Austerity Policies”  City and Community 18: 462-482
  • Auer, D., Bonoli, G., Fossati, F., and Liechti, F. (2019) "The matching hierarchies. Evidence from a survey experiment on employers’ hiring intent regarding immigrant applicants", International Migration Review, 53(1): 90-121
  • Auer, D. and Fossati, F. (2019) „The absent rewards of assimilation: how ethnic penalties persist in the Swiss Labour Market“, Journal of Economic Inequality, 17(2): 285-299.
  • Auer, D. and Fossati, F. (2019, forthcoming) “Compensation or Competition: Bias in Immigrants’ Access to Active Labour Market Measures”, Social Policy and Administration.
  • Aulenbacher, Brigitte, Atzmüller, Roland, Brand, Ulrich, Décieux, Fabienne, Fischer, Karin, Sauer, Birgit (eds.) (2019) „ Capitalism Transformation. Movements and Countermovements in the 21st Century“ Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
  • Bernhard, B.; Fossati,F.; Hänggli, R.; and Kriesi, H. (eds.) (2019) Debating Unemployment Policy: Political Communication and the Labour Market in Western Europe. Cambridge University Press.
  • Briguglio, Michael and Caruana, Christabelle (2018) 'Why do men join the men's rights movement in Malta', Interface - A journal for and about social movements, 10 (1-2): pp 279-296
  • Briguglio, Michael (2019) WASP (Write a Scientific Paper): Discourse Analysis, Early Human Development, a peer-reviewed journal published by Elsevier, Netherlands (Science Direct). 133: pp 62-64
  • Buch-Hansen, H. & Koch, M. (2019).Degrowth through Income and Weath Caps?. Ecological Economics (online).
  • Eiró, Flavio (2019). The Vicious Cycle in the Bolsa Família Program’s Implementation: Discretionality and the Challenge of Social Rights Consolidation in Brazil, Qualitative Sociology 42 (3): 385–409.
  • Fritz, Martin and Koch, Max (2019) 'Public Support for Sustainable Welfare Compared: Links between Attitudes towards Climate and Welfare Policies',  Sustainability 11 (15): 4146 (online)
  • Gough, Ian (2019) Universal Basic Services: “A Theoretical and Moral Framework“ Political Quarterly, 90 (3). 534 - 542
  • Gough, Ian (2019) “Necessities and luxuries: how to combine redistribution with sustainable consumption“.In: Meadowcroft, James, Banister, David, Holden, Erling, Langhelle, Oluf, Linnerud, Kristin and Gilpin, Geoffrey, (eds.) “What Next for Sustainable Development?: Our Common Future at Thirty”. Social and Political Science 2019. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 138-158.
  • Gough, Ian "Heat, Greed and Human Need: Climate Change, Capitalism and Sustainable Wellbeing" (2017). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
  • Gough, Ian, LSE,  'Universal basic services: A theoretical and moral framework' in Political Quarterly, 2019.
  • Harris, Joseph. 2019. “The Politics of Expanding Healthcare Access to the Poor and Informal Sectors.” Sociological Forum. 34(4).
  • Koch, Max (2019) The State in the Transformation to a Sustainable Postgrowth Economy, Environmental Politics
  • Koch, M. (2019). Elements of a Political Economy of the Postgrowth Era. Real-World Economics Review, 87, pp. 90-105.
  • Köhler, Gabriele and Dhakal, Thakur Moving towards a shock responsive and resilient social protection system; A roadmap for Nepal. Paper prepared for the 5th International Symposium on Asian Development Studies Kathmandu, Nepal. 23-24 October 2019.
  • Köhler, Gabriele and Namala, Annie and Gabriele Köhler,  "Transformations necessary to leave no one behind. Social exclusion in South Asia". pp. 313 to 352. "The politics of social inclusion. Bridging knowledge and policies towards social change." Gabriele Koehler, Alberto Cimadamore, Fadia Kiwan, Pedro Monreal Gonzalez (eds.) CROP/UNESCO-MOST. Columbia University Press.
  • Kuhnle, Stein/ Jing, Tian-kui/ Pan, Yi/Chen, Sheying (eds) (2019): Aging Welfare and Social Policy. Springer Verlag, Berlin
  • Kuhnle, Stein/ Selle, Per/ Hort, Sven E.O. (eds) (2019): Globalizing Welfare. An Evolving Asian-European Dialogue. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
  • Leisering, Lutz (2019) “Social Cash Transfers in the Global South: Individualizing Poverty Policies”. In: Bent Greve (ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Poverty. London: Routledge, 317-327
  • London, Jonathan D. (2019), “Great Transformations: Marketizing East Asia“,The world-scale expansion and deepening of markets and market relations rank among the most transformative developments of our times. We can refer to these processes by way of a generic if inelegant […] Global Dialogue, Vol. 9, Issue 3
  • Noy, Shiri "Banking on Health: The World Bank and Health Sector Reform". Palgrave Macmillan
  • Palier, Bruno (2019).Work, social protection and the middle class in the digital era International Social Security Review, 72 (3): 113-133
  • Saikkonen, Paula, Hänninen, Sakari, Lehtelä, Kirsi-Marja (2019) "The Relational Nordic Welfare State: between ideology and utopia" Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
  • Yörük, Erdem, Öker, Ibrahim and Sarlak, Lara (2019), “Indigenous unrest and the contentious politics of social assistance in Mexico”, Science Direct, Vol. 123
  • Yörük, Erdem, Powell, Martin and Bargu, Ali (2019) “Thirty years of theThree Worlds of Welfare Capitalism: A review of reviews“, Wiley Online Library
  • Yörük, Erdem, Öker, Ibrahim, Yildirim, Kerem and Yakut-Cakar, Burcu (2019), “The Variable Selection Problem in the Three Worlds of Welfare Literature“, Springer Professional
  • Yörük, E., Öker, I., Yildrim, K., Yakut-Çakar, B. (2019).The Variable Selection Problem in the Three Worlds of Welfare Literature.Social Indicators Research, pp.1-22.

2018 (alphabetical)

  • Auer, D., Bonoli, G., Fossati, F. (forthcoming). The Matching Hierarchies Model: Evidence from a Survey Experiment on Employers' Hiring Intent Regarding Immigrant Applicants. International Migration Review, Online First.
  • Bonoli, G. & Fossati, F. (forthcoming). More than noise? Explaining instances ofminority preference in correspondence studies of recruitment. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
  • Böger, T. &  Leisering, L. (2018) A new pathway to universalism? Explaining the spread of ‘social’ pensions in the global South, 1967–2011. Journal of International Relations and Development .
  • Böger, T. & Öktem, K. (2018) Levels or worlds of welfare? Assessing social rights and social stratification in Northern and Southern countries.Social Policy and Administration.
  • Brady, M. (2018).Targeting single mothers? Dynamics of contracting Australian employment services and activation policies at the street level. Journal of Social Policy, 44 (1), pp. 1-19.
  • Büchs, M. & Koch, M. (2018). Challenges for the Degrowth Transition: The Debate about Wellbeing. Futures (Online).
  • Ebbinghaus, B. & Naumann, E. (Eds.) (2018). Welfare State Reforms Seen from Below: Comparing Public Attitudes and Organized Interests in Britain and Germany . London: Springer Online.
  • Eggers, T., Grages, C., Pfau-Effinger, B., Och, R. (2018).Re-conceptualising the relationship between de-familiali-sation and familialisation and the implications for gender equality – the case of long-term care policies for older people.Ageing & Society, pp. 1–27.
  • Eiró, F. (2018). Anti-poverty Programs and Vote-Buying Strategies. In: Kubbe I., Engelbert A. (eds),Corruption and Norms: Political Corruption and Governance. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Fossati, F. (2018). How regimes shape preferences. A study of political actors’ labour market policy preferences in flexicurity and dualizing countries. Socio-Economic Review, 16 (3), pp. 523-544. 
  • Holtmann, D. (2018).43 Country Case Studies on the Performance of Politic, Economy and Society.Achen: Shaker Verlag
  • Huber, E., Niedzwieck, S. (2018). Changing ystems of Social Protection in the Context of the Changing Political Economies since the 1980s.  Ciência e Saúde Coletiva, 27 (7), pp. 2085-2094.
  • Koch, M. (2018). The Naturalization of Growth: Marx, the Regulation Approach and Bourdieu.Environmental Values, 27 (1), pp. 9-27.
  • Leisering, L. (2018). The Global Rise of Social Cash Transfers. How States and International Organizations Constructed a New Instrument for Combating Poverty. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Manow, P., Palier, B. & Schwander, H. (Eds.) (2018). Welfare Democracies and Party Politics. Explaining Electoral Dynamics in Times of Changing Welfare Capitalism: Oxford University Press.
  • Shaver, S. (Ed.). (forthcoming). Handbook on Gender and Social Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Taylor-Gooby, P. & Leruth, B. (Eds.) (2018).Attitudes, Aspirations and Welfare: Social Policy Directions in Uncertain Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • You Yenn, T. (2018).This is What Inequality Looks Like.Singapore: Ethos Books.

2017 (alphabetical)

  • Adamson, E. (2017): Nannies, migration and early childhood education and care: An international comparison of in-home childcare policy and practice. Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Andersen, JG., Schoyen, MA. and Hvinden, B. (2017). Changing Scandinavian Welfare States - Which Way Forward? In: Taylor-Gooby, P., Leruth, B., and Chung, H. (eds), After Austerity: Welfare State Transformation in Europe after the Great Recession, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Berten, J., Leisering, L. (2017): Protecting injured workers. How global ideas of industrial accident insurance travelled to China. Journal of Chinese Governance 2 (1), 106-123. 
  • Berten,J., Leisering, L. (2017): Social policy by numbers. How international organisations construct global policy proposals. International Journal of Social Welfare, 26 (Early View).
  • Buchs, M., & Koch, M. (2017): Postgrowth and Wellbeing. Challenges to Sustainable Welfare. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Blank, R. H., Burau, V. and Kuhlmann, E. (2017). Comparative Health Policy, fifth edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
  • Dencker-Larsen, S. (2017). Measuring Employability for Disadvantaged Unemployed People? Evidence from Survey and Register Data. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 7(3).
  • Garritzmann, J., Häusermann, S., Palier, B., Zollinger, C. (March 2017): WoPSI- The World Politics of Social Investment: An international research project to explain variance in social investment agendas and social investment reforms across countries and world regions, LIEPP Working Paper n°64.
  • Gough, I. (2017). Heat, Greed and Human Need: Climate Change, Capitalism and Sustainable Wellbeing. Edward Elgar Publishing. (A video podcast of the book launch can be seen here)
  • Halvorsen, R., Hvinden, B., Bickenbach, J., Ferri, D. & Guillén Rodriguez, A.M. (Eds) (2017). The Changing Disability Policy System. Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe Volume 1. Routledge.
  • Haarmann, A. (2018). The Evolution and Everyday Practice of Collective Patient Involvement in Europe. Cham: Springer International Publishing
  • Harris, J. (2017). Achieving Access: Professional Movements and the Politics of Health Universalism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  • Holtmann, D. (2017): The wealth and welfare of nations in change. Prosperity versus environmental sustainability, Innovation versus social security, equality of participation versus womenfriendliness and migrant-friendliness, social integration versus autonomy in international comparison. Shaker verlag.
  • Jakobsson, N., Muttarak, R. & Schoyen, MA. (2017): Dividing the pie in the eco-social state: Exploring the relationship between public support for environmental and welfare policies. Environment and Planning C:Politics and Space 1 June 2017.
  • Klimczuk, Andrzej (2017): Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume II: Putting Theory into Practice. Palgrave Macmillan US.
  • Koch, M., Buch-Hansen, H., & Fritz, M. (2017): 'Shifting Priorities in Degrowth Research: An Argument for the Centrality of Human Needs', Ecological Economics 138: 74-81.
  • Lüscher, K. et al. (2017). Generationen, Generationenbeziehungen, Generationenpolitik. Ein mehrsprachiges Kompendium.
  • Maron, A. &  Shalev, M. (eds.) (2017): Neoliberalism as a State Project: Changing the Political Economy of Israel. Oxford University Press.
  • Niedzwiecki, S., Nunnally, D. (2017). Mixed-Methods Research in the Study of Welfare States. PS: Political Science & Politics, 50 (4), pp. 1028-1031.
  • Niedzwiecki, S., Pribble, J. (2017). Social Policies and Center-Right Governments in Argentina and Chile. Latin American Politics & Society, 59 (3), pp. 72–97.
  • Noy, S. & Sprague-Jones, J. (2017). Comparative dynamics in public health spending: Re-conceptualizing delta-convergence to examine how convergence occurs in the OECD and Latin America. International Journal of Comparative Sociology Online First, 57 (6), pp.425-448.
  • Noy, S. (2017). Healthy Targets? World Bank Projects and Targeted Health Programmes and Policies in Peru, Argentina, and Costa Rica, 1980-2005. Oxford Development Studies Online First, July 12, 2017.
  • Noy, S. (2017). Banking on Health: The World Bank and Health Sector Reform in Latin America. London: Palgrave Macmillan.  
  • Patel, L. & Ulriksen, M.S. (Eds.) (2017).Development, Social Policy and Community Action: Lessons from below. HSRC Press.
  • Potůček, M. et al. (2017). Public Policy. Prague: Karolinum Press.
  • Reibling, N., Beckfield, J., Huijts, T., Schmidt-Catran, A., Thomson, K. & C. Wendt (2017). Depressed During the Depression: Has the Economic Crisis Affected Mental Health Inequailties in Europe? Findings from the European Social Survey (2014) Special Module on the Determinants of Health. European Journal of Public Health 27(suppl_1): 47-54.
  • Tomczyk, Ł. & Klimczuk, A. (Eds.) (2017).   Selected Contemporary Challenges of Ageing Policy . Kraków: Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie.
  • Taylor-Gooby, P., Leruth, B. & Chung, H. (eds.) (2017): After Austerity: Welfare Transformation in Europe after the Great Recession. Oxford University Press.
  • van Oorschot, W., Roosma, F., Meuleman, B. & Reeskens, T. (Eds.) (2017). The Social Legitimacy of Targeted Welfare: Attitudes to Welfare Deservingness. Edward Elgar Publishing.

2016 (alphabetical)

  • Adua, Lazarus &  Lobao, Linda. (2016): “Business Attraction and Redistribution by U.S. Local Governments: To What Extent Is There a Zero-Sum Relationship Between Business and Citizen’s Interests?”  State and Local Government Review, 47 (4), 223-239. DOI:10.1177/0160323X15624743
  • Adamson, E. & Brennan, D. (2016): Return of the nanny: Public policy towards in-home childcare in the UK, Canada and Australia’, Social Policy & Administration (Published online September 2016). DOI: 10.1111/spol.12250
  • Blaikie, Norman & Priest Jan (2016): Social Research: paradigms in action. Polity
  • Briguglio, M. & Brown, M. (Editors) (2016): Sociology of the Maltese Islands, Malta. Miller Publications.
  • Dencker-Larsen, S. &  Lundberg, K.G. (2016): Depicted welfare-recipient stereotypes in Norway and Denmark: A photo-elicitation studyNordic Journal of Social Research. Vol 7.
  • Fenwick, T.B. (2016): Avoiding governors. Federalism, Democracy, and Poverty Alleviation in Brazil and Argentina. University of Notre Dame Press.
  • Fenwick, Tracy Beck (2016): Avoiding Governors Federalism, Democracy, and Poverty Alleviation in Brazil and Argentina. University of Notre Dame Press.
  • Fritz, M. and Koch, M. (2016): Economic Development and Prosperity Patterns around the World: Structural Challenges for a Global Steady-State Economy. Global Environmental Change, 38 (May), pp. 41-48.
  • Gomes, Cristina (2016): Discriminação e racismo nas Américas: um problema de justiça, equidade e direitos humanos. CRV Editors, Parana, Brasil. ISBN: 978-85-444-1214-5.
  • Halvorsen, Rune & Hvinden, Bjørn (2016): Combating Poverty in Europe. Active Inclusion in a Multi-Level and Multi-Actor Context. Elgar Online.
  • Koch, Max (2016): The Role of the State in Employment and Welfare Regulation. Sweden in the European Context. International Review of Social History ,61: 243-262.              DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859016000419
  • Koch, M., Gullberg, AT, Schoyen, M. Hvinden, B. (2016): Sustainable Welfare in the EU: Promoting Synergies in Climate and Social Policies, Critical Social Policy.
  • Koch, Max and Mont, Oksana (eds) (2016): Sustainability and the Political Economy of Welfare, London: Routledge (Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics series).
  • Kozlowska, I., Béland, D., Lecours, A. (2016): Nationalism, religion, and abortion policy in four Catholic societies. Nations and Nationalism, XX(X), pp. 1-21. DOI: 10.1111/nana.12157
  •   Martínez Franzoni, Juliana and Sanchez-Ancochea, Diego. (2016): The Quest for Universal Social Policy in the South: Actors, Ideas and Architechtures. Cambridge University Press. 
  • Martinek, Hanne. (2016): Mothers' Social Citizenship. The logics and effects of the German and Swedish welfare states, Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.
  • Morel, N., Touzet,C, Zemmour, M. (2016): Fiscal Welfare and Welfare State Reform: A research Agenda, LIEPP Working Paper n°45.
  • Noy, Shiri and Koen Voorend. (2016): Social Rights and Migrant Realities: Migration Policy Reform and Migrants' Access to Health Care in Costa Rica, Argentina, and Chile. Journal of International Migration and Integration 17(2), pp. 605-629.
  • Pavolini, E. and Kuhlman, E.(2016): Health workforce development in Europe: a matrix for comparing trajectories of change in the professions. Health Policy, 120(3). pp.227-344. DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2016.03.002
  • Pontusson, J., Weisstanner, D. (November 2016): The Political Economy of Conmpensatory Redistribution, LIEPP Working Paper n°59.
  • Ringen, Stein (2016): The Perfect Dictatorship: China in the 21st Century. Hong Kong University Press.
  • Schubert, Klaus/ de Villota, Paloma/ Kuhlmann, Johanna (eds.) (2016): Challenges to European Welfare Systems. Springer.
  • Teo, Y. (2016): Not everyone has ‘maids’: class differentials in the elusive quest for work-life balance. Gender, Place & Culture, pp. 1-15. DOI:  10.1080/0966369X.2015.1136810
  • Trampusch, Christine/ Palier, Bruno (2016): Between X and Y: how process tracing contributes to opening the black box of causality. In: New Political Economy, pp. 1-18.

2015 (alphabetical)

  • Béland, Daniel/ Daigneault, Pierre-Marc (eds.) (2015): Welfare Reform in Canada: Provincial Social Assistance in Comparative Perspective. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • Carbonnier, Clément/ Morel, Nathalie (eds.) (2015): The Political Economy of Household Services in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Fenwick, Tray Beck (2015): Avoiding Governors. Federalism, Democracy, and Poverty Alleviation in Brazil and Argentina. University of Notre Dame Press.
  • Ferragina, Emanuele (December 2015): A Matter of Size and Generosity: Assesing the Compley Relation between the Welfare State and Social Capital, LIEPP Working Paper n°43.
  • Gazso, Amber/ McDaniel, Susan/ Waldron, Ingrid (2015): Networks of Social Support to Manage Poverty: More Changeable than Durable. Journal of Poverty.
  • Kaasch, A. /Martens, K. (eds) (2015): Actors and Agency in Global Social Governance. Oxford University Press.
  • Kaasch, A. (2015): Shaping Global Health Policy. Global Social Policy Actors and Ideas about Health Care Systems. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Klenk, Tanja/ Pavolini, Emmanuele (eds.) (2015): Restructuring Welfare Governance. Marketisation, Managerialism and Welfare State Professionalism. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Koch, M. (2015):  Climate Change, Capitalism and Degrowth Trajectories to a Global Steady-State Economy. International Critical Thought, 5(4) (December), pp. 439-452.
  • Kuhlmann, E./ Batenburg, R./ Dussault, G. (eds.) (2015): Guest Editorial. Health workforce governance in Europe: Where are we going?  Health Policy, 119 (12).
  • Lin, Ka/ Zhang, Jiahua (2015): Social Policy and the Society-building Process. The Experience from the Nordic Countries. China Renmin University Press. (In Chinese)
  • Liu, Lichun W./ McDaniel, Susan A. (2015): Family Caregiving for Immigrant Seniors Living With Heart Disease and Stroke: Chinese Canadian Perspective. Health care for women international, 36(12), pp. 1327-1345. DOI: 10.1080/07399332.2015.1038346
  • McDaniel, Susan A. (2015): Ageing in Precarious Times. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 52(1), pp. 57-74.
  • McDaniel, Susan A./ Wong, Lloyd/ Watt, Bonita (2015): Aging Workforce and the Future Labour Market in Canada. Canadian Public Policy – Analyse de politiques, 41(2), pp. 97-108.  
  • McDaniel, Susan A./ Seong-gee Um (2015): States and Markets: Sociology of Public Policy in Canada. Canada: Oxford University Press.
  • Meagher, Gabrielle/ Lundström, Tommy/ Sallnäs, Marie/ Wiklund, Stefan (2015): Big business in a thin market: Understanding the privatization of residential care for children and youth in Sweden. In: Social Policy & Administration, DOI: 10.1111/spol.12172
  • Noy, Shiri. 2015. “The Washington Consensus and Social Policy: World Bank Projects and Health Sector Reform in Costa Rica.” Latin American Policy 26(2): 182-204.
  • Noy, Shiri and Patricia A. McManus. 2015. "Modernization, Globalization, Trends, and Convergence in Health Expenditure in Latin America and the Caribbean." Sociology of Development 1(2): 321-346.
  • The second expert group for evaluation of the adequacy of basic social security (2015): Adequacy of basic social security in Finland 2011–2015. Kela Research Department. Working papers 80/2015. 143 pages. Helsinki 2015. ISSN 2323-9239.
  • Torbenfeldt, Tea/ Frederiksen, Morten/ Larsen, Jørgen Elm (eds.) (2015): The Danish Welfare State. A Sociological Investigation.  Palgrave Macmillan.

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