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David Timothy Barber

David Timothy Barber


+49 521 106-4148
UHG V7-109

Legal advice

The Communities of Practice in the BiLinked project can take advantage of dedicated legal advice as part of the implementation of their content. The focus lies on copyright requirements of publishing and licensing teaching/learning materials, research as well as project results. In addition, legal advice is provided on the implementation of online examination formats. All information on these topics are communicated to staff and students.

By providing legal support for the project, it is possible to work early and preventively towards a legally secure realization of the project goals, without unforeseen legal hurdles arising later due to legal circumstances in the digital space. By highlighting and raising awareness of typical problem areas, the legal awareness of project participants is sustainably strengthened, for example in the creation of "open educational resources" (OER), the legal protection of research data or the handling of social media. In particular with regard to OER, there is close cooperation with the coordination (Frank Homp) from the Centre for Teaching and Learning [ZLL].

To get started with the relevant topics, Bielefeld University already provides some information on copyright and data protection in the Portal for Digital Teaching portal. Further information and handouts on legal issues in teaching will be developed and made available as needed in the course of the BiLinked project.

  • Legally compliant realization of the project goals (teaching, conception and publication of teaching/learning materials in the digital space).
  • Strengthening the awareness of legal requirements for the realization of the project goals
  • Transferring knowledge about different legal licensing models for the publication of open teaching/learning materials (Open Educational Resources - OER)
  • Compilation of legal challenges in the project context in order to identify typical legal issues
  • Explanation and advice on typical legal requirements based on practical cases of project participants

  • Analysis of requirements on legal issues of the four communities of practice in the project context

  • Identification of key topics and provision of information through handouts and presentations

  • Expansion and specification of the existing collection of contract forms in the legal department to systematize requests for legal advice

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