As Bielefeld University's Institute for Advanced Study, ZiF supports interdisciplinary and innovative research projects. ZiF is an independent, thematically open research institution, open to scholars and scientists of all countries and all disciplines.
You can find information on all of our funding opportunities, ranging from the main format "Research in Groups", to the postdoc network "Das Junge ZiF" and the Workshop format, on the subsequent pages.
ZiF's central funding format is open to scholars from all disciplines post-PhD, based in Germany and abroad. We encourage the respective members of the international scientific communities to propose a research project to be conducted with a curated group of (preferably) international colleagues. If their collaborative application is successful, ZiF will host the group on its campus, offering ideal working conditions. We offer three group formats: Visiting, Resident and Long-Term Groups.
The "Workshop" format provides a funding opportunity for any kind of academic event, ranging from smaller gatherings that encourage intensive exchange (e.g. colloquia) to larger meetings (e.g. conferences) that discuss topics and questions in a broader interdisciplinary framework.
Duration: up to 14 days
Funding Amount: up to 15,000 EUR
In addition to its scientific endeavours and focus, ZiF promotes artistic perspectives and interventions and organises art exhibitions as well as performances on its premises. The goal of this line of funding is to intensify the dialogue between science and the arts.
On the recommendation of the Art Committee, ZiF invites artists to organise an exhibition or live and work at ZiF for three months as Artists in Residence (AiR). AiR are expected to connect with research groups and can initiate discourses themselves.
We are grateful that the Universitätsgesellschaft Bielefeld supports these efforts.
Art and ScienceZiF Summer Schools are intended to offer selected early career researchers (doctoral students and postdocs) new insights that are important to the future development of a research field. Summer Schools intensify contacts among leading experts and early career researchers and serve to create international and interdisciplinary networks. ZiF usually offers a slot for one Summer School per year in August or September. Only scholars from Bielefeld University can apply as convenors for this format.
Duration: 8 to 14 days
Funding Amount: up to EUR 15,000
Application: Link to the Application Guidelines in English / in German (PDF)
For academic purposes, it is possible for members of Bielefeld University to book the ZiF facilities for events not funded and organised by ZiF.
For detailed information see our booking guidelines and the application form (both German).