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Application Process

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Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer

Formal Criteria

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For further questions please contact:

Dr. Daniela Noll-Opitz
Dr. Nadine Sutmöller


Send your application in one PDF file to:

Executive Director
Prof. Dr. Jens Stoye


Group Formats: Visiting Groups, Resident Groups, Long-Term Groups

Our main selection criteria for the funding format "Research in Groups" are interdisciplinarity, academic quality and originality on an international level.

Interdisciplinary research projects funded by ZiF are above all dedicated to theoretical reflection and aim at generating new insights in the disciplines involved, very much in the sense of basic research. Projects with an essential fieldwork component cannot be supported by ZiF. To support the work of groups on-site in Bielefeld, ZiF allocates financial resources and provides infrastructure as well as organisational support.

  • Applications must be submitted by a team of two to four people who also act as convenors of the group they propose. All convenors must have completed a doctorate. One of them acts as the main contact person (to be clearly labelled). The team of applicants has to represent different disciplines.
  • Size: the minimum for each group is three people
  • Composition: different disciplines must be involved; international participation is encouraged
  • We expect groups to be present at ZiF for their collaboration phases. Additional virtual participants may be involved, but must not form the majority.
  • The need for interdisciplinary collaboration must stem from the research at hand and be explained in the proposal. The mere involvement of different disciplines does not suffice.
  • A gender balance appropriate to the disciplines involved is expected.
  • Proposals will be selected competitively. Complete submissions will be reviewed externally. Upon positive assessment, applicants will be invited to an interview by ZiF’s Academic Advisory Board. The final decisions will be made by the Board of Directors.

Please check our FAQ for further questions!

Application Requirements


Cover Sheet

  • Title of the project
  • Name, affiliation, and address of all applicants; clear indication of a main contact
  • Intended timeframe 
Summary of the Project in English Up to 1,500 char., incl. spaces, approx. 1/2 a page.
Project Description (max. 25,000 char., incl. spaces, approx. 10 pages)
  • Research topic and questions
  • Objectives and anticipated output
  • Current state of research
  • Methods
  • Justification for the interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Timing of the project and work plan (overview, e.g. as a table)
  • If applicable: information on workshops and/or conferences to be held during the project
  • Composition of the group (list of participants, their discipline, affiliation, and specific ex-
    pertise for the project, status of invitation/participation) (not part of the character count)
  • Reference list (not part of the character count
Short CV of all Applicants, including latest publications relevant to the project Up to 3 pages per applicant, incl. publications; CV of participants are not part of the application.
Preliminary Budget For orientation purposes; in case a grant is made, this budget will be checked and possibly adjusted by ZiF; if the project receives third-party-funding, please indicate so in the budget.
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