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The Lush World of Random Matrices

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Universität Bielefeld/P. Ottendörfer
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Design: C. Mehl/Büro Paschetag


Jean-Philippe Bouchaud (Paris, FRA)
Valentina Ros (Paris, FRA)

Contact at ZiF

Sabine Mende

The Lush World of Random Matrices

August 2025 - December 2025

Random Matrix Theory (RMT) stands out as a unifying framework at the core of seemingly unrelated fields ranging from signal processing, theoretical ecology, economics and finance, to the theory of learning and the statistical physics of disordered classical and quantum systems. Far from being a mere set of computational tools, RMT provides deep theoretical insights and a foundational understanding of various complex systems. It is key to understand the stability or fragility of complex systems with numerous interacting agents, providing a theoretical framework to capture their responses to perturbations, that may lead to significant changes in the system’s configuration with substantial rearrangements in the state of the individual components (thus describing scenarios of crises or extinctions).
In the theory of learning, it helps describing the robustness of the solutions reached by the optimization algorithms exploited in the training of artificial neural networks, as well as in characterizing how information is progressively encoded during the training process. RMT plays also a crucial role in understanding how correlations spread in quantum systems, leading to chaotic dynamics and eventual thermalization.


Summer School

Summer School on Randomness in Physics and Mathematics

25 August – 7 September 2025


Gernot Akemann, Friedrich Götze


Benoît Collins, Laszlo Erdös, Laura Foini, Silvio Franz, Tamara Grava, Gaultier Lambert, Andrea Montanari, Ofer Zeitouni

For more information please visit:

Workshop “Random Matrix Theory for Learning and Statistical Physics”

8 – 12 September 2025

Confirmed participants:

Giulio Biroli, Mohamed El Amine Seddik, Federica Gerace, Thomas Guhr, Gaultier Lambert, Bruno Loureiro, Michael Mahoney, Antoine Maillard, Camille Male, Jean-Christophe Mourrat, Izaak Neri, Cengiz Pehlevan, Vanessa Piccolo, Marc Potters, Gabriele Sicuro, Roland Speicher, Eliran Subag, Pierfrancesco Urbani, Jiří Černý, Pragya Sur

Workshop “Random Matrix Theory for Ecology, Economics, Finance and Statistical Physics”

27 – 31 October 2025

Confirmed participants:

Sung-Soo Byun, Zdzislaw Burda, Yan Fyodorov, Thomas Guhr, Satya Majumdar, Gregory Schehr, Bhargavi Srinivasan

“Brunel-Bielefeld Workshop on Random Matrix Theory”

8 – 12 December 2025


Jean-Philippe Bouchaud

Valentina Ros


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