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  • Algae Biotechnology & Bioenergy

    © Universität Bielefeld


We offer a variety of possibilities to learn about our work and to join our group.

Each semester, we offer lectures and practical courses related to our field of research. The lectures and seminars provide theoretical background information on the biotechnological applications of microalgae, photosynthesis research and microbiology.

Our group-sized practical courses for students offer an initial opportunity to work with microalgae and to apply basic molecular biological tools and biotechological work procedures in this context.

For more experienced students, we offer individual laboratory courses for more intensive exposure to the practical aspects of our research, which can then be the basis for bachelor or master projects.

Position for postgraduates, PhD students and postdocs are available depending on third party funding.

We encourage all motivated students to register for our seminars and practical courses or contact us directly via email.

Details about our teaching activities can be found in the eKVV Catalogue below.

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