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4th - 6th of September 2025

Salamandra salamandra salamandra
© Laura Schulte

1. European Fire Salamander Meeting

EFSM2025 logo
© Laura Schulte

The 1st  European Fire Salamander Meeting 2025

We are overwhelmed by the great response we received on our survey and we are glad to invite you to the 1st European fire salamander meeting, which will take place in Bielefeld, Germany from September 4.-6.th 2025.

We don´t have to convince you that the fire salamander is a fascinating animal, but currently under threat. Therefore, we thought it is time to give this charismatic species its own meeting, to share knowledge and foster collaborations, and perhaps to develop effective strategies to safeguard this extraordinary amphibian for generations to come.

This is a great opportunity to connect with each other and share your expertise by presenting a talk or a poster. Here you find a list of already confirmed participants:

  • Guillermo Velo-Antón, University of Vigo
  • Pim Arntzen, Naturalis Biodiversity Center 
  • Sergé Bogaerts
  • Timm Reinhardt, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
  • Jeroen Speybroeck
  • María Torres-Sánchez, Complutense University of Madrid
  • Jiří Vojar, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

We hope to see many of you

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