A talk lasts 15 minutes and is followed by 3 min discussion. As a respect to the following speaker, we want to make sure that talks runs smoothly and therefore the chair will strictly time the talks.
Talks can be uploaded to the cloud prior to the meeting using the links that have been sent out to all presenters. Regardless if you have already uploaded your presentation in the cloud, we strongly advise you to bring your talk on a USB flash drive as a back-up.
It is important that presentation files are named in a systematic fashion: “presenter_date.file”. Examples: Wang_20250904.ppt or Garcia_20250906.pdf
Talks will be run on a Windows computer and the start of talks as well as transition between them will be organized by our team members. There will be no possibility of connecting your own computer to the projector. We will provide you with a wireless laser-pointer that you can use to skip through the slides during your presentation. The talks will be deleted from our computers after the end of the meeting.
Please follow the instructions below to avoid technical issues during the presentation:
When preparing your presentation, please make sure that is it accessible for everyone. Thus, please:
If you don't want the content of your presentation to be shared, please add a crossed out twitter sign to your slides to let other participants know.
Posters should be in portrait/vertical format and we recommend A0 format, which equals 84,1cm x 118,9cm. Posters can’t be bigger than 115cm x 145cm. Posters will be attached to the poster walls with pushpins, provided by us.
Poster ID’s will be communicated to poster presenters before the meeting. These numbers correspond to the location of your poster as well as the day that you will present your poster. Posters have to be hung up before 15:00 on Thursday 4th of September and will be discarded if they have not been removed by 15:00 on Saturday 6th of September.
Presenters are asked to stand next to their poster on the assigned evening.
When preparing your poster, please make sure that is it accessible for everyone: