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  • Behavioural Ecology

    Zebra finch research at Bielefeld University
    © Sarah Golüke


June 2024

Marc's defense
© Tuba Rizvi

Successful PhD defense

11.06.2024 Marc successfully defended his PhD. Congratulations! 

© Sean Gond

New PhD student

06.06.2024 Welcome to the team, Sean! 

May 2024

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper

08.05.2024 "No sex difference in preen oil chemical composition during incubation in Kentish plovers", read more here.

April 2024

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper

23.04.2024 "Smarter in the city? Lizards from urban and semi-natural habitats do not differ in a cognitive task in two syntopic species", read more here.

zebra finches
© Sarah Golücke

PhD project available

23.04.2024 Social organisation and vocal communication in wild zebra finches. Read more here.

zebra finches
© Bielefeld University, Foto: Sarah Jonek

Master thesis project available

23.04.2024 Are you looking for a master thesis project? Trade off: Investment in growth vs. sexual traits expression in zebra finch. Read more here.

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper

04.04.2024 "Performance of different automatic photographic identification software for larvae and adults of the European fire salamander", read more here.

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper

03.04.2024 "Stress response of fire salamander larvae differs between habitat types", read more here.

Marc Gilles handed in his PhD thesis
© Marc Gilles

PhD thesis handed in!

02.04.2024 Marc handed in his PhD thesis about "The role of preen oil and body odours in birds", congratulations!

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper

01.04.2024 "Tonic immobility behaviour does not differ between fire salamander larvae from ponds and streams", read more here.

February 2024

Group picture
© Barbara Caspers

Anual meeting of the Ethological Society in Münster 

21.-23.02.2024 Our group visited the annual meeting of the Ethological Society in Münster this week. 

Fire salamander workshop
© Laura Schulte

Register for our free workshop

05.02.2024 Join our free workshop “Individual identification of Fire salamanders and Yellow-bellied toads with a free and open source software” on February 24th, 2024. The workshop will take place between 1 and 3 pm (CET) via zoom. Please find the full programme here

January 2024

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper

09.01.2024 "The smell of zebra finches: Elucidation of zebra finch odour applying gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and olfaction-guided approaches", read more here.

December 2023

behavioural ecology group
© Barbara Caspers

Writing retreat 

08.12.2023 We took this week off to focus on our projects during our writing retreat. What a great time!

November 2023

fire salamander larva
© Laura Schulte

Master thesis project available

17.11.2023 Are you looking for a master thesis project? We offer a project that includes field work with fire salamander larvae next spring. Read more here.

master students on excursion
© Isabel Damas

Wadden Sea excursion

11.11.2023 This week we are at the Wadden Sea with the Ecology and Environmental Change master course.

October 2023

zebra finch and fire salamander arrange like Yin and Yan
© Marc Gilles

09.10.2023 Semester start

We wish everyone a good start to the new Winter semester 2023/24!

Max giving his presentation about fire salamanders
© Sean Grond

05.10.2023 Fire salamanders in the Botanical Garden

Our PhD student Max gave a nice presentation about fire salamders for all interested people. If you want to know more, check out the short video below about his work in the botanical garden (in German).

September 2023

Marc giving his presentation about plovers
© Marc Gilles

International Wader Study Group conference

30.09.2023 Our PhD student Marc participated at IWSG and gave insights into his work in plovers.

Group of people looking at landscape
© Barbara Caspers


11. - 15.09.2023 Prospective teachers on the field trip to Spiekeroog to learn about the flora and fauna of the Wadden Sea National Park.

August 2023

Logo Behaviour conference: a flying zebra finch in front of the Sparrenburg
© Marc Gilles

Behaviour conference 2023

20.08.2023 A conference full of inspiring talks, posters, discussions and workshops is coming to an end.

Logo Behaviour conference: a flying zebra finch in front of the Sparrenburg
© Marc Gilles

Behaviour conference 2023

14.08.2023 It's finally happening! Check out the video that was shot for the kick-off of this conference.

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New preprint

08.08.2023 "Stress response of fire salamander larvae differs between habitat types", read more here.

June 2023

Master student Laurence Jeanjean
© Marc Gilles

Master thesis successfully defended

27.06.2023 Our master student Laurence successfully defended her thesis last week! Congrats, Laurence!

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper

14.06.2023 "Preen oil composition of Pied Flycatchers is similar between partners but differs between sexes and breeding stages", read more here.

May 2023

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper

15.05.2023 "Population monitoring of European fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra) with a new photo-recognition software", read more here.

© Isabel Damas

Field season started

09.05.2023 Our lizard team started their field season in Croatia. Have a great time, Caro, Avery & Isabel!

April 2023

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper

28.04.2023 "Olfactory sex preferences in six Estrildid Finch species", read more here.

Isabel Damas
© Isabel Damas

Nomination for Karl Peter Grotemeyer Prize 2022

14.04.2023 We are very happy to announce that Isabel got nominated for the Karl Peter Grotemeyer Prize 2022 for outstanding teaching at Bielefeld university!

March 2023

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper

30.03.2023 "Nocturnal basking in freshwater turtles: a global assessment", read more here.

Nadine Schubert
© Nadine Schubert

Welcome to the team, Nadine!

15.03.2023 Nadine is joining our team as a PhD student. Nadine works on MHC differences in banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) and potential effects of MHC variation on social communication.

Sabine Kraus
© Sabine Kraus

Welcome to the team, Sabine!

01.03.2023 From today on, Sabine will join our team as a Post-doc. Sabine works on causes & consequences of consistent individual differences in behaviour with zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata).

February 2023

© Max Mühlenhaupt

Ethological Society conference 2023

27.02.2023 Last week, some members of our department visited the 2023 conference of the Ethological Society in Berlin.

research TV
© Research TV

How finch parents influence their chick's gut microbioma

03.02.2023 Have a look at this amazing movie made by research TV from Bielefeld University about the gut microbiome of finches.

December 2022

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper

12.12.2022 "Behavioural responses to chemical cues of predators differ between fire salamander larvae from two different habitats", read more here.

New paper
© Pia Oswald

Successful PhD defense

06.12.2022 Congratulations, Pia, on successfully finishing your PhD!

November 2022

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper

26.11.2022 "Timing matters: age-dependent impacts of the social environment and host selection on the avian gut microbiota", read more here.

Wadden Sea
© Barbara Caspers

Bird watching at the Wadden Sea excursion

08.11.2022 We are having a great week with the Ecology and Environmental Change master course at the Wadden Sea.

October 2022

Pied flycatcher
© Laura Schulte

Master thesis project available: What’s in the smell of flycatchers?

23.10.2022 We offer a great opportunity to study the smell of pied flycatchers. Find all information here.

© Pia Oswald

PhD thesis handed in!

04.10.2022 Today Pia handed in her PhD thesis about "Life history implications of the mother's choice for a larval habitat", congrats!

September 2022

© Marc Gilles

Student project available

30.09.2022 Interested in studying incubation behaviour of plovers from Madagascar? How to apply and more information here.

NC3 writing retreat
© Pia Oswald

NC3 writing retreat in Aurich

22.09.2022 This week the "writing retreat" organised by some PhD students from the NC3 takes places in Aurich, Germany. This is a great opportunity to focuse on writing on projects, proposals or papers.

DZG meeting
© Marc Gilles

114th meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG)

19.09.2022 Last week our department participated in the DZG meeting. Besides great talks and interesting discussions, Öncü was invited as a speaker for the behaviour subject group and Marc won a price for the best student talk. Well done!

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New article

07.09.2022 "Individuelle Erkennung von Amphibien am Beispiel von Feuersalamander Alttieren und Larven, sowie Gelbbauchunken mittels Wildbook Software".

NC3 retreat
© NC3

NC3 Retreat in Hessen

02.09.2022 The annual retreat from the collaborative research centre NC3 took place from 29.08.-01.09.2022. It was full of great discussion and interdisciplinary exchange.


August 2022

Value of amphibians interview

ESEB under-represented ECR achievement award

22.08.2022 Last week Öncü received the under-represented ECR achievement award at the ESEB conference in Prague. Congratulations, Öncü!  

July 2022

Value of amphibians interview

The value of amphibians - Interview with Pia

27.07.2022 What is the value of amphibians? Listen to this interesting interview with Pia and her opinion on why amphibians are important. You can find the interview here.   

Behaviour 2023 conference
© Marc Gilles

Save the date: Behaviour 2023 conference from 14th to 20th of August 2023!

05.07.2022 From 14th to 20th of August 2023 the Behaviour 2023 conference will take place in Bielefeld. Learn more about the conference here.  

June 2022

Avery Maune
© Isabel Damas

New PhD student!

09.06.2022 Avery will study behaviour and cognition of urban and wild lizards from Croatia. Welcome to our team, Avery!

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New preprint

08.06.2022 "Timing matters: Age-dependent impacts of the social environment and host selection on the avian gut microbiota", read more here.

Amphibian and reptile wildbook
© Pia Oswald

Amphibian and Reptile Wildbook Software videos available

08.06.2022 Now available: Have a look at our new videos on how to use the Amphibian & Reptile Wildbook software as a citizen science tool or for conservation and research purposes. 

May 2022

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper published!

16.05.2022 "Prior exposure of a fungal parasite to cyanobacterial extracts does not impair infection of its Daphnia host", read more here.

Öncü Maraci
© Öncü Maraci

ESEB under-represented ECR achievement award

13.05.2022 We are happy and super proud to announce that Öncü is one of the two winners of this years "ESEB under-represented ECR achievement award". Read more here.

Isabel & Caro
© Isabel Damas

Off to Croatia!

05.05.2022 Today Isabel & Carolin left for their field season in Croatia. Good luck with your experiments!

April 2022

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper published!

27.04.2022 "Changes to the gut microbiota of a wild juvenile passerine in a multidimensional urban mosaic", read more here.

Marc Gilles
© Marc Gilles

Field season on Madagascar started

15.04.2022 This week Marc left for his second field season on Madagascar to study plovers. Have a great time, Marc!

March 2022

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper published!

21.03.2022 "Blood parasite diversity (Apicomplexa: Haemogregarinidae) within the western populations of the European pond turtle Emys orbicularis", read more here.

Pia Oswald, Max Mühlenhaupt & Laura Schulte
© Pia Oswald

Fire salamander field season started

19.03.2022 Our salamander team has successfully started the field season of this year in the Kottenforst. Good luck with your projects!

Max Mühlenhaupt & Laura Schulte
© Max Mühlenhaupt & Laura Schulte

New PhD students!

11.03.2022 Welcome to our team, Max & Laura!
Max and Laura will join the fire salamander group and work on niche choice in fire salamander females and nice conformance in larvae.

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper published!

03.03.2022 "Wild cognition – linking form and function of cognitive abilities within a natural context", read more here.

Wildbook protocoll
© Pia Oswald

User guide for wildbook software available

02.03.2022 A short user guide on how to use the Amphibian and Reptile Wildbook is available now in English and in German. Here you find the guide.

February 2022

Twitter account
© Marc Gilles

New twitter account

25.02.2022 Our official department twitter account is online now! Check is out here @BehavEcoBIE

Fire salamander workshop
© Laura Schulte

Student project available (project or research module/ thesis)

17.02.2022 Interested in working with birds? We are looking for a motivated student to help us with our pied flycatcher field work & data analysis this spring. Read more here.

Fire salamander workshop
© Pia Oswald

Individual recognition software for fire salamander and yellow bellied toads

11.02.2022 Interested to learn how to use a software for individual recognition in fire salamander and yellow bellied toads? Join our workshop on 5.3.2022 (in German!). Read more here.

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper published!

07.02.2022 "Olfactory camouflage and communication in birds", read more here.

lizard phd
© Sergio Luna

1 PhD position available!

3.02.2022 Our department has one PhD position available on the project "How to cope with a changing world? A comparative study with lizards". 
More information
Deadline for applications is 24.02.2022.

January 2022

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper published!

31.01.2022 "Shifts between cooperation and antagonism driven by individual variation: a systematic synthesis review", read more here.

Manuela Schmidt
© Manuela Schmidt

New master student

21.01.2022 Manuela is investigating which housing condition is preferred by wild fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) for her master thesis.

Lizard research
© Isabel Damas Moreira

New DFG project

17.01.2022 We are very happy to announce that we will receive a DFG grant for our project "How to cope with a changing world? A comparative study with lizards".

Michael Schulte
© Michael Schulte

New phd student!

14.01.2022 Welcome to our team, Michael!
Michael will study the impact of human presence on a predator-prey system in Croatia.

zebra finch preen gland
© Laura Schulte

Preen oil sampling

11.01.2022 We are currently taking preen oil samples for our DFG project on the scent of songbirds and the behavioural response of the offspring to it. Here you see the preen gland of a zebra finch.

December 2021

Fire salamander
© Laura Schulte

2 PhD positions available!

23.12.2021 Our department offers two PhD positions on niche choice and niche conformance in fire salamanders. More information

Deadline for applications is 05.01.2022

Marc Gilles
© Marc Gilles

Field season on Madagascar

21.12.2021 Today Marc retruned from his field season on Madagascar where he worked with different plover species. Welcome back, Marc!
Have a look at the great pictures and videos he took on his twitter account @_Marc_Gilles

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper published!

17.12.2021 "Very Small Home Ranges of Two Gravid European Brown Bears during Hyperphagia", read more here.

November 2021

© NC3

SFB funding for four more years granted!

25.11.2021 We are very happy to announce that the DFG funded SFB project (SFB/TRR 212) will continue for another 4 years! Our project in the SFB focusses on niche choice and niche conformance in fire salamander.

Student excursion
© Isabel Damas Moreira

Wadden Sea excursion

08.11.2021 We had a great week with the students of the Ecology and Environmental Change master course at the Wadden Sea.

September 2021

Northern gannets
© Laura Schulte

SFB retreat on Helgoland

24.09.2021 The NC3 retreat took place on Helgoland this year. We spent an amazing week with our colleagues which was full of inspriring talks and great discussions!

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper published!

"Shifts between cooperation and antagonism driven by individual variation: a systematic synthesis review", read more here.

Nest box
© Laura Schulte

New marten protection!

25.09.2021 All 128 nest boxes in our pied flycatcher study site are now equipped with marten protection.

August 2021

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper published!

"The ravages of time – Life-long consequences of early larval nutritional conditions on the terrestrial life of fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra)", read more here.

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper published!

"Chemical analysis reveals sex differences in the preen gland secretion of breeding Blue Tits", read more here.

July 2021

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper published!

"Invasive lizard has fewer parasites than native congener", read more here.

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper published!

"Playing dead: lizards show tonic immobility without human handling", read more here.

New paper
© Laura Schulte

New paper published!

"Male Chemical Signalling to Recruit Females in the Greater Short-Nosed Fruit Bat Cynopterus sphinx", read more here.

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