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  • Behavioural Ecology

    Zebra finch research at Bielefeld University
    © Sarah Golüke

Insights to our teaching

Wadden Sea excursion

On Wadden Sea excursion the students will get to know the ecosystem of the Wadden Sea and key species of it. Students will investigate the impact of anthropogenic stress on populations, i.e. species distributions and composition, as well as animal behaviour. How does climate change affect Wadden Sea populations such as the onset of bird migration or the species present at the Wadden Sea? We will be able to study the extraordinary biodiversity of the ecosystem Wadden Sea. In a mixture of lectures and practical work, students will work out and conceptualize their own projects. Collected datasets will be used for statistical analysis and theoretical modelling later back at the University.

Journal Club Behavioural Ecology

© Isabel Damas Moreira

We are reading and discussing paper about new concepts and latest research in the field of Behavioural Ecology. Everybody is welcome to join!

Wednesdays at 4 p.m.

More information.

Animal ecology in a changing world

In the master module Animal ecology in a changing world we teach our students species diversity, habitat comparison techniques, climate impacts and fragmentation impacts on distribution and abundance, how to measure animal behaviour in the field as well as amphibian, bird and insect monitoring techniques. We encourage our students to test the new theoretical knowledge in the field working alone or in small groups.

We are teaching in different bachelor and master courses as well as supplemental modules. Our repertoire involves for example an excursion to the Wadden Sea (Germany), research modules of different topics of behavioural ecology, animal ecology in a changing world and much more.

Our courses in the Electronic Course Catalogue

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