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Group Seminar / Journal Club

© Universität Bielefeld

Group Seminar

During lecture period

Every Tuesday, 8:30-10:00 in room: V2-145


Journal Club

During semester break

Every Thursday, 16:00-18:00 in room W1-135.


We will discuss recent publications in the field of Chemical Ecology or in fields very close to this topic. The head of discussion chooses an appropriate publication and sends it to all participants one week before the assigned journal club date.

20-Feb-2025: Dr. Dominik Ziaja

27-Feb-2025: Alessa Barber

06-Mar-2025: Ph.D. Xue Xiao

13-Mar-2025: Leon Brüggemann

20-Mar-2025: Selina Gaar

27-Mar-2025: Sandra Lang

Colloquium Ecology

Currently no presentation / talk

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