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  • Cognitive Neuroscience

    © Universität Bielefeld


Publications by topic

  • Detection of spatially-localized sounds is robust to saccades and concurrent eye movement-related eardrum oscillations (EMREOs). Broehl F, Kayser C. BiorRxiv, Mai 2023.

  • Stimulus specific and configurational features of multiple visual stimuli shape multisensory binding. Kayser C, Debats N, Heuer H. BiorRxiv, Mai 2023.

  • Variance (un)explained: Experimental conditions and temporal dependencies explain similarly small proportions of reaction time variability in perceptual and cognitive tasks. Perquin, Heed, Kayser. BioRxiv Jan 2022

  • Different time scales of common-cause evidence shape multisensory integration, recalibration and motor adaptation. Debats N, Heuer H, Kayser C. BioRxiv, Jan 2023.

  • The history of multisensory discrepancies affects the ventriloquism effect and the immediate aftereffect differentially. Kayser C, Park H, Heuer H. BioRxiv Sept 2022
  • Steady state visual evoked potentials reveal a signature of the pitch-size crossmodal association in visual cortex. Sciortino P, Kayser C. BioRxiv Nov 2022.
  • Visual and auditory cortices represent acoustic speech-related information during silent lip reading. Broehl F, Keitel A, Kayser C. Feb. 2022 BioRxiv

  • The context of experienced sensory discrepancies shapes multisensory integration and recalibration differently. Park H, Kayser C. BioRxiv July 2021. BioRxiv

  • Visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration with multiple visual stimuli. Debats, Heuer H, Kayser C. May 2021. BioRxiv.

  • The influence of respiratory cycles on reaction times in sensory-cognitive paradigms. Johannknecht M, Kayser C. May 2021. BioRxiv.

  • Robust neurophysiological correlates of the rubber hand illusion emerge at early latencies but are unrelated to changes in skin conductance accompanying the illusion. Sciortino P, Kayser C. Jan 2021. BioRxiv

  • Robust spatial ventriloquism effect and aftereffect under memory interference. Hame Park, Christoph Kayser. October 2020 BioRxiv

  • Delta/theta band EEG differentially tracks low and high frequency speech envelopes. Felix Bröhl, Christoph Kayser. July 26, 2020 BioRxiv

  • Delta/Theta band EEG activity shapes the rhythmic perceptual sampling of auditory scenes. Cora Kubetschek, Christoph Kayser. July 21, 2020 BioRxiv

  • The neurophysiological basis of short- and long-term ventriloquism aftereffects. Hame Park, Christoph Kayser. June 16, 2020 BioRxiv

  • Sensory- and memory-related drivers for altered ventriloquism effects and aftereffects in older adults. Hame Park, Julia Nannt, Christoph Kayser. July 21, 2020 BioRxiv

  • Diversification of perceptual mechanisms underlying preserved multisensory behavior in healthy aging. Park H, Kayser C. Feb 2020 BioRxiv
  • Alpha Activity Reflects the Effort to Compensate an Individual Bias in Human Perceptions. Grabot L, Kayser C. Sept 2019 BioRxiv
  • Largely distinct networks mediate perceptually-relevant auditory and visual speech representations. Keitel A, Gross J, Kayser C. June 2019 BioRxiv
  • Evidence for the rhythmic perceptual sampling of auditory scenes Kayser C. April 2019 BioRxiv
  • Shared neural underpinnings of multisensory integration and trial-by-trial perceptual recalibration. Park H, Kayser C. March 2019 BioRxiv
  • Causal inference in the multisensory brain. Cao Y, Summerfield C, Park H, Giordano B, Kayser C. Dez 2018 BioRxiv
  • Consistent pre-stimulus influences on auditory perception across the lifespan. McNair S, Kayser SJ, Kayser C., July 2018 BioRxiv
  • Speech tracking in auditory and motor regions reflects distinct linguistic features. Keitel A, Gross J, Kayser C. October 2017 BioRxiv
  • Neurophysiological Correlates Of The Rubber Hand Illusion In Evoked And Oscillatory Brain Activity. Rao I, Kayser C. May 2017 BioRxiv
  • Neural Correlates of Multisensory Reliability and Perceptual Weights Emerge at Early Latencies during Audio-visual Integration. Boyle S, Kayser S, Kayser C. March 2017 BioRxiv
  • Contributions of local speech encoding and functional connectivity to audio-visual speech integration. Giordano B, Ince R, Gross J, Panzeri S, Schyns P, Kayser C. BioRxiv, Jan 2017. BioRxiv
  • A statistical framework for neuroimaging data analysis based on mutual information estimated via a Gaussian copula. Ince R, Giordano B, Kayser C, Rousselet G, Gross J, Schyns P. BiorXiv, March 2016. BioRxiv
  • Neural Entrainment and Attentional Selection in the Listening Brain. Obleser J, Kayser C. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 23(11), 913-926, 2019. PubMed
  • Who is That? Brain Networks and Mechanisms for Identifying Individuals. Perrodin C, Kayser C, Abel TJ, Logothetis NK, Petkov C. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19(12), 783-396, 2015. PubMed
  • Neural population coding: combining insights from microscopic and mass signals. Panzeri S, Macke J, Gross J, Kayser C. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 19(3), 162-172, 2015. PubMed
  • Reading spike timing without a clock: Intrinsic decoding of spike trains. Panzeri S, Ince RAA, Diamond ME, Kayser C. Phil. Trans R.Soc.B. 369(1637), 20120467, 2014. PubMed
  • Modelling and analysis of local field potentials for studying the function of cortical circuits. Einevoll G, Kayser C, Logothetis N, Panzeri S. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 14(11), 770- 779, 2013. PubMed
  • Sensory neural codes using multiplexed temporal scales. Panzeri S, Brunel N, Logothetis N, Kayser C. Trends in Neurosciences 33(3), 111-120, 2010. PubMed
  • Multisensory interactions in primate auditory cortex: fMRI and electrophysiology. Kayser C, Petkov C, Logothetis N. Hearing Research 258, 80-88, 2009. PubMed
  • Do early sensory cortices integrate cross-modal information? Kayser C, Logothetis N. Brain Structure & Function 212(2), 121-231, 2007. PubMed
  • Processing of complex stimuli and natural scenes in the visual cortex. Kayser C, Koerding KP, Koenig P. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 14, 468-473, 2004. PubMed
  • Steady state visual evoked potentials reveal a signature of the pitch-size crossmodal association in visual cortex. Sciortino P, Kayser C. Neuroimage doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120093 Pubmed

  • The rubber hand illusion is accompanied by a distributed reduction of alpha and beta power in the EEG. Sciortino P, Kayser C.  PLoS One. 2022 Jul 29;17(7):e0271659. Pubmed

  • MEG activity in visual and auditory cortices represents acoustic speech-related information during silent lip reading. Bröhl F, Keitel A, Kayser C. eNeuro. 2022 27;9(3):ENEURO.0209-22.2022. Pubmed

  • Multivariate Analysis of Evoked Responses during the Rubber Hand Illusion Suggests a Temporal Parcellation into Manipulation and Illusion-Specific Correlates. Sciortino P, Kayser C. ENEURO.0355-21.2021. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0355-21. 2022.

  • The neurophysiological basis of the trial-wise and cumulative ventriloquism aftereffects. Park H, Kayser C (2020) Journal of neuroscience. PubMed.
  • Auditory information enhances post-sensory visual evidence during rapid multisensory decision-making. Franzen L, Delis I, De Sousa G, Kayser C, Philiastides M. Nature Communications 2020. PubMed.
  • Shared and modality-specific brain regions that mediate auditory and visual word comprehension. Keitel A, Gross J, Kayser C. eLife 2020;9:e56972. eLife
  • Shared physiological correlates of multisensory and expectation-based facilitation. Kayser SJ , Kayser C. eNeuro, 2020. eNeuro
  • Alpha Activity Reflects the Magnitude of an Individual Bias in Human Perception. Grabot L, Kayser C (2020) Journal of neuroscience 40 (17) 3443-3454. PubMed
  • Shared neural underpinnings of multisensory integration and trial-by-trial perceptual recalibration in humans. Park H, Kayser C. eLife, 2019. eLife
  • Causal Inference in the Multisensory Brain. Cao Y, Summerfield C, Park H, Giordano B, Kayser C. Neuron, 102(5), 1076-1087, 2019. PubMed
  • Trial by trial dependencies in multisensory perception and their correlates in dynamic brain activity. Kayser S, Kayser C. Scientific Reports, 8(1):3742, 2018. PubMed
  • Neural Correlates of Multisensory Reliability and Perceptual Weights Emerge at Early Latencies during Audio-visual Integration. Boyle S, Kayser SJ, Kayser C. Eur J. Neuroscience, 46(10), 2565-2577, 2017. PubMed
  • Neurophysiological Correlates of the Rubber Hand Illusion in Late Evoked and Alpha/Beta Band Activity. Rao I, Kayser C. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11, 337, 2017. PubMed
  • Sounds facilitate visual motion discrimination via the enhancement of late occipital visual representations. Kayser SJ, Philiastides M, Kayser C. NeuroImage 148, 31-41, 2017. PubMed
  • Oscillatory mechanisms underlying the enhancement of visual motion perception by multisensory congruency. Gleiss S, Kayser C. Neuropsychologia, 53, 84-93, 2014. PubMed
  • A role of the claustrum in auditory scene analysis by reflecting sensory change.
  • Remedios R, Logothetis N, Kayser C. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 8, Article 44, 2014. PubMed
  • Acoustic noise improves visual perception and modulates occipital oscillatory states. Gleiss S, Kayser C. J Cogn Neurosci, 26(4), 699-711, 2014. PubMed
  • Asymmetric interactions of visual and somatosensory responses in a multisensory region of rat parietal cortex. Lippert M, Takagaki K, Kayser C, Ohl F. Plos One 8(5): e63631. 2013 PubMed
  • Unimodal responses prevail within the multisensory claustrum. Remedios R, Logothetis N, Kayser C. J. Neurosci. 30(39), 12902-12907, 2010. PubMed
  • Modulation of visual neurons in the superior temporal sulcus by audio-visual congruency. Dahl C, Logothetis N, Kayser C. Front. Integ. Neurosci. 13, 4-10, 2010. PubMed
  • Visual enhancement of the information representation in auditory cortex. Kayser C, Logothetis N, Panzeri S. Current Biology 20(1), 19-24, 2010. PubMed
  • Spatial organization of multisensory responses in temporal association cortex. Dahl C, Logothetis N, Kayser C. J Neuroscience 23(38), 11924-11932, 2009. PubMed
  • Directed interactions between auditory and superior temporal cortices and their role in multisensory integration. Kayser C, Logothetis N. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 3:7, 2009. PubMed
  • Visual modulation of neurons in auditory cortex. Kayser C, Petkov C, Logothetis N. Cerebral Cortex 18, 1560-1574, 2008. PubMed
  • Functional imaging reveals visual modulation of specific fields in auditory cortex. Kayser C, Petkov C, Augath M, Logothetis N. Journal of Neuroscience 27(8), 1824-1835, 2007. PubMed
  • Integration of touch and sound in auditory cortex. Kayser C, Petkov C, Augath M, Logothetis N. Neuron 48(2), 373-384, 2005. PubMed
  • Multisensory perception depends on the reliability of the type of judgment. Kayser C, Heuer H. Journal of Neurophysiology 2024. Pubmed   

  • Both stimulus-specific and configurational features of multiple visual stimuli shape the spatial ventriloquism effect. Kayser C, Debats N, Heuer H.  European Journal of Neuroscience, 2024. Pubmed

  • Different time scales of common-cause evidence shape multisensory integration, recalibration and motor adaptation. Debats N, Heuer H, Kayser C. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2023. Pubmed

  • Cumulative multisensory discrepancies shape the ventriloquism aftereffect but not the ventriloquism bias. Kayser C, Park H, Heuer H. PlosOne, 2023.Pubmed

  • Short-term effects of visuo-motor discrepancies on multisensory integration, proprioceptive recalibration and motor adaptation. Debats N, Heuer H, Kayser C.  J Neurophysiol. 2023. Pubmed

  • The context of experienced sensory discrepancies shapes multisensory integration and recalibration differently. Park H, Kayser C. Cognition. 225:105092. 2022 Pubmed

  • Visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration with multiple visual stimuli. Debats N, Heuer H, Kayser C. Scientific Reports, 2021. Pubmed

  • Robust spatial ventriloquism effect and trial-by-trial aftereffect under memory interference. Park H, Kayser C. Scientific Reports, 2020. PubMed.

  • Sensory- and memory-related drivers for altered ventriloquism effects and aftereffects in older adults. Park H, Nannt J, Kayser C. Cortex, 2020. PubMed
  • Explicit knowledge of sensory non-redundancy can reduce the strength of multisensory integration. Debats NB, Heuer H. Psychological Research. Epub ahead of print, 2018. PubMed
  • Sensory integration of movements and their visual effects is not enhanced by spatial proximity. Debats NB, Heuer H. Journal of Vision. 18(11), 15, 2018 PubMed
  • Optimal integration of actions and their visual effects is based on both online and prior causality evidence. Debats NB, Heuer H. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 9796, 2018. PubMed
  • Kinematic cross-correlation induces sensory integration across separate objects. Debats NB, Ernst MO, Heuer H. European Journal of Neuroscience, 46(12), 2826-2834, 2017 PubMed
  • Perceptual attraction in tool use: evidence for a reliability-based weighting mechanism. Debats NB, Ernst MO, Heuer H. Journal of Neurophysiology, 117(4), 1569-1580, 2017 PubMed
  • Eccentricity dependent auditory enhancement of visual stimulus detection but not discrimination. Gleiss S, Kayser C. Front Integ Neurosci 7:52, 2013. PubMed
  • Audio-visual detection benefits in the rat. Gleiss S, Kayser C. Plos One 7(9), e45677, 2012. PubMed
  • Improvement of visual contrast detection by a simultaneous sound. Lippert M, Logothetis N, Kayser C. Brain Research 1173, 102-109, 2007. PubMed
  • Delta/Theta band EEG activity shapes the rhythmic perceptual sampling of auditory scenes. Kubetschek C, Kayser C. Scientific Reports. 2021.
  • Evidence for the Rhythmic Perceptual Sampling of Auditory Scenes. Kayser C. Frontiers Hum. Neurosci. 23 July 2019. Frontiers
  • Consistent pre-stimulus influences on auditory perception across the lifespan. McNair SW, Kayser SJ, Kayser C. Neuroimage, 186:22-32, 2018. PubMed
  • Perceptually relevant speech tracking in auditory and motor cortex reflects distinct linguistic features. Keitel A, Gross J, Kayser C. PlosBiology, 16(3):e2004473, 2018. PubMed
  • Lip movements entrain the observers' low-frequency brain oscillations to facilitate speech intelligibility. Park H, Kayser C, Thut G, Gross J. eLife, 5:e14521. 2017 PubMed
  • Contributions of local speech encoding and functional connectivity to audio-visual speech perception. Giordano B, Ince R, Gross J, Schyns P, Panzeri S, Kayser C. eLife 2017;6:e24763. 2017 PubMed
  • Auditory cortical delta-entrainment interacts with oscillatory power in multiple fronto-parietal networks. Keitel A, Ince R, Gross J, Kayser C. NeuroImage 147:32-43, 2016. PubMed
  • Prestimulus influences on auditory perception from sensory representations and decision processes. Kayser SJ, McNair WS, Kayser C. PNAS,113(17), 4842-4847, 2016. PubMed
  • Irregular speech rate dissociates auditory cortical entrainment, evoked responses and frontal alpha. Kayser S, Ince R, Gross J, Kayser C. J Neurosci. 35(44), 14691-701, 2015. PubMed
  • Spatial Representations of Temporal and Spectral Sound Cues in Human Auditory Cortex. Herdener M, Esposito F, Scheffler K, Schneider P, Logothetis NK, Uludag K, Kayser C. Cortex, In Press. PubMed
  • A precluding but not ensuring role of entrained low-frequency oscillations for auditory perception. Ng BSW, Schroeder T, Kayser C. J Neurosci. 32(35) 12268-12276, 2012. PubMed
  • Mechanisms for allocating auditory attention: An auditory saliency map. Kayser C, Petkov C, Lippert M, Logothetis N. Current Biology 15(21), 1943-1947, 2005. PubMed


  • Natural asynchronies in audio-visual communication signals regulate neuronal multisensory interactions in voice-sensitive cortex. Perrodin C, Kayser C, Logothetis NK, Petkov C. PNAS 112(1), 273-8, 2015. PubMed
  • Rhythmic auditory cortex activity at multiple time scales shapes stimulus-response gain and background firing. Kayser C, Wilson C, Safaai H, Sakata S, Panzeri S. J Neurosci., 35(2), 7750-7762, 2015. PubMed
  • Visual modulation of neurons in voice-sensitive and association cortices. Perrodin C, Kayser C, Logothetis N, Petkov C. J Neurosci, 34(7), 2524-2537, 2014. PubMed
  • Monkeys are perceptually tuned to conspecific facial expressions that exhibit a "theta"-like speech rhythm. Ghazanfar A, Morrill R, Kayser C. PNAS 110(5), 1959-1963, 2013. PubMed
  • Neural codes formed by small and temporally precise populations in auditory cortex. Ince R, Panzeri S, Kayser C. J Neurosci 33(46), 18277-18287, 2013. PubMed
  • Analysis of slow (theta) oscillations as a potential temporal reference frame for information coding in sensory cortices. Kayser C, Ince R, Panzeri S. Plos Comput Biol. 8(10):e1002717, 2012. PubMed
  • Neurons with stereotyped and rapid responses provide a reference frame for relative temporal coding in primate auditory cortex. Brasselet R, Panzeri S, Logothetis N, Kayser C. J Neurosci. 32(9), 2998-3008, 2012. PubMed
  • The millisecond encoding precision of auditory cortex neurons. Kayser C, Logothetis N, Panzeri S. PNAS 107(39), 16976-16981, 2010. PubMed
  • Spike-phase coding boosts and stabilizes the information carried by spatial and temporal spike patterns. Kayser C, Montemurro M, Logothetis N, Panzeri S. Neuron 61(4), 597-608, 2009. PubMed
  • Voice cells in the primate temporal lobe. Perrodin C, Kayser C, Logothetis N, Petkov C. Current Biology 21, 1408-1415, 2011. PubMed
  • Monkey drumming reveals common networks for perceiving vocal and non-vocal communication sounds. Remedios R, Logothetis N, Kayser C. PNAS 106(42), 18010-18015, 2009. PubMed
  • An auditory region in the primate insular cortex responding preferentially to vocal communication sounds. Remedios R, Logothetis N, Kayser C. Journal of Neuroscience 29(4), 1034-1045, 2009. PubMed
  • Optimizing the imaging of the monkey auditory cortex: Sparse vs. continuous fMRI. Petkov C, Kayser C, Augath M, Logothetis N. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 27(8), 1065-1078, 2009. PubMed
  • A voice region in the monkey brain. Petkov C, Kayser C, Steudel T, Whittingstall K, Augath M, Logothetis N. Nature Neuroscience 11(3), 367-374, 2008. PubMed
  • Tuning to sound frequency in auditory field potentials. Kayser C, Petkov C, Logothetis N. Journal of Neurophysiology 98(3), 1806-1809, 2007. PubMed
  • Functional Imaging Reveals Numerous Fields in the Monkey Auditory Cortex. Petkov C, Kayser C, Augath M, Logothetis N. PLOS Biology 4(7), 2006. PubMed
  • Extracting information in spike time patterns with wavelets and information theory. Lopes-dos-Santos V, Panzeri S, Kayser C, Diamond M, Quian Quiroga R. J Neurophysiol. 2015. PubMed
  • EEG phase patterns reflect the selectivity of neural firing. Ng BSW, Logothetis N, Kayser C. Cerebral Cortex, 23(2), 389-398, 2013. First published online, Feb. 2012. PubMed
  • Sensory information in local field potentials and spikes from visual and auditory cortex: time scales and frequency bands. Belistki A, Panzeri S, Margi C, Logothetis N, Kayser C. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 29(3), 533-545, 2010. PubMed
  • Coupling of neural activity and fMRI-BOLD in motion area MT. Lippert M, Steudel T, Ohl F, Logothetis N, Kayser C. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 28(8), 1087-1094, 2010. PubMed
  • In vivo Measurement of Cortical Impedance Spectrum in Monkeys: Implications for Signal Propagation. Logothetis N, Kayser C, Oeltermann A. Neuron 55(5), 809-823, 2007. PubMed
  • A comparison of hemodynamic and neural responses in cat visual cortex using complex stimuli. Kayser C, Kim M, Ugurbil K, Kim D-S, Koenig P. Cerebral Cortex 14(8), 881-891, 2004. PubMed
  • Stimulus locking and feature tuning prevail in complementary frequency ranges of V1 local field potentials. Kayser C, Koenig P. European J. of Neuroscience 19(2), 485-489, 2004. PubMed
  • Variance (un)explained: Experimental conditions and temporal dependencies explain similarly small proportions of reaction time variability in linear models of perceptual and cognitive tasks. Perqiun M, Heed T, Kayser C.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. 2024 PubMed
  • Detection of Spatially Localized Sounds Is Robust to Saccades and Concurrent Eye Movement-Related Eardrum Oscillations (EMREOs). Bröhl F, Kayser C. JNeurosci 43(45):7668-7677. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0818-23.2023. PubMed 
  • The influence of the respiratory cycle on reaction times in sensory‑cognitive paradigms. Johannknecht M, Kayser C.  Scientific Reports, 12:2586, 2022
  • Postdiction: when temporal regularity drives space perception through pre-stimulus alpha oscillations. Grabot L, Kayser C, van Wassenhove V. eNEuro. 8 (5) ENEURO.0030-21.2021.
  • Saccade-Related activity in areas 18 and 21a of cats freely viewing complex scenes. Moeller G, Kayser C, Koenig P. NeuroReport 18(5), 401-404, 2007. PubMed
  • Feature selectivity in area 21a of the cat. Kayser C, Koenig P. NeuroReport 17, 809-812, 2006. PubMed
  • Fixations in natural scenes: interaction of image structure and image content. Kayser C, Nielsen C, Logothetis N. Vision Research 46(16), 2535-2545, 2006. PubMed
  • Population coding of orientation in the visual cortex of alert cats - an information theoretic analysis. Kayser C, Koenig P. NeuroReport 15(18), 2761-2764, 2004. PubMed
  • Directed interactions between visual areas and their role in processing image structure and expectancy. Salazar R, Koenig P, Kayser C. European J. of Neuroscience 20(5), 1391-1400, 2004. PubMed
  • Effects of Training on Neuronal Activity and Interactions in Primary and Higher Visual Cortices in the Alert Cat. Salazar R, Kayser C, Koenig P. J. of Neuroscience 24(7), 1627-1636, 2004. PubMed
  • How are complex cell properties adapted to the statistics of natural stimuli? Koerding KP, Kayser C, Einhaeuser W, Koenig P. J. of Neurophysiology 91(1), 206-212, 2004. PubMed
  • Interactions between eye movements systems in cats and humans. Moeller G, Kayser C, Knecht F, Koenig P. Experimental Brain Research 157, 215-224, 2004. PubMed
  • Responses to natural scenes in cat V1. Kayser C, Salazar R, Koenig P. J. of Neurophysiology 90(3), 1910-1920, 2003. PubMed
  • Learning the nonlinearity of neurons from natural visual stimuli. Kayser C, Koerding KP, Koenig P. Neural Computation 15(8), 1751-1759, 2003. PubMed
  • Learning distinct and complementary feature selectivitys form natural color videos. Einhaeuser W, Kayser C, Koerding KP, Koenig P. Reviews in the Neurosciences 14(1-2), 43-52, 2003. PubMed
  • On the choice of a sparse prior. Koerding KP, Kayser C, Koenig P. Reviews in the Neurosciences. 14(1-2), 53-62, 2003. PubMed
  • Temporal correlations of orientations in natural scenes. Kayser C, Einhaeuser W, Koenig P. Neurocomputing 52, 117-123, 2003. PubMed
  • Learning the invariance properties of complex cells from their responses to natural stimuli. Einhaeuser W, Kayser C, Koenig P, Koerding KP. European J. of Neuroscience 15(3), 475-486, 2002. PubMed
  • Non contact eye-tracking on cats. Koerding KP, Kayser C, Betsch B, Koenig P. J. of Neuroscience Methods 110, 103-111, 2001. PubMed
  • How sound shape what is seen. Kayser C, Remedios R. Neuron, 2012.
  • Das Auge hoert mit. Kayser C, Gehirn & Geist Dossier (2), 2012
  • Complex times for earthquakes, stocks and the brains activity. Kayser C, Ermentrout B, Neuron, 2010.
  • The multisensory nature of unisensory cortices: A puzzle continued. Kayser C, Neuron 66, 329, 2010.
  • Phase resetting as mechanism for supramodal attentional control. Kayser C, Neuron 64, 300, 2009.
  • Listening with your eyes. Kayser C, Scientific American: Mind, April 2007.
  • Vision: Stimulating your attention. Kayser C, Logothetis N, Current Biology 16(15), R581, 2006.
  • Sinnvolle Verschmelzung. Kayser C, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Gehirn & Geist (10), 2006.

Methods papers

  • Algorithm based hearing and speech therapy rehabilitation after cochlear implantation. Eichler T, Rötz W, Kayser C, Bröhl F, Römer M, Witteborg, Kummert F, Sandmeier T, Schulte C, Stolz P, Sudhoff H, Todt I. Brain Sciences.
  • Quantifying how much sensory information in a neural code is relevant for behaviour. Pica G, Piasini E, Safaai H, ? Kayser C, Harvey C, Panzeri S. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2017, 3689-3699, 2017. arXiv
  • A Statistical Framework for Neuroimaging Data Analysis Based on Mutual Information Estimated via a Gaussian Copula. Ince R, Giordano B, Kayser C, Rousselet G, Gross J, Schyns P. Human Brain Mapping 38(3), 1541-1573, 2017. PubMed
  • Efficient evaluation of serial sections using Gabor pyramid matching. Koenig P, Kayser C, Bonin V, Wuertz RP. J. of Neuroscience Methods 111, 141-150, 2001. PubMed
  • Texture signals in whisker vibrations. Hipp J, Arabzadeh E, Conradt J, Zorzin E, Kayser C, Diamond M, Koenig P. J. of Neurophysiology 95, 1792-1799, 2006. PubMed






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