Detection of spatially-localized sounds is robust to saccades and concurrent eye movement-related eardrum oscillations (EMREOs). Broehl F, Kayser C. BiorRxiv, Mai 2023.
Stimulus specific and configurational features of multiple visual stimuli shape multisensory binding. Kayser C, Debats N, Heuer H. BiorRxiv, Mai 2023.
Variance (un)explained: Experimental conditions and temporal dependencies explain similarly small proportions of reaction time variability in perceptual and cognitive tasks. Perquin, Heed, Kayser. BioRxiv Jan 2022
Different time scales of common-cause evidence shape multisensory integration, recalibration and motor adaptation. Debats N, Heuer H, Kayser C. BioRxiv, Jan 2023.
Visual and auditory cortices represent acoustic speech-related information during silent lip reading. Broehl F, Keitel A, Kayser C. Feb. 2022 BioRxiv
The context of experienced sensory discrepancies shapes multisensory integration and recalibration differently. Park H, Kayser C. BioRxiv July 2021. BioRxiv
Visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration with multiple visual stimuli. Debats, Heuer H, Kayser C. May 2021. BioRxiv.
The influence of respiratory cycles on reaction times in sensory-cognitive paradigms. Johannknecht M, Kayser C. May 2021. BioRxiv.
Robust neurophysiological correlates of the rubber hand illusion emerge at early latencies but are unrelated to changes in skin conductance accompanying the illusion. Sciortino P, Kayser C. Jan 2021. BioRxiv
Robust spatial ventriloquism effect and aftereffect under memory interference. Hame Park, Christoph Kayser. October 2020 BioRxiv
Delta/theta band EEG differentially tracks low and high frequency speech envelopes. Felix Bröhl, Christoph Kayser. July 26, 2020 BioRxiv
Delta/Theta band EEG activity shapes the rhythmic perceptual sampling of auditory scenes. Cora Kubetschek, Christoph Kayser. July 21, 2020 BioRxiv
The neurophysiological basis of short- and long-term ventriloquism aftereffects. Hame Park, Christoph Kayser. June 16, 2020 BioRxiv
Sensory- and memory-related drivers for altered ventriloquism effects and aftereffects in older adults. Hame Park, Julia Nannt, Christoph Kayser. July 21, 2020 BioRxiv
Steady state visual evoked potentials reveal a signature of the pitch-size crossmodal association in visual cortex. Sciortino P, Kayser C. Neuroimage doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120093 Pubmed
The rubber hand illusion is accompanied by a distributed reduction of alpha and beta power in the EEG. Sciortino P, Kayser C. PLoS One. 2022 Jul 29;17(7):e0271659. Pubmed
MEG activity in visual and auditory cortices represents acoustic speech-related information during silent lip reading. Bröhl F, Keitel A, Kayser C. eNeuro. 2022 27;9(3):ENEURO.0209-22.2022. Pubmed
Multivariate Analysis of Evoked Responses during the Rubber Hand Illusion Suggests a Temporal Parcellation into Manipulation and Illusion-Specific Correlates. Sciortino P, Kayser C. ENEURO.0355-21.2021. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0355-21. 2022.
Multisensory perception depends on the reliability of the type of judgment. Kayser C, Heuer H. Journal of Neurophysiology 2024. Pubmed
Both stimulus-specific and configurational features of multiple visual stimuli shape the spatial ventriloquism effect. Kayser C, Debats N, Heuer H. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2024. Pubmed
Different time scales of common-cause evidence shape multisensory integration, recalibration and motor adaptation. Debats N, Heuer H, Kayser C. European Journal of Neuroscience, 2023. Pubmed
Cumulative multisensory discrepancies shape the ventriloquism aftereffect but not the ventriloquism bias. Kayser C, Park H, Heuer H. PlosOne, 2023.Pubmed
Short-term effects of visuo-motor discrepancies on multisensory integration, proprioceptive recalibration and motor adaptation. Debats N, Heuer H, Kayser C. J Neurophysiol. 2023. Pubmed
The context of experienced sensory discrepancies shapes multisensory integration and recalibration differently. Park H, Kayser C. Cognition. 225:105092. 2022 Pubmed
Visuo-proprioceptive integration and recalibration with multiple visual stimuli. Debats N, Heuer H, Kayser C. Scientific Reports, 2021. Pubmed
Robust spatial ventriloquism effect and trial-by-trial aftereffect under memory interference. Park H, Kayser C. Scientific Reports, 2020. PubMed.