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  • Computational Biology

    © Universität Bielefeld


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Prof. Dr. Andrea Bräutigam

Prof. Dr. Andrea Bräutigam

Mitglied im Bibliotheksausschuss Biologie

Telefon Sekr.
+49 521 106-8755
UHG G2-124

At the moment, the vacant positions are as follows:

Student Assistants

Are you able to program in R or Python and interested in gaining initial experience in any scientific projects during your studies? Are you interested in learning how to apply any computer language, such as R?

Please send us your convincing application documents decribing your scientific interests, including a page of code written by yourself.

A project that will use and extend your knowledge can jointly be developed .

Postdoctoral Fellow

No job advertisement for a research position at the moment.

[Hier Anpassungen einfügen]


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