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  • Evolutionary Biology

    © Universität Bielefeld

Research topics & objectives

Our research interests encompass a wide and diverse array of overlapping topics and approaches, but a unifying theme running through the department is the study of behavioural traits important in pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection, and more generally, phenotypic plasticity.

We study the evolution of these often sex-specific traits with a combination of theoretical, experimental and meta-analytical approaches. For the empirical studies, we conduct field and lab experiments, using insects and gastropods as model species. Advanced statistical methods, evidence synthesis and meta-research complement our research program, which strives to detect and test general concepts in behavioural ecology and evolutionary biology.

Open positions

There are currently no open positions but we invite any prospective PhD or Postdoc researchers interested in working at the Department of Evolutionary Biology to get in touch with us to discuss funding opportunities. In addition, shall you be interested in conducting a project/research module or doing your bachelor/master thesis with us, get in touch with us.

Upcoming Seminars


The next evolution seminar will take place on the 30th of April, 12:15 (in person; room: VHF-210).

Ana Korša will talk about:

"Effect of the host immune response on the microbiome and pathogens"


The behaviour and evolution seminar will take place on the 24th of April, 12:15 (online [Zoom link below]).

Daniel Berner, from the University of Basel, will talk about:

"Joining the paradigm shift from significance testing to estimation statistics"


All interested are welcome! Get in touch for a link to the online view whenever necessary.


Recent publications

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