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  • Proteome and Metabolome Research

    © Universität Bielefeld

Research topics & objectives

Genes, transcripts, proteins and metabolites are the physical building blocks of the cell. The functional relations between these elements form a complex network of interactions that we call life.

Our group intends to decode (tiny) parts of such networks to obtain a functional understanding of life processes.

Our research group is based upon different interdisciplinary fields. One of our research topics is the biomedical analysis of human and animal tissue through MALDI Imaging and classical histology. This includes the development and synthesis of new chemical matrices as well as the computational analysis of complex data sets.

Another main focus of our group is the biotechnological application of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris as a xanthan producer. Besides we are working on symbiotic and pathogenic interactions of microbes and plants as well as on the morphogenesis of microalgae.

Open vaccancy

Currently there are no vacancies.


Student Projects

We are offering student projects in various interdisciplinary fields. Motivated students are always welcome to join our group for project modules, research modules and theses.

Available projects

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