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  • Student Projects

    © Universität Bielefeld

Student projects

© Universität Bielefeld

We are offering student projects in various interdisciplinary fields. Motivated students are always welcome to join our group for project modules, research modules and theses.

Available projects are listed below. If you are interested in a topic, please contact the affiliated person. Further contact information can be found here.

Subject area BA/MA Module or Thesis Topic Possible time frame Contact
Genomics, proteomics, cultivation Both Both

Profiling, evaluation, and characterization of one of the novel natural bacterial strains obtained in April, 2022 (>2 available)

until March 2023

Michael Thomas

Cloning Both Both Plant polyketide synthase GoldenBraid cloning March - July 2023

Anna Catharina Scholpp

Cultivation Both Both Plant polyketide synthase bacterial expression March - July 2023

Anna Catharina Scholpp

Metabolomics Both Both Plant polyketide synthase mass spec product analysis March - July 2023

Anna Catharina Scholpp

Cultivation, Screening Both Module Image-based screening process to find Xanthomonas mutant open

Sanne Wiersma

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