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  • LiMiTec

    Light Microscopy Technology Platform of Bielefeld University

    © Universität Bielefeld

Confocal Microscopes

Zeiss LSM780

Inverted confocal laser scanning microscope & FCS (W01)

  • Laser lines: 405 nm, 458 nm, 488 nm, 514 nm, 561 nm, 633 nm
  • Detectors: 2 photomultipliers, 32-ch GaAsp-detector
  • Optional: temperature-controlled stage with CO2-incubation
  • Software: Zeiss ZEN 2011

Phone: 5615

Leica SP2 with Lambert LIFA (FLIM)

Upright confocal laser scanning microscope (W1)

  • Laser lines: 458 nm, 476 nm, 488 nm, 514 nm, 543 nm, 633 nm
  • Filtersets: DD458/514, DD488/543, TD488/543/633, RSP500
  • Detectors: 3 photomultipliers
  • Optional: temperature-controlled stage
  • Software: Leica LCS

Upright stand FLIM (frequency domain)

Lambert LIFA with multi-LED (485 nm, 540 nm, 635 nm)

Filtersets for Fluorescein (long pass), Rhodamin (long pass) and GFP (short pass)


Phone: 12706

Zeiss LSM 5 Exciter

Inverted confocal laser scanning microscope (W01)

  • Laser lines: 458 nm, 488 nm, 514 nm, 543nm, 633 nm
  • Filter: LP 475nm, LP 505nm, LP 530nm, LP 560nm, LP 650nm
  • Software: Zeiss ZEN 2008

Phone: 5615

Leica SPE

Confocal laser scanning microscope (AG Niehaus)

  • Lasers: 488 nm, 555 nm, 635 nm
  • Software: Leica LASAF

Light Sheet Microscope

Bruker Luxendo MuVi SPIM

Light sheet microscope for live imaging and cleared samples

  • Laser lines: 405 nm, 488 nm, 515 nm, 561 nm, 642 nm
  • 2 Hamamatsu Orca Flash cameras, separated by beam splitter
  • 4 Octagons for various applications

Fluorescence Microscopes

Zeiss Observer D1

Inverted fluorescence microscope (AG Kaltschmidt)

  • Light source: HXP 120 C
  • Filter sets: DAPI, GFP/FITC/A488, dsRed/RFP/A555, YFP, A680
  • Camera: Carl Zeiss AxioCamMRm
  • Software: Carl Zeiss Axiovision

Keyence BZ-X810

Mobile inverted and automated fluorescence microscope

  • Filter sets: DAPI, GFP/FITC/A488, RFP/A555/PE
  • Software: Keyence (incl. Deconvolution Plug-In)


Nikon Eclipse 80i

Upright fluorescence microscope with Imagesplitter ratiometric for Ca2+-imaging (AG Niehaus)

  • Filter sets: INDO-1, DAPI, GFP, FITC, TRITC

Olympus ScanR

Inverted fluorescence microscope (IX81) for high-content screening (AG Niehaus)

  • Filter sets: UV1, UV2, CFP, GFP, YFP, Cy

Zeiss Axioskop2 (W5-258B)

Upright fluorescence microscope (AG Dietz)

  • Light source: 100 W HBO
  • Filter sets: DAPI (LP), GFP/FITC (LP), TRITC (LP), CFP (BP), YFP (BP), mCherry (BP)
  • Camera: Zeiss ICc1
  • Software: Axiovision release 4.7

Zeiss Axioskop

Upright fluorescence microscope (AG Kaltschmidt)

  • Light source: Carl Zeiss HBO 50
  • Filter sets: DAPI, GFP/FITC/A488, RFP/PE/A555
  • Camera: Zeiss MC100 Spot or Nikon consumer camera

Zeiss Axiovert25 (W5-220)

Inverted fluorescence microscope (AG Dietz)

  • Light source: 50 W HBO
  • Filter sets: DAPI (LP), GFP/FITC (LP)
  • Camera: Zeiss ERc5s
  • Software: ZEN LE

Zeiss Axiovert40 (W1-214)

Inverted fluorescence microscope

  • Light source: 50 W HBO
  • Filter sets: DAPI (LP), GFP/FITC (BP)
  • Camera: Nikon consumer camera

Zeiss Axiophot

Upright fluorescence microscope (AG Kaltschmidt)

  • Light source: Carl Zeiss HBO 50
  • Filter sets: DAPI, GFP/FITC/A488, RFP/PE/A555
  • Camera: Canon consumer camera

Microscopes, Polarization

Polarization Microscopy allows for visualization of birefringent structures such as cell walls, starch, spindles.

Octax PolScope

Polarization microscope (W01-236)

  • Inverted stand: Nikon Eclipse TE2000-S
  • Contrast methods: transmitted light (polarisator & analysator)
  • Software: Octax Eyeware
  • Camera: Octax camera system
  • Applications: imaging of birefringerant structures (spindles, cell walls)


Eichenlaub-Ritter, U., Winterscheid, U., Vogt, E., Shen, Y., Tinneberg, H.R., Sorensen, R. (2007) 2-methoxyestradiol induces spindle aberrations, chromosome congression failure, and nondisjunction in mouse oocytes. Biol. Reprod. 76(5): 784-793

Shen, Y., Betzendahl, I., Sun, F., Tinneberg, H.R., Eichenlaub-Ritter, U. (2005) Non-invasive method to assess genotoxiity of nocodazole interfering with spindle formation in mammalian oocytes. Reprod. Toxicol. 19(4): 459-471

Zeiss Axioplan

Polarization & Fluorescence microscope (W01-236)

  • Upright stand, filter sets for DAPI and FITC, phase contrast
  • Camera: Zeiss AxioCam MRm
  • Software: Axiovision

Microscopes, transmitted light

Evos XL

Advanced transmitted light inverted microscope (AG Kaltschmidt, AG Dietz)

  • Light source: LED
  • Contrast methods: transmitted light (brightfield&phase contrast)
  • Software: Evos
  • Camera: high sensitivity interline CMOS color camera
  • Applications: time-lapse, cell counting, cell viability assays, stem cell growth and differentiation, stem cell passaging, H&E imaging, DAB and other methods requiring true color images.


Transmitted light inverted microscope (AG Kaltschmidt)

  • Contrast methods: transmitted light (brightfield & phase contrast)
  • Camera: Nikon consumer camera

Zeiss Axioplan

Upright transmitted light microscope (AG Kaltschmidt)

  • Contrast methods: : transmitted light (brightfield&phase contrast)
  • Camera: Optional MC100 Spot or Nikon consumer camera

Micro-Manipulation Setup

Zeiss Axiovert40CFL & Eppendorf Femtojet

Inverted Stand, fluorescence microscope (W01-250, AG Dietz)

  • Filter sets: CFP, YFP and FRET (CFP-YFP)
  • Camera: Zeisss MRm
  • Software: Zeiss Axiovision
  • Equipped with Eppendorf micro-injector

Stereo Microscopes


Fluorescence stereo microscope (AG Niehaus)

  • Filters sets: CFP, GFP, YFP, DsRed

Leica MZ6 (W5-258B)

Stereo microscope (AG Dietz)

  • Light source: Goose neck halogen illuminator
  • Camera: Nikon consumer camera

Leica MZ6 (W7)

Stereo microscope (AG Kaltschmidt)

  • Light source: transmitted light base
  • Nikon consumer camera (optional)

Leica MZ6 (W1-202)

Stereo microscope

  • Light source: transmitted light base
  • Nikon consumer camera (optional)

Zeiss SV8

Stereo microscope (AG Kaltschmidt)

  • Light source: transmitted light base
  • Nikon consumer camera (optional)

Wild R38

Stereo microscope (W01-236)

  • Light source: transmitted light base
  • Nikon consumer camera (optional)

Other Equipment

Clean bench and CO2-incubators

Available for LiMiTec-users in W01. Please contact Dr. Thorsten Seidel.

  • For live cell imaging, small mobile incubators and a temperature-controlled stage can be obtained on request.

External Instruments

External instrumentation and expertise provided by the research groups of Prof. Anselmetti, Prof. Hellweg, Prof. Huser, Prof. Hütten, Prof. Kühnle, Prof. Niehaus.

Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hellweg

PC III, Faculty of Chemistry

Phone: 6888

Coherent Raman Scattering (CARS) and Spontaneous Raman Scattering

Prof. Dr. Thomas Huser

Biomolecular Photonics, Faculty of Physics

Phone: 5450

Superresolution Microscopy (Nanoscopy)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Huser

Biomolecular Photonics, Faculty of Physics

Phone: 5450

Electron Microscopy

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hütten

Thin Films and Physics of Nanostructures, Faculty of Physics

Phone: 5412


Prof. Dr. Karsten Niehaus

Proteome and Metabolome Research, Faculty of Biology

Phone: 5631

Cryo-Electron Microscopy

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hütten

Thin Films and Physics of Nanostructures, Faculty of Physics

Phone: 5412


Prof. Dr. Thomas Hellweg

PC III, Faculty of Chemistry

Phone: 6888

Atomic Force Microscopy

Prof. Dr. Dario Anselmetti

Biophysics and Nanoscience, Faculty of Physics

Phone: 6870


Prof. Dr. Angelika Kühnle

PC1, Faculty of Chemistry

Phone: 6887

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