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  • Behaviour 2023

    14.-20. August 2023 | Bielefeld, Germany

    © Universität Bielefeld

Social events, society meetings and networking opportunities

Society meetings and networking opportunities

1. Bioacoustics Networking Event

Logo of the Bioacoustics Networking Event with information about the time and place
© P. Kriengwatana

Organisers: Pralle Kriengwatana, Dianne Brunton, Laura V. Cuaya, Julia Jenikejew

When: Monday 14th August, 18:00

Where: Main hall, UHG, Bielefeld University

This is the opportunity to get together with other researchers working on Bioacoustics. At this get-together, conference attandees can exchange and network in a relaxing atmosphere over some drinks.

2. Writing papers hasn’t stopped the climate and ecological crises: Scientist Rebellion introduction and networking event 

Writing hasn't stoppped the climate and ecological crises Logo
© T. Wyatt

When: Monday 14th August, 18:15

Where: Lecture hall 7

Primary organizers: Sanja Hakala & Tristram Wyatt 

Our governments are failing to safeguard our planet’s life support systems, and are instead ignoring the science. At the Behaviour 2023 conference, we in Scientist Rebellion want to bring together fellow scientists to discuss our responsibility in the ecological and climate crises. How to take collective action to create the changes needed? Scientist Rebellion is a civil resistance movement and a network of academics demanding that governments act immediately to stop climate and ecological breakdown - using effective forms of scientific engagement via direct action*. After a brief introduction, we can discuss together how to push for change beyond just writing papers and documenting the destruction of ecosystems and the animals we study. If we want to guarantee a safe future (including a career in science) for us and our peers, we must act now. Join us in this informal networking event on August 14th.

No registration necessary, everyone is welcome! You can simply show up, or book ahead (free) via eventbrite.

*Capstick et al. (2022), Civil disobedience by scientists helps press for urgent climate action. Nature Climate Change. 12 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-022-01461-y 
Gardner et al., (2021) From publications to public actions: The role of universities in facilitating academic advocacy and activism in the climate and ecological emergency. Frontiers in Sustainability 2, 42. https://doi.org/10.3389/frsus.2021.679019
Racimo et al., (2022) The biospheric emergency calls for scientists to change tactics. eLife 11, e83292. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.83292

Social events

1. Science Speed "Dating"

Did you come to Bielefeld all alone and are worried about connecting with others? Do you want to network with peers that share the same interests? Or are you just one of these social animals that can’t get enough of interacting with other people? Whatever it is: this event is for you! We want to make sure no one has to stay isolated during the conference and facilitate people connecting for the following days to e.g. have lunch or coffee breaks together, head to the city for dinner or work out after the conference.

Science speed dating will connect you to other conference attendees while simultaneously satisfying your hunger for science. In short speed dating-like sessions, we will connect you to other attendees. Don’t worry about awkward silence: we will make sure you have lots of interesting topics to talk about. In the best case, attendees will have found nice company for dinner after the Science Speed Dating and head to the city together.

When: Monday 14th of August, 6:15 p.m.

Where: University Bielefeld, main building, in front of the Westend cafeteria

The activity is free, and you don’t need to register. It is suitable for people with limited movability and/or other para-abilities as well. The activity might not be suitable for children. In case you have questions, please contact isabel.damas@uni-bielefeld.de using the subject "science speed dating".

2. Science "Pub" Quiz

Test your knowledge on random science and animal facts while teaming up with interesting people. Don’t hesitate to come on your own, as we will assign you to random teams to increase networking and getting to know other attendees for breaks and free time during the conference week. If this isn’t incentive enough, there will be drinks and as well as a fun prize.

When:                 Wednesday 6:15-8:30 p.m.

Where:                Lecture hall 5

The activity is free, and you don’t need to register. It is also suitable for people with limited movability and/or other para-abilities. The activity might be suitable for children depending on their age and needs. In case you have questions, please contact svenja.stoehr@uni-bielefeld.de using the subject "science pub quiz".

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