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  • Behaviour 2023

    14.-20. August 2023 | Bielefeld, Germany

    Behaviour 2023 logo
    © Marc Gilles


Registration for excursions will close once an excursion is booked out or latest on August 11th (23:59 CET). If you need to cancel your excursion, please contact us at behaviour2023@uni-bielefeld.de.


Activity and excursion swap shop:

Our notice board will also have a section to put up your postings in case you booked a ticket for an excursion or activity that you can’t attend. This swap shop is meant to connect those people that would really like to attend e.g. an excursion that was already booked out or simply forgot to sign up in time and those unlucky ones that can’t make use of their ticket themselves. Just use the pens and paper that we put out at the notice board and the help desk, describe your offer/what you are searching for and some kind of contact information.


Excursions offered:

Six days of beautiful Bielefeld and scientific exchange is not enough? If you want to explore more of Bielefeld and it's surroundings: we are planning a variety of excursions on the last day of the conference (Sunday August 20th). Need to be physically active from sitting in talks? Or do you prefer to have some cultural input instead of pure Behavioural research? Maybe you’d rather want to get some fresh air and listen to the sounds of birds instead of just talking about it. We will offer excursion options for all these needs! These are the excursions that we offer:

1. A hike and guided tour through a fascinating rock formation in the Teutoburg forest: the Externsteine

© Nadine Schubert

Duration: from 9:00 - 15:00 on Sunday the 20th of August.

The natural stone formation Externsteine within the beautiful Teutoburg forest has been fascinating people since medieval times and its surroundings have been subject to archaeological excavations. On this excursion you will get a 1 hour long tour around the Externsteine and into the grotto and you can even climb on top if you pay 2 EUR on site. After this guided tour we will take you on a hike through the stunning nature of the Teutoburg forest uphill to the Falkenburg, an ancient castle ruin. Once you reached the top of the hill at Falkenburg ruin, you can enjoy the great view over Teutoburg forest and can even spot the Herman’s monument, a colossal statue of the Cheruscan chieftain Arminius, from the distance. The hike there and back to the bus will approximately take 2.5 hours. Please make sure to wear good walking shoes, light clothing or a raincoat and potentially sunscreen, depending on the weather. Also bring enough drinks yourself to stay hydrated as well as some food, as once we leave the Externsteine and enter the forest there will be no shops. The path in the forest, though partly hilly, is not too difficult and does not require an exceptional fitness level. This excursion is only partially wheel chair friendly (the tour around the Externsteine is, but not the hike itself) and might be suitable for kids, depending on the age. Please get in touch if you are interested in joining but cannot join the hike and we can discuss the options.

Maximum participants: 69

Price: 25 Euro p.p. (+ 2 Euro p.p. extra to climb on top of the Externsteine, to be paid on site)

Check out more information about the region here.

Contact person: Nadine Schubert, nadine.schubert@uni-bielefeld.de

2. A guided tour through the ecologically interesting and beautiful nature side NSG Moosheide

© Michael Schulte

Duration: from 9:00 - 13:30 on Sunday the 20th of August

The nature reserve Moosheide is located in the beautiful Senne landscape about 30 km away from Bielefeld University. The Moosheide is characterized by the typical Senne vegetation with large areas of Common heather (Calluna vulgaris) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest. It is inhabited by rare species such as the Sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) and the Wood lark (Lullula arborea) and is the perfect excursion for every nature lover. We will start our excursion at Bielefeld University at around 9:00 and go to the Moosheide by bus. The hiking tour will take about 2.5 hours and does not require an exceptional fitness level. You need to bring appropriate clothes for outside, water, food and, if you want, your binoculars. It is possible to bring children to this tour. This excursion is only partially wheel chair friendly: there is a a 800 m long way from the starting point of the tour that leads to the spring of the river Ems which is accessibly for wheel chairs. On the way back, there is the opportunity to watch one of the biggest remaining herd of Senne horses. An old and rare breed from the Senne region.

Maximum participants: 53

Price: 25 Euro p.P.

Check out more information about the Nature Reserve Moosheide here.

Contact person: Nikolas Vellnow, nikolas.vellnow@uni-bielefeld.de and Irene Godoy, irene.godoy@uni-bielefeld.de

3. A guided tour through the Großes Torfmoor, a bog that’s part of a nature reserve

Großes Torfmoor
© Henner Nahrwold

Duration: 9:45 - 16:00 on Sunday the 20th of August.

The big peat bog – Großes Torfmoor

Welcome to a special trip to the biggest bog in North Rhine Westphalia. We will meet at 9:45 a.m. at the University of Bielefeld and return latest at 16:00 at the University. Arriving at the Moorhus (Boghouse) at 11:00 each group will have a 2 hour-long guided tour (slow tempo; flat area) in English through the bog with fascinating details to the fauna and flora, the nature restoration and the meaning of bogs for climate protection. Additionally, each group will visit the exhibition in the Moorhus giving further information about the history and future oft this bog (in German, but we try to provide translators). And last but not least you will visit the "Bog-garden" with a barefeet trail and even more things to discover.

A few things you should bring/consider:

  • Solid, waterproof shoes and sun/rain protection for an open, flat, but possibly muddy area
  • Be prepared for mosquitos and other stinging insects (you know- it´s a bog! ;))
  • Bring 2.50 EUR cash for the exhibition (not included in the booking price!)
  • Bring drinks and food for yourself. There is no option to buy food or drinks on the way or at the bog.
  • It is suitable for children as well.

Contact us in advance if you have any disability so we could check individually if it is possible to attend the hike (e.g. the paths through the bog are not suited for wheelchairs although the moorhus and toilets are barrier-free)

Maximum participants: 69

Price: 30 Euro p.p. (+ 2.50 Euro p.p. to visit the exhibition, to be paid on site)

Check out more information about the Torfmoor here.

Contact person: Sonja Schindler, sonja.schindler@uni-bielefeld.de

4. A tour to Bielefeld's landmark: The Sparrenburg Castle*

© Bielefeld Marketing GmbH

Duration: 9:00 - 12:00 on Sunday the 20th of August

The Sparrenburg Castle is Bielefeld‘s landmark, which is located on the hill “Sparrenberg” with an altitude of about 180 m. It was built before 1256 and used to serve as a protection for the city of Bielefeld in the past. We will start our excursion at Bielefeld University at around 9:00 a.m. and use the public transport (included in the registration fee) to get to the Sparrenburg. We will visit the casemates of the fortress which is worth seeing for everyone interested in the history. The tour will take about 1 hour and afterwards we can visit the tower of the castle (another 20 min). For visiting the tower, you have to pay 2.50 EUR on site. This excursion is unfortunately not wheel chair friendly. It is possible to bring children, you need a normal fitness level and you don't need to bring any special equipment.

More information on the castle can be found here (in German).

* The Sparrenburg is located just a short hike away from Bielefeld city centre. In case you would like to visit the castle but cannot make it on the excursion day, there will be time to visit the castle during the rest of the week.

Maximum participants: 53

Price: 10 Euro p.p. (+ 2.50 Euro extra to visit the tower, to be paid on site)

More information on the castle can be found here (in German).

Contact person: Max Mühlenhaupt, max.muehlenhaupt@uni-bielefeld.de

5. A visit to a trampoline park in Bielefeld

Duration: 9:30 - 13:30 on Sunday the 20th of August.

Location: 5km from Bielefeld University

Would you like to get active after the week of talks? A visit to the trampoline park Superfly in Bielefeld is the perfect opportunity for this! The park has a lot to offer with its about 3.000 m²: there is a bounce run, a waterfall trampoline, ninja parcours and much more. We will leave the university at around 9:30 and take public transport (included in the registration fee). We will stay at Superfly for about 3 hours and will return to the university at around 13:30. You need to bring sport clothes and you need a medium to high fitness level. It is possible to bring children. Drinks and food are included in the price (hot drinks, soft drinks, sweets, pizza and donuts). This tour is not wheel chair friendly.

Price: 28 Euro p.p.

More information about Superfly can be found here.

Contact person: Sabine Kraus, sabine.kraus@uni-bielefeld.de


You will have the option to book an excursion during registration. They will take place on Sunday morning until early afternoon, to allow time for commuting back home.

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