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  • © Universität Bielefeld

Travel grants

Thanks to a conference grant by the German Science Foundation (DFG) we can fund a handful of travel grants for students and researchers attending the conference. We are inviting students and researchers needing financial support and studying blood parasites of wildlife (not humans) to apply for travel grants. The applications should be emailed before 30 Novermber 2021 to Staffan Bensch (Staffan.Bensch@biol.lu.se) as one combined document (PDF) containing:

Title and abstract of the presentation (oral or poster)
A one-page signed support letter from the supervisor
A text (maximum 400 words) describing the PhD project
Estimates of the travel costs

Decisions on funding will be communicated to all applicants by the end of December 2021, well before the deadline for registration. This means that you have not commited to travelling to Germany before receiving a decision about the travel grant.


Travel grants

Title and abstract of the presentation (oral or poster)

A one-page signed support letter from the supervisor
A text (maximum 400 words) describing the PhD project

Estimates of the travel costs


Decisions on funding will be communicated to all applicants by the end of January 2022, well before the deadline for registration. This means that you have not dedicated to coming to Germany before receiving a decision about the travel grant.

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