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    © Universität Bielefeld

Publikationen und Preprints

Geographic distribution of terpenoid chemotypes in Tanacetum vulgare mediates tansy aphid occurrence but not abundance.

Rahimova, H., Neuhaus-Harr, A., Clancy, M.V., Guo, Y., Junker, R.R., Ojeda-Prieto, L., Petrén, H., Senft, M., Zytynska, S.E., Weisser, W.W., Heinen, R. and Schnitzler, J.-P. (2024),

Oikos e10320.



The evolution of chemodiversity in plants—From verbal to quantitative models

Frans M. Thon, Caroline Müller, Meike J. Wittmann (2024)

Ecology Letters Vol 27, Issue 2



Intraspecific chemical variation of Tanacetum vulgare affects plant growth and reproductive traits in field plant communities

Ojeda-Prieto, L., Medina-van Berkum, P., Unsicker, S.B., Heinen, R. and Weisser, W.W. (2024)

Plant Biol J.


Chemodiversity affects preference for Tanacetum vulgare chemotypes in two aphid species

Neuhaus-Harr A, Ojeda-Prieto L, Eilers EJ, Müller C, Weisser WW, Heinen R (2023)

Oikos e10437



Flower visitor groups show differential responses to individual and plot-level chemodiversity with consequences for plant fitness

Sasidharan R, Grond SG, Champion S, Eilers EJ, Müller C (2023)

bioRxiv 2023.11.21.568056


Influences of chemotype and parental genotype on metabolic fingerprints of tansy plants uncovered by predictive metabolomics

Dussarrat T, Schweiger R, Ziaja D, R, Nguyen T, Krause L, Jakobs R, Eilers EJ, Müller C (2023)

Scientific Reports 13: 11645


Inter-laboratory comparison of plant volatile analyses in the light of intra-specific chemodiversity

Eckert S, Eilers EJ, Jakobs R, Anaia RA, Aragam KS, Bloss T, Popp M, Sasidharan R, Schnitzler J-P, Stein F, Steppuhn A, Unsicker SB, van Dam NM, Yepes S, Ziaja D, Müller C (2023)



Extending the elemental defence hypothesis in the light of plant chemodiversity.

Putra R, Müller C (2023)

New Phytologist



Understanding the phytochemical diversity of plants: Quantification, variation and ecological function
Petrén H, Ania AR, Aragam KS, Bräutigam A, Eckert S, Heinen R, Jakobs R, Ojeda-Prieto L, Popp M, Sasidharan R, Schnitzler J-P, Steppuhn A, Thon F, Tschikin S, Unsicker SB, van Dam NM, Weisser WW, Wittmann MJ, Yepes S, Ziaja D, Müller C, Junker R (2023)

bioRxiv 2023.03.23.533415



Steroidal glycoside profile differences among primary roots system and adventitious roots in Solanum dulcamara

Chiocchio I, Andrés NP, Anaia, RA, van Dam NM & Vergara F (2023) 

Planta 257(37)



Chemische Diversität bei Pflanzen – wozu?

Müller C (2022)

Biologie in Unserer Zeit 52(3), 241–247



Chemical phenotype as important and dynamic niche dimension of plants

Müller C & Junker RR (2022)

New Phytologist 234:1168–1174


Flower production, headspace volatiles, pollen nutrients and florivory in Tanacetum vulgare chemotypes

Eilers EJ, Kleine S, Eckert S, Waldherr S, Müller C (2021)

Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 611877.


Ecology and Evolution of Intraspecific Chemodiversity of Plants

Müller C, Bräutigam A, Eilers EJ, Junker R, Schnitzler J-P, Steppuhn A, Unsicker SB, van Dam NM, Weisser W, Wittmann MJ (2020)

Research Ideas and Outcomes 6: e49810.


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