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Manuscripts & Pre-registrations

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NC3 Publication record:

72 Published papers (incl. in press)

37 Preprints & manuscripts in revison/submitted

5 Pre-registrations

Publications & Preprints

Please note: Only manuscripts that are not available as preprints are listed here. Many of the preprints listed here are currently in revision or submitted as well.

Accepted & In Press

  • Chakarov N et al. (2021) Atypical behavior of a blackfly species connects cavity-nesting birds and generalist blood parasites in an arid area of Spain. Parasites & Vectors, in press.
  • Kaiser MI, Trappes R (2022) Ecological-evolutionary mechanisms and individualised niches. In: From biological practice to scientific metaphysics. University of Minnesota Press, in press.
  • Krause ET et al. (2021) The ravages of time – Life-long consequences of early larval nutritional conditions on terrestrial life of fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra). SALAMANDRA: GERMAN JOURNAL OF HERPETOLOGY, in press.
  • Krohs U (2022) The epistemology of biomimetics: the role of models and of morphogenetic principles. Perspectives on Science, in press.
  • Marshall HH et al. (2021) A veil of ignorance promotes fairness in a cooperative mammal society. Nature Communications, in press.
  • Peart CR et al. (2021) Hi-C scaffolded genomes of the California sea lion are broadly consistent across primary assemblies and are suitable for syntenic inference across the carnivora. Molecular Ecology Resources, in press.

Submitted / In Revision

  • Fokkeman RW et al. (202X) Social competition as a driver of phenotype-environment correlations: implications for ecology and evolution. In revision for Biological Reviews.
  • Heinze P et al. (202X) Experimental evidence for morph-specific substrate choice in the color polymorphic meadow grasshopper Pseudochorthippus parallelus. In revision for Behavioural Ecology.
  • Kikuchi DW et al. (202X) Why aren’t warning signals everywhere? On the prevalence of aposematism and mimicry. In revision for Biological Reviews.
  • Kikuchi DW & Reinhold K (202X) Maintenance of individual behavioral variation through costly competition. In revision for Proc. R. Soc. B.
  • Trappes R (202X) Defining the niche for niche construction: evolutionary and ecological niches. In revision for Biology and Philosophy.
  • Clement D et al (202X) Evolutionary history mediates population response to rapid environmental change through within-generational and transgenerational plasticity. Submitted to American Naturalist.

  • Kikuchi DW et al (202X) The effect of predator population dynamics on Batesian mimicry complexes. Submitted to American Naturalist.

  • Pollack L et al (202X) Predicting variation in evolutionary mismatch after environmental change. Submitted to Trends in Ecology and Evolution.


  • Lilie ND et al (2020) Male social niche conformance: a trade-off between extra-pair mating and paternal care in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata)? OSF Preregistration, https://osf.io/p9bdf
  • Lilie ND et al (2019) Male social niche conformance in zebra finches. OSF Preregistration, https://osf.io/84z5r
  • Nagel R et al (2020) An explorative RNA-seq analysis of Antarctic fur seal mother-pup pairs from low and high density breeding populations. OSF Preregistration, https://osf.io/vekqg
  • Oswald P & Caspers BA (2021) Shelter-seeking in naïve fire salamander larvae (Salamandra salamandra). OSF Preregistration, https://osf.io/xjnpc
  • Winter G & Schielzeth H (2020) Effects of habitat complexity on the predictability in escape behavior of grasshoppers. OSF Preregistration, https://osf.io/9ms2x


Last Update: 31.05.2021

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