Connecting Theory and Empiricism
The role of individual internal states in niche choice, niche construction, and behavioural niche conformance
Individual-based research: concepts, epistemology and integration
Individualised niches in a variable environment – Consequences for environmental change responses and for species interactions
Armament, hunger, and mating: how competition can drive individual variation
Individual niche specialisation in the light of evidence synthesis
Uncovering complex behavioural niche mechanisms from individual-level ecological time series
Function and fitness in individual niches - Conceptual and explanatory issues
The ontological status of individualised niches
Local population density as a key dimension of the individualised niche: An eco-evolutionary modelling approach
Modelling the evolution of individual differences in niche choice, niche conformance, and niche construction
The behavioural ecology of individualised niches in the light of meta-analyses
Statistical inference on niche choices based on behavioural time series data