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PC2 - Koop

© Daniele Penna (distributed via imaggeo.egu.eu under licence [CC BY-NC-SA 3.0])

Atmospheric & Physical Chemistry

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Faculty of Chemistry
Bielefeld University
Universitätsstraße 25
D-33615 Bielefeld


Prof. Dr. Thomas Koop
Secretary: +49-(0)521-​106-6887
Phone: +49-(0)521-​106-6135
Office: UHG E3-150


Ice crystal
© Thomas Koop

Welcome to the research group on Atmospheric and Physical Chemistry led by Thomas Koop. We are a team of physical chemists in the Faculty of Chemistry at Bielefeld University. Our research is devoted to studies of various phase transition phenomena. Research topics include supercooled liquids, ice nucleation and growth, deliquescence and efflorescence of crystalline substances, as well as formation of amorphous glassy materials. We use experimental techniques such as differential scanning calorimetry and optical cryo-microscopy, and we develop special purpose equipment and techniques suited for studying phase transition. Many of our studies are of importance for understanding environmental phenomena, for example the properties of atmospheric aerosols, cloud formation mechanisms, and cryobiological processes. For more details, see our Research and Publications webpages.

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