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Journal Club

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld
Gergely Endrődi

Journal club - High-Energy Physics

The journal club is aimed at BSc-, MSc- or PhD-students and postdocs with interest in research in high-energy physics.

This semester we will discuss papers related to the ongoing theses and research projects at the department. Our aim is to get to know each other's topics better, broaden our horizons and potentially find overlapping research directions. This time the focus will be on lattice field theory and heavy ion physics, but further topics are also very welcome.

The meetings will take place in presence. One participant will present a previously announced topic in about 45-60 minutes. Afterwards we have an informal discussion, where everybody is encouraged to participate. This is a good opportunity to broaden your perspective and also to practice giving a presentation. The topic of the talk will be sent around a few days in advance so that everybody can look into the subject. Moreover, to each topic we assign a support person, who is supposed to help the presenter for preparing the talk.

When presenting your project, please make sure to put the topic into context, concentrate on the main aspects and try to design your talk to be interactive. In case you are presenting slides, please send them to me afterwards so they can be uploaded to the webpage.


Mondays at 16:00 in D6-135. The current topic and the relevant literature will be sent around in advance.

Date Presenter Title Material

General literature

  • Gattringer, Lang: Quantum chromodynamics on the lattice [library link]
  • DeGrand, DeTar: Lattice methods for quantum chromodynamics [library link]
  • arxiv.org preprint server

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