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Previous journal club talks

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld
Gergely Endrődi

Previous journal club talks

This is a collection of talks that have been given at the high-energy physics / lattice field theory journal club.

SemesterDate Presenter Title Material
WS23/24October 27Stephan OchsenfeldNon-hydro modesarticle
WS23/24November 3Eduardo GarnachoRotating latticesarticle slides
WS23/24November 10Laurin PannulloInhomogeneous phasesarticle slides
WS23/24November 17Mika SpierBjorken flowarticle slides
WS23/24November 24Mattis HarhoffCausality and stability of first order relativistic hydroarticle slides
WS23/24December 1Renata KrupczakViolations of causality in relativistic hydroarticle slides
WS23/24December 8Yunxin YeDynamic hadronization with FRGarticle
WS23/24December 15Leon SandboteElectric susceptibility in hot QCDarticle
WS23/24January 12Travis Dore3+1D glasmaarticle
WS23/24January 19Javier HernandezBloch-theorem for currents in equilibriumarticle
WS23/24January 26Dean ValoisHolographic QCDarticle
WS23/24February 2PavanStaggered fermions and RHMCarticle
SS23April 28Rasmus NielsenRoberge-Weiss transitions at imaginary chemicalarticle
SS23May 5Travis DoreEffective theory for QCD in the chiral limitarticle
SS23May 12Mattis HarhoffLee-Yang zeroes and universalityarticle
SS23May 26Frederic KletteNumerical treatment of conservation equationsarticle
SS23June 2Oscar Garcia-MonteroAnomalous hydrodynamics
SS23June 16Dean ValoisHadron resonance gas modelbook
SS23June 23Javier HernandezTurbulence in kinetic theoryarticle
SS23June 30Simran SinghDilute instanton gas approximationarticle, article
SS23July 7Eduardo GarnachoHard thermal loop perturbation theorybook
WS22/23January 20Javier HernandezAxion-photon coupling on the latticeslides
WS22/23January 13Eduardo GarnachoAnomalous transport on the latticeslides
WS22/23December 16Dean Valois & Leon SandboteMagnetic fields in lattice QCDslides
WS22/23December 9Stephan OchsenfeldNon-hydro modes in kinetic theoryslides
WS22/23November 18Rasmus NielsenFluctuation determinants and instantonsnotes
WS22/23October 21Travis DoreFar-from equilibrium search for critical endpointslides
SS22July 1Javier HernandezWilson flow and applicationsslides
SS22June 24Dean ValoisScattering on the latticeslides
SS22June 17Pratitee PattanaikSign reweighting in lattice QCDslides
SS22June 10Rasmus NielsenTopology and axionsnotes
SS22May 20Eduardo GarnachoParallel temperingslides
SS22May 6David ClarkeStandard Model historynotes
WS21/22January 21Gergely MarkoMagnetic susceptibility on the latticeslides
WS21/22December 17Dean ValoisDomain wall fermionsslides
WS21/22December 10Pratitee PattanaikStaggered fermionsslides
WS21/22December 4Javier HernandezWilson fermions and chiral symmetryslides
WS21/22November 26Eduardo GarnachoPropagator matrix at nonzero chemical potentialslides
WS21/22November 19Samuel SchumacherOverlap fermionsslides
WS21/22November 12Bagrat MakhmutovElectric fields on the latticeslides
SS21July 23Luis AltenkortConjugate gradient methodslides
SS21July 2Pratitee PattanaikDensity of states methodslides
SS21June 25Dean ValoisStochastic quantizationslides
SS21June 18Jishnu GoswamiBanks-Casher relationslides
SS21June 4Andreas HalschReal-time lattice simulationsslides
SS21May 21Christopher WinterowdInverse Monte-Carlo methodsslides
SS21May 7Volodymyr ChelnokovRoberge-Weiss phase transitionslides
WS20/21February 12Mugdha SarkarAnderson localizationslides
WS20/21February 5David ClarkeSymanzik improvementnotes
WS20/21January 22Dean ValoisMagnetic fields on the latticeslides
WS20/21January 15Wolfgang UngerCenter clustersslides
WS20/21January 8Gergely MarkoTopology and critical slowing downslides
WS20/21December 18Sajid AliWard identities and pion decay constantslides
WS20/21December 11Lorenzo DiniSign problem at nonzero chemical potentialnotes
WS20/21November 27Jishnu GoswamiScale setting on the latticeslides
WS20/21November 20Luis AltenkortWilson flowslides
SS20July 10Guido NicotraHybrid Monte-Carlonotes
SS20July 3Tristan UedingHadron correlatorsnotes
SS20June 26Lorenzo DiniChiral magnetic effectnotes
SS20June 19Anirban LahiriConfinement and flux tubesslides
SS20June 12Dennis BollwegChemical potential on the latticenotes
SS20June 5Mugdha SarkarOverlap fermionsslides, demo
SS20May 29Marcel RodekampDomain wall fermionsnotes
SS20May 22David ClarkeStaggered fermionsslides
SS20May 15Bastian BrandtWilson fermionsslides

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