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Group leader

© Armin Gölzhäuser

Prof.Dr.Armin Gölzhäuser


Armin Gölzhäuser received his Ph.D. in 1993 from the University of Heidelberg. He then was a Feodor Lynen Fellow at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In 2001, he received his habilitation (Heidelberg) and in 2003 he became a professor of physical chemistry at Marburg University. In the same year, he became a professor of physics at Bielefeld University. His research is focused on the fabrication, characterization and application of low dimensional nanostructures and functional materials, and he has a strong interest in the technological application of nanostructures. He is a founder of the Bielefeld Institute for Nanoscience (BINAS) and he is Associate Editor of the Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology

Room: D0-270 
Telefon: +49 521 106 - 5362  ag@uni-bielefeld.de


Eva Annas

Room: DO 266

Telefon: +49 521 106 6995



Angelova, Dr.Polina

Room: DO-205

Tel.: +49 521 106 5366



Beyer, PD.Dr. André

©André Beyer

Room: D0-201
Tel: +49 521 106 - 5364

Dementyev, Dr.Petr

©Petr Dementyev

Petr Dementyev leads the STREAMS unit as a Liebig Fellow by the German Chemical

Industry Association

Room: D0-203 
Tel.: +49 521 106 - 5365 


Pei, Dr. Hongchang

Room: D-229

Tel.:+49 521 106-5375


Völkel, Dr. Berthold

©Berthold Völkel

Room: D0-213 
Tel.: +49 521 106 - 5370 

Werner, Dr.Udo

©Udo Werner

Room: D0-242 
Tel.: +49 521 106 - 5352 

Yao, Dr. Zhen

©Zhen Yao

Zhen Yao joined the group in October 2021. She obtained her PhD from the University of St Andrews in July 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Manfred Buck and Prof. Michael Buehl. Her current research focuses on the fabrication and functionalization of carbon nanomembranes (CNM).

Room: D0-264
Tel.: +49 521 106 - 5361

Bachelor, Master and PhD-Students

Ambroz, Ana

Ana is a PhD from student from Slovenia who joined the group in 2024 . She is working on advancemnet of carbon nanomembranes

for water filtration.

Raum: D0-250
Telefon: +49 521 106 - 5356


© En-neita Khayya

Khayya, En-Neita

En-Neita Khayya is working on studying the physicochemical properties of 2D nanomembranes including the study of gas/vapor adsorption and permeation through these 2D nanomembranes. 

Raum: D0-205
Telefon: +49 521 106 - 5366

Korzetz; Riko

Riko Korzetz is a PhD student working on gas permeation through carbon nanomembranes.

Raum: D0-227  Telefon: +49 521 106 - 5374


©Jakob Kreie

Kreie, Jakob

Jakob Kreie is a PhD student who joined the group in 2020. He is working on the "Synthesis and Charactarization of Two-Dimensional Polymers as Ultrathin Membranes for Molecular Sieving".

Raum: D0-250
Telefon: +49 521 106 - 5356


©Le Hoang Linh

Linh, Le Hoang

Le Hoang Linh joined the group in 2017 as a PhD student. She focuses on Carbon Nanomembranes for nanofiltration. She obtained her Master degree in Materials Science in 2016 from Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.

Raum: D0-227 
Telefon: +49 521 106 - 5374 






©Luzie Niermann

Niermann, Luzie Lina


Luzie Lina Niermann is writing her master thesis.

Raum: D0-250
Telefon: +49 521 106 - 5356



©Patrick Penner

Penner, Patrick

Patrick Penner started his Phd in August 2023.

Raum: D0-250
Telefon: +49 521 106 - 5356


©Michael Westphal

Westphal, Michael

Michael Westphal is currently working on his PhD about "Characterization, modification and fabrication of dielectric thin-film systems".

Raum: D0-250 
Telefon: +49 521 106 - 5356 






Aguf, Anna M.Sc

Ai, Min Dr.

Amin, Ihsan Dr.

Büenfelder, Matthias Dipl.Phys.

Bünger, Kira B.Sc

Chen, Kuo

Chinaryan, Vahe Dr.

Dalpke, Raphael Dr.

Eckseler, Jannis

Eisele, Andreas Dr.

El-Desawy, Mohamed Dr.

Emmerich, Daniel Dr.

Ens, Christian B.Sc

Frese, Nathalie Dr.

Frommeyer, Lena B.Sc

Geyer, Wolfgang Dr.

Jäger, Barbara Dr.

Kampmann, .Heiko Dr.

Kankate, Laxman Dr.

Klement, Nils B.Sc

Klett, Robin M.Sc

Küller, Alexander Dr.

Koch, Sascha Dr.

Li, Pengfei

Lin, Xiankun Dr.

Lorentzen, Ursula

Lukassen, Marc M.Sc

Mainka, Marcel M.Sc

Matei, Dan Dr.

Meier, Isabella M.Sc

Mellech, Nils Dipl.Phys.

Meyer zu Theenhausen, Hanno M.Sc

Naberezhnyi, Daniil M.Sc

Nottbohm, Christoph Dr.

Oberländer, Elina M.Sc

Paul, Anne Dr.

Pehe, Johannes M.Sc

Penner, Paul Dr.

Qi, Yubo M.Sc

Reimer, Oliver M.Sc

Sanyal, Shourja

Schnietz, Mark Dr.

Schüler, Susanne Dipl.Phys.

Schulte, Lennart M.Sc.

Thies, Dophia B.Sc

Turhanin, Andrey Prof.

Trekla, Marta Dr.

Vieker, Henning Dr.

Weber, Dirk Dr.

Weber, Nils-Eike Dr.

Wieting, Jonas M.Sc

Wilke, Timo M.Sc

Willunat, Annika M.Sc

Winter, Andreas Dr.

Yan, Chun Dr.

Yang, Yang Dr,

Zhang, Xianghui Dr.

Zheng, Zhikun Dr.

Room Plan

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