BESTEC thin film deposition system
SENTECH atomic layer deposition system
BesTec 3 inch Co-Sputtering System
Leybold CLAB600
Transmission electron microscopy
FEI Helios NanoLab DualBeam Focused Ion Beam
Zeiss LEO 1530 Scanning Electron Microscope
Scanning Auger microscopy
Ion Beam Etching system
3rd Generation MPMS SQUID Magnetometer (Quantum Design)
Philips X'Pert Pro MPD x-ray diffractometer
theta-2theta geometry
Cu K-alpha source
Bragg-Brentano optics
open Euler cradle
LN2 chamber for cryo measurements
x-ray reflectivity (XRR)
small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS)
x-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis of composition of thin films and bulk samples
Magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE)
Vector MOKE:
3-axis magnet (0.35T)
perpendicular or 45° incident light
sample rotation and heating
Kerr rotation and ellipticity
different wavelengths
Bruker electromagnet (up to 2T)
polar and longitudinal geometry
650nm Laser
s- or p-polarized incident light
Cryogenic Ltd. Cryostat system
Atomic Force Microscope Bruker Multimode 5
Variety of setups for...
Introduction to the field:
Labs at D2 (main university building):
Sputter deposition and ALD: 2585, D2-262
Thin film deposition (CLAB600, MBE): 2617, D2-229
X-ray reflectivity, diffraction, fluorencence: 5409, D2-244
Labs at D02 (main university building):
AES and calorimetry: 2511, D02-225c
AGM and thermal gradients setup: 12729, D02-202
Labs at E0 (XPhy bulding):
REM: 12563, XPhy E0-308
FIB: 12566, XPhy E0-405
Technical room REM/FIB: 12683, XPhy E0-307
TEM: 12564, XPhy E0-311
Technical room TEM: 12685, XPhy E0-312
Clean room: 12567, XPhy E0-406
Sluice of the clean room: 12684, XPhy E0-310
Labs at E1 (XPhy bulding):
Magnetic setups I: 12589, XPhy E1-405
Magnetic setups II: 12592, XPhy E1-408
Cryo lab / Deposition: 12590, XPhy E1-406
Central preparation: 12591, XPhy E1-407
AFM / STM: 12593, XPhy E1-409
Thermoelectric lab: XPhy E1-309
Technical room Thermoelectric lab: XPhy E1-310
Tea kitchen: 12569, XPhy E1-106
General phone numbers (XPhy bulding):
Foyer info point: 12649
Foyer door: 12650
Communication zone 1st floor: 12651