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Thin Films & Physics of Nanostructures - Visitors

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld
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Thin Films & Physics of Nanostructures
Center for Spinelectronic Materials and Devices
Bielefeld University, Department of Physics
Universitätsstrasse 25
33615 Bielefeld, Germany
Phone: +49.521.106.5412

map of the campus of Bielefeld University with marks for the main buildung of the departmant and the experimental physics building XPhy
© Universität Bielefeld

If you try to get to us please use the following directions.

Directions by train

  • take a train to Bielefeld main station
  • enter the subway station (Stadtbahn) across the street
  • buy a ticket and take the red line (line nr. 4) to the university station (Haltestelle Universität, takes about 7 minutes) OR take a cab from the main station. The ride to the university is about 20 Euros.

Directions by car

  • Use navigators such as Google maps OR take the exit 'Bielefeld Zentrum' from Highway A2
  • continue on 'Detmolder Strasse' (B66) to downtown Bielefeld (6 km)
  • follow the signs to 'Universität' ( via 'Kreuzstrasse', 'Oberntorwall', 'Stapenhorststrasse', 'Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse')

In the building:

The physics department (Campus map) is located in section D of the main building (map as pdf). Our offices are located on the second floor (D2). The group's office is located in room number D2-268.

We also run laboratories in an extension building designed for experiments that require a vibration-free and quiet environment. You can find these labs in the XPhy-building marked in the map.

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