Thin Films & Physics of Nanostructures
Center for Spinelectronic Materials and Devices
Bielefeld University, Department of Physics
Universitätsstrasse 25
33615 Bielefeld, Germany
Phone: +49.521.106.5412
If you try to get to us please use the following directions.
Directions by train
take a train to Bielefeld main station
enter the subway station (Stadtbahn) across the street
buy a ticket and take the red line (line nr. 4) to the university station (Haltestelle Universität, takes about 7 minutes) OR take a cab from the main station. The ride to the university is about 20 Euros.
Directions by car
Use navigators such as Google maps OR take the exit 'Bielefeld Zentrum' from Highway A2
continue on 'Detmolder Strasse' (B66) to downtown Bielefeld (6 km)
follow the signs to 'Universität' ( via 'Kreuzstrasse', 'Oberntorwall', 'Stapenhorststrasse', 'Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse')
In the building:
The physics department (Campus map) is located in section D of the main building (map as pdf). Our offices are located on the second floor (D2). The group's office is located in room number D2-268.
We also run laboratories in an extension building designed for experiments that require a vibration-free and quiet environment. You can find these labs in the XPhy-building marked in the map.