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Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Fakultät für Soziologie



Exit. Warum Menschen aufbrechen. Globale Migration im 21. Jahrhundert (2022)

Review by Urs Meier

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Review by Mathias Beer Download


Review by Carmen Bayer Download


Review by Philipp Schäfer Download


Review by Ulla Fölsing Download


Review by Prof. Antje Missbach Download


Review by Nils Witte, PhD Download


Review by Prof. Dr. Bettina Kohlrausch Download


Review by Prof. i. R. Rainer Bauböck Download


Review by Robert Jungk Download


Short Review C-3 Bibliothek für Entwicklungspolitik – Koha Library Catalog Download



The Transnationalized Social Question Oxford: Oxford University Press (2019)

Review by Peter Kivisto
Symposium: Thomas Faist's The Transnationalized Social Question
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Review by Maurizio Ambrosini
Symposium: Thomas Faist's The Transnationalized Social Question
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Review by Catherine Wihtol de Wenden
Symposium: Thomas Faist's The Transnationalized Social Question
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Review by Sarah P. Curran
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Review by Alexandra Kaasch
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Review by Ludger Pries
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Review by Luděk Jirka

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Review by Dr. Besim Can Zirh / Orta Dogu Teknik Üni versitesi, Sosyoloji Bölümü

Thomas Faist: The Transnationalized Social Question: Migration and the Politics of Social Inequalities in the Twenty-First Century.

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Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue 15(6)

Review by Kyoko Shinozaki (Duisburg-Essen):
Thomas Faist, Margit Fauser and Eveline Reisenauer (2014) Das Transnationale in der Migration. Weinheim / Basel: Belz Juventa.

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South Asian Diaspora (07.01.2015)

Review of:
Transnational Migration, edited by Thomas Faist et al.

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Canadian Journal of Sociology 40(2)

Review by Shauna Wilton:
Thomas Faist, Margit Fauser and Eveline Reisenauer (2013) Transnational Migration. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 61(2): 298-301.

Rezension von Mehringer, V.:
Thomas Faist/Margit Fauser/Eveline Reisenauer: Das Transnationale in der Migration. Eine Einführung. Weinheim/Basel: Beltz Juventa.

Political Studies Review

Rezension von Krzysztof Jaskułowski:
Thomas Faist, Margit Fauser and Eveline Reisenauer (2013) Transnational Migration. Cambridge: Polity Press. 209pp, (forthcoming)

South Asian Diaspora

Rezension von Delphine Munos:
Thomas Faist, Margit Fauser und Eveline Reisenauer: Transnational Migration. Polity Press, 2013.
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Transnational Social Review - A Social Work Journal

Rezension von Michele Manocchi:
Thomas Faist, Margit Fauser and Eveline Reisenauer: Transnational Migration. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013.
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Socialnet. Das Netz für Sozialwirtschaft

Rezension von Hans Günther Homfeldt:
Thomas Faist, Margit Fauser und Eveline Reisenauer: Das Transnationale in der Migration. Beltz Juventa, 2014.
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Contemporary Sociology 43,1

Rezension von Nestor Rodriguez:
Anna Amelina, Devrimsel D. Nergiz, Thomas Faist und Nina Glick-Schiller (Hrsg.): Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodologies for Cross-Border Studies, New York: Routledge 2012.


Journal of Contemporary European Studies

Rezension von Daniel Jendrissek:
Thomas Faist, Margit Fauser und Eveline Reisenauer: Transnational Migration. Polity Press, 2013.

Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 2013, 22(4)

Rezension von Diana Wong:
Thomas Faist, Margit Fauser and Eveline Reisenauer: Transnational Migration. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013.


pw-portal, Portal für Politikwissenschaften

Rezension von Marius Hildebrand zu:
Thomas Faist / Nadine Sieveking (Hrsg.): Unravelling Migrants as Transnational Agents of Development. Social Spaces in between Ghana and Germany, Wien/Berlin 2011.


Ethnic and Racial Studies 34(12): 2219-2221

Rezension von Outi Luova zu:
Thomas Faist, Margit Fauser and Peter Kivisto (eds), The Migration-Development nexus: A Transnational Perspective, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Bevölkerungsforschung Aktuell 32

Rezension von Bernhard Gückel zu:
Thomas Faist, Margit Fauser and Peter Kivisto (eds), THE MIGRATION-DEVELOPMENT NEXUS: A TRANSNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Bevölkerungsforschung Aktuell 32: 35f.; November 2011

Contemporary Sociology 40

Rezension von Gordon F. De Jong zu:
Rainer Bauböck & Thomas Faist (2010): DIASPORA AND TRANSNATIONALISM: CONCEPTS, THEORIES AND METHODS. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Contemporary Sociology 40(5): 562-563; April 2011

Ethnic and Racial Studies 34

Rezension von Peter Kivisto zu:
Rainer Bauböck & Thomas Faist (2010): DIASPORA AND TRANSNATIONALISM: CONCEPTS, THEORIES AND METHODS. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Ethnic and Racial Studies 34: 5; April 2011

International Affairs 87

Rezension von Elena Fiddian-Quasmiyeh zu:
Rainer Bauböck & Thomas Faist (2007): Diaspora and Transnationalism: CONCEPTS, THEORIES and methods. Amsterdam: IMISCOE Research/Amsterdam University Press.
International Affairs 87: political economy, economics and development. 2, 2011


Jouirnal of Sociology 47

Rezension von Derya Ozkul zu:
Rainer Bauböck & Thomas Faist (2010): Beyond a Border: The Causes and Consequences of Contemporary Immigration. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
Jouirnal of Sociology 47(2), 222-223


Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews

Rezension von Louis Edgar Esparza zu:
Peter Kivisto & Thomas Faist (2007): Citizenship: Theory, Discourse and Transnational Prospects. Oxford: Blackwell.
Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 38(1), January 2009: 60-61.
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Politische Vierteljahresschrift

Rezension von Christian Bala zu:
Thomas Faist & Andreas Ette (eds.) (2007): The Europeanization of National Policies and Politics of Immigration: Between Autonomy and the European Union. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Politische Vierteljahreszeitschrift 2009(2), June: 342-344.


The Kelvingrove Review

Rezension von Carin Runciman zu:
Peter Kivisto & Thomas Faist (2007): Citizenship: Theory, Discourse and Transnational Prospects. Oxford: Blackwell.
The Kelvingrove Review 2: Social Engagement.

Journal of Common Market Studies

Rezension von Georg Menz zu:
Thomas Faist & Andreas Ette (eds.) (2007): The Europeanization of National Policies and Politics of Immigration: Between Autonomy and the European Union. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Migration Letters

Rezension von Ibrahim Sirkeci zu:
Thomas Faist & Andreas Ette (eds.) (2007): The Europeanization of National Policies and Politics of Immigration: Between Autonomy and the European Union. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Download (darin: S. 101-104)

Political Studies Review

Rezension von Maarten P. Vink zu:
Thomas Faist (ed.) (2007): Dual Citizenship in Europe: From Nationhood to Societal Integration. Hampshire, UK: Ashgate.


European Societies

Rezension von Bernd Rechel zu:
Thomas Faist & Andreas Ette (eds.) (2007): The Europeanization of National Policies and Politics of Immigration: Between Autonomy and the European Union. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
European Societies, 9(2), 671-678.

CEU Political Science Journal

Rezension von Andrea Petres zu:
Thomas Faist & Andreas Ette (eds.) (2007): The Europeanization of National Policies and Politics of Immigration: Between Autonomy and the European Union. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung

Artikel von Jürgen Kaube über:
Thomas Faist (2007): Transnationale Migration als relative Immobilität in einer globalisierten Welt, in: Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 17(3), 365-385.

Translocations - The Irish Migration, Race and Social Transformation Review

Rezension von David Landy zu:
Thomas Faist (ed.) (2007): Dual Citizenship in Europe: From Nationhood to Societal Integration. Hampshire, UK: Ashgate.
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Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews

Rezension von Giulia Sinatti zu:
Thomas Faist & Eyüp Özveren (eds.) (2004): Transnational Social Spaces: Agents, Networks, and Institutions. Aldershot, Uk: Ashgate.

Internationale Politik

Sammelbuchbesprechung, Bereich Migrationsforschung, von Stefan Alscher, unter anderem zu:
Thomas Faist & Eyüp Özveren (eds.) (2004): Transnational Social Spaces: Agents, Networks, and Institutions. Aldershot, Uk: Ashgate.
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Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies

Rezension von Russel King zu:
Thomas Faist, Rosemarie Sackmann & Bernhard Peters (eds.) (2003): Identity and Integration: Migrants in Western Europe. Aldershot, Uk: Ashgate.


European Societies

Rezension von Paul Scheibelhofer zu:
Thomas Faist & Eyüp Özveren (eds.) (2004): Transnational Social Spaces: Agents, Networks, and Institutions. Aldershot, Uk: Ashgate.

Gender, Place and Culture

Rezension von Karie Pieczynski-Tayfun zu:
Thomas Faist & Eyüp Özveren (eds.) (2004): Transnational Social Spaces: Agents, Networks, and Institutions. Aldershot, Uk: Ashgate.


Journal of International Migration and Integration

Rezension von Sheila Croucher zu:
Thomas Faist, Rosemarie Sackmann & Bernhard Peters (eds.) (2003): Identity and Integration: Migrants in Western Europe. Aldershot, Uk: Ashgate.
Journal of International Migration and Integration, 5(3), 2004: 376-37.


TAZ - Die Tageszeitung

Rezension von Mark Terkessidis zu:
Thomas Faist (2000): Transstaatliche Räume, Bielefeld: transscript-Verlag.

Journal of Refugee Studies

Rezension von Nicholas Van Hear zu:
Thomas Faist (2000): The Volume and Dynamics of International Migration and Transnational Social Spaces. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Journal of Refugee Studies 14(2), 2001: 205-207.



Rezension von Raymond E. Wiest zu:
Tomas Hammar, Grete Brochmann, Kristof Tamas & Thomas Faist (eds.) (1997): Migration, Immobility and Development: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Oxford: Berg.
Anthropologica, 42(1), 2000: 107-107.


The Ethnic Conflict Research Digest

Rezension von Jeff Handmaker zu:
Thomas Faist (2000): The Volume and Dynamics of International Migration and Transnational Social Spaces. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
The Ethnic Conflict Research Digest , 3(2), 2000: 30.
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International Migration Review

Rezension von Rainer Bauböck zu:
Tomas Hammar, Grete Brochmann, Kristof Tamas & Thomas Faist (eds.) (1997): Migration, Immobility and Development: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Oxford: Berg.
International Migration Review, 33(1),1999: 199-200.

Political Geography

Rezension von Umut Erel zu:
Thomas Faist (1995): Social Citizenship for Whom? Young Turks in Germany and Mexican Americans in the United States. Aldershot: Avebury.
Political Geography, no. 18 (1999): 754-756.

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