Professional Career
- Professor for Sociology and Social Policy, Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld (FRG) (1969 – 1997)
- Director, Institute for Population Research and Social Policy, University of Bielefeld (1980 – 1992)
- Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld (1979 – 1983)
- Visiting Professor, Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Munster (FRG) (1968 – 1969)
- Senior Research Associate, "Sozialforschungsstelle an der Universität Münster", (Professor H. Schelsky) Dortmund (FRG) (1963 – 1968)
- Staff member, Personnel Section, CIBA S.A., Basle (Switzerland) (1960 - 1963)
- Assistant, Seminar of political economy, Hochschule St. Gallen (Switzerland) (1956 – 1957)
Studies and Degrees
- Habilitation for Sociology and Social Policy, by the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Munster (1968)
- Doctorate in Economics, Hochschule St. Gallen (1960)
- First degree (lic.oec.) in Economics, Hochschule St. Gallen (1956)
- Studies of Law, Political Economy, Business Science, and Sociology at the University of Zurich, Hochschule St. Gallen and the University of Paris (1952 - 1958)
Main Research Activities
- Scientific Co-editor, "Geschichte der Sozialpolitik in Deutschland seit 1945", 11 vol., Federal Ministry for Work and Social order and Federal Archive. (1998-2007).
- Member, Research-Program on Public Health in Northrhine-Westfalia (1992 – 1997).
- Member, Special Research Unit 227 of the German Research Association (DFG): "Prevention and Intervention in Childhood and Adolescence" (1986 – 1998).
- Head, Section "Family and Social Policy", Institute for Population Research and Social Policy (1980 – 1992).
- Coordinator, Research Program of the German Research Association (DFG), "State, Intermediary Groups and Self-Help, the Sociological Conditions of Socio-Political Intervention" (1980 – 1986).
- Organiser, Research Group "Guidance, Control and Evaluation in the Public Sector", Center for Interdisciplinary Research, University of Bielefeld (1980 – 1983).
- Coordinator, Research Program of the German Ministry for Research and Technology "Bürgernahe Gestaltung der Sozialen Umwelt" (Responsiveness of Public Administration to Clients Needs) (1975 – 1979).
- Head, Research Group "Evaluation in Social Policy", financed by the German Ministry of Family, Youth and Health and the Ministry of Science, Northrhine-Westfalia (1974 – 1980).
- Head, Research Group "Public Administration and Clients", Financed by the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk (1971 – 1976).
Visiting Status (Selection)
- Senior Fellow, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen (spring 2003)
- Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg, Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin (1998/1999)
- Catholic University Eichstätt: Otto von Freising Endowed Chair (summer 1994)
- Invited Researcher, Max-Planck-Institute for Educational Research, Berlin (1991/1992)
- Academic Visitor, The London School of Economics and Political Science (summer 1987)
- Visiting Professor, University of Indiana, Bloomington (spring 1987)
- "Franz-Xaver Kaufmann Price" for outstanding work by young scientists, attributed by the Faculty of Sociology, University of Bielefeld (2019 ff)
- Honorary Member of the Research Section Sociology of Religion of the German Sociological Association (DGS) (2012)
- Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding scientific performance from the German Sociological Association (GSA)(2012)
- Dr. theol. h.c., Westfalian Wilhelms University Münster, Faculty of Catholic Theology (2012)
- Heinrich-Brauns-Prize for merits in Catholic social teaching and the Christian-social movement (2012)
- Honorary Senator of the University of Bielefeld (2009)
- Prize of the Schader-Stiftung, Darmstadt (2007)
- Ludwig Preller-Prize for outstanding research in social politics and policies (2005)
- Member of the Northrhine-Westfalian Academy of Sciences, Düsseldorf (1998)
- Dr.oec.h.c., University of St. Gall (1997)
- Member of the Academia Europea Scientiarum et Artium, Salzburg (1993)
- Dr.theol.h.c., Ruhr-University Bochum, Faculty of Catholic Theology (1993)
- Foreign Member of the Belgian Academy of Science, Brussels (1991)
Advisory Activities (Selection)
- Senate of the Schader Stiftung, Darmstadt (2013-2016, Chairman 2013-2015)
- Advisory Board to the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" at the University of Münster 2008-2017
- Advisor to the "Forum demographscher Wandel", created by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany (2005-2009)
- Advisory Board to the Catholic Academy of Berlin (Chairman) 2001-2007
- Editorial Board "History of Social Policies in Germany since 1945" (By the German Ministry of Labour and the Bundesarchiv, Bonn) 1995-2008
- Founding Committee Max-Planck Institute for Demography, Rostock, 1994-1998
- Governmental Commission for the Fifth Report on the Family in Germany (Vice-Chairman), 1991-1994
- Consultant to the German Episcopal Conference (Member of the Commission VI on Social Questions) 1991-2001
- Advisory board to the Research Center 'Society and the Family', University of Konstanz, 1991-2002
- Advisory board to the Center for Social Policy Research, University of Bremen, 1990-2000 (Chairman 1991 – 1998), Honorary member since 2000.
- Advisory board to the Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, 1987-2001 (Chairman 1988 – 1997)
- Advisory board to the Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Law, Munich, 1985-1999