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  • Forschung

    © Markus Richter / Fakultät für Soziologie


22.04.2024 - Understanding Asia: Ideas, Democracy and Rights

The Understanding Asia Colloquium Series continues. This semester's topic is »Ideas, Democracy and Rights«. The first talk, titled »Public Shadows: The Social Life of Shade in Saigon«, will be presented by Eric Harms (Yale University) on April 29th, from 16:15 to 17:45, in X-C3-107. For more information and registration, click here.

The colloquium series is a joint cooperation of four working groups (WG MissbachWG NguyenWG Winkel and WG Vasilache) of the Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University. 


15.04.2024 - Recent publications of AG Social Anthropology

Nguyen, M., Wilcox, P., & Lin, J. N. (2024). Guest Editors’ Introduction. The Good Life in Late Socialist Asia: Aspirations, Politics and Possibibilities. Positions Asia Crituque: 32, 1-25.

Tran, H., & Sandhya, A. S. (2024). Cutting down and stocking up: how migration brokers negotiate mobility disruptions. Applied Mobilities: 1-17.

Wilcox, P. (2024). (Not) on your bike: How Urban Laos doesn't move. Suomen Antropoloji: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society: 48(1), 26-42.

02.04.2024 - Oliver Flügel-Martinsen ist neuer Dekan der Fakultät

Mit Beginn des Sommersemesters 2024 ist Oliver Flügel-Martinsen neuer Dekan der Fakultät für Soziologie. Er ist seit 2010 Professor für Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte an der Fakultät. Er löst damit Andreas Vasilache nach fünf Semestern als Dekan ab. Neue Prodekanin ist Minh Nguyen, die Ruth Ayass ablöst.

28.03.2024 - Interview: ‘Out of the Spheres of the Private and the Moral’

Prior to the concluding conference of the ERC-funded 'WelfareStruggles' project, Minh Nguyen gave an interview to Manuela Lenzen from ZiF (Center for Interdisciplinary Research). The interview can be found here.

25.03.2024 - Final Conference ERC projet WelfareStruggles: »The Politics of Care under Market Socialism«

From March 26th to March 27th the final conference of the ERC funded project WelfareStruggles titled »The Politics of Care under Market Socialism: Labour Mobility, Global Capital and Changing Welfare System in Vietnam and China« will take place at ZiF. For more information click here.


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