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Longitudinal Data Analysis

Longitudinal Data Analysis in Social Science Logo
Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Fakultät für Soziologie

Call For Abstracts


Attention: Extended Call for Abstracts! New deadline October 15, 2022.


The conference will feature two types of presentations: posters and talks. The talks should be centered around a statistical and/ or methodological aspect of longitudinal data analysis. Abstracts can be submitted until October 15, 2022, and will be notified at the end of October if your abstract is accepted. It is also possible to apply for a symposium as a group of presenters. The allocated time for the accepted presentations will be determined based on the number of talks and confirmed in the acceptance letters.

Applicants who wish to give a talk should send their application to abstract_panel2023@uni-bielefeld.de.

Applications for presenting a poster will be reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis until the quota is reached (or until the first day of the conference).

Applicants who wish to present a poster should send their application to poster_panel2023@uni-bielefeld.de.

The full Call for Abstracts can be found here.

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