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  • Forschung

    © Universität Bielefeld


16.04.2024 - Multidisciplinary perspectives on science and policy in the EU

16.04.2024 - Rolf Lidskog (Örebro) new visiting researcher

27.02.2024 - Ethics Policy Advice and Adhocracy - New blog entry as part of the German-British joint project on “Ethics and Expertise”

In a recent blog entry for the research project "Ethics and Expertise beyond Times of Crisis: Learning from international varieties of ethics advice", Lars Wenzel (University Bielefeld) delves into the concept of “Ethical Adhocracy”, developed during the preceding pilot project. The article discusses how ethics advice in Germany and the UK evolved in an ad hoc way during the Covid-19 pandemic, highlighting a shift away from traditional demands on decision-making structures.

19.02.2024 - Studie zu Wissenschaftskulturen erschienen

Im Auftrag der VolkswagenStiftung ist soeben eine Studie zu Wissenschaftskulturen in Deutschland erschienen. Die Studie verweist auf signifikante kulturelle Differenzen innerhalb des Wissenschaftssystems und zeigt, dass das Verhältnis zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft in den untersuchten Feldern (Soziologie, Environmental Humanities, KI-Forschung und synthetische Biologie) sehr unterschiedlich definiert wird. Die Studie kann hier heruntergeladen werden.

18.01.2024 - New report on Science-for-Policy Ecosystems by the European Commission

The Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission has just issued a report (author: Butz Pedersen) on the comparison and evaluation of ecosystems of science for policy. The report discusses how institutions and procedures of policy advice and expertise within European states are interlinked. The report can be downloaded here: https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC136095

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