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    © Universität Bielefeld

Institute for World Society Studies

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How to contact us

Institute for World Society Studies
Bielefeld University
Faculty of Sociology
P.O. Box 100131 
33501 Bielefeld


Institute Manager
Eike Buckup
Tel: 0049 (0)521 106 3360

Photo: Benjamin Davy

Lecture series: 'Signaturen der ­ Weltgesellschaft'

Upcoming lectures in this summer semester:


Tuesday, 7.05.2024 at 6:15 p.m. in X-C3-107 and via Zoom in cooperation with ZDES

Jan Busse (München): Reflections on a Global Historical Sociology of Political Order: The Complex Entanglement of Micro-Practices and Macro-Structures


Tuesday, 14.05.2024 at 6:15 p.m. in X-C3-107 and via Zoom in cooperation with the lecture series "Understanding Asia"

Jiwei Ci (Hong Kong): Democratization Today: Theoretical and China-Specific Reflections


Tuesday, 11.06.2024 at 6:15 p.m. in X-C3-107 and via Zoom

Roundtable UTOPIC - Understanding the Transformations of World Politics, with members of the ZiF Resident Group "Understanding the Transformation of World Politics: Ordering Principles and Infrastructures of Communication"


Tuesday, 9.07.2024 at 6:15 p.m. in X-B2-103 and via Zoom

Bettina Mahlert (Innsbruck) and Heikki Patomäki (Helsinki): Universalism and Cosmopolitanism in World Politics


All lectures will also be transmitted via Zoom.

Meeting-ID: 201 397 9260

Passcode: 35621


Lecture postponed: Limitations of Social Rights – The Case of the Right to Social Security

Unfortunately, the lecture "Limitations of Social Rights – The Case of the Right to Social Security" by the long-standing IW member Lutz Leisering had to be postponed due to illness. The lecture was planned for Thursday, 18.01.2024 as part of the ring lecture "New Frontiers of Research on Welfare in the Global South", jointly organized by the AG Social Anthropology and the AG German and Transnational Social Policy. The organizers are optimistic that the lecture will be rescheduled in summer term 2024. We will keep you updated.


Research Training Group World Politics (RTG 2225): Looking forward to new cohort

The RTG has recruited a third cohort of doctoral researchers in 2023, for a starting date of 01 October 2023. The RTG invited original proposals from the fields of Political Science/International Relations, History, Sociology, and Legal Studies that contribute to its research program. An interdisciplinary orientation of research projects is encouraged. The RTG’s working language is English.

We are looking forward to meet the new doctoral researchers soon!

Global Cooperation and Global Challenges. A Roundtable Discussion

The Roundtable with Bettina Mahlert (Innsbruck), Sigrid Quack (Duisburg-Essen), Alina Isakova and Malte Neuwinger (both Bielefeld), moderated by Mathias Albert, took place on June, 6th 2023 at 4:00 p.m.

Bettina Mahlert and Sigrid Quack are co-editors of the book "Imagining Pathways for Global Cooperation", Alina Isakova and Malte Neuwinger are co-editors of the forthcoming book "Global Challenges: Constructivist Perspectives".

The event was co-organized by GK "World Politics" and IW.

Jubiläumstagung des IW vom 19. bis 20.05.2022: „Wie geht’s eigentlich der Weltgesellschaft?“ –

unter diesem Motto stand die Tagung zum zwanzigjährigen Bestehen des Instituts für Weltgesellschaft. Sie nahm das Jubiläum zum Anlass, den aktuellen Stand der Globalisierungs- und Weltgesellschaftsforschung aus der Perspektive verschiedener Disziplinen zu bilanzieren sowie künftige Forschungsperspektiven in interdisziplinären Zusammensetzungen zu diskutieren.
Vertreten waren Disziplinen, die in der Historie des Instituts eine wichtige Rolle gespielt haben und – so hoffen wir – auch in der Zukunft spielen werden: Soziologie, Politik-, Geschichts-, Literatur- und Rechtswissenschaft.
Für all jene, die nicht bei der Jubiläumstagung dabei sein konnten oder nochmal reinschnuppern möchten, findet sich hier ein Mitschnitt des Vortrages "Weltkrieg und Weltgesellschaft" von Rudolf Stichweh vom 20.05.2022. Außerdem können Sie unten auf der Seite einige Impressionen des Treffens gewinnen.

Selected recent publications

Working report 2018 - 2021

The recent Working Report, collecting the Institute's activities from the years 2018 - 2021, is available as PDF for download here, and printed copies can be ordered from the Institute's Manager.

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