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Institute for World Society Studies Logo
Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Lecture Series "Signatures of World Society"

Each semester, the Institute hosts a lecture series called "Signatures of World Society", which is co-organized by the Research Training Group "World Politics". Following the keynote speeches by renowned speakers, there will be an opportunity for mutual exchange and discussion. We cordially invite all interested parties to attend the lectures.

Current Lecture Series

Summer Term 2025: Colonialism & Law

Tuesday, 29.04.2025, 6:15 p.m., X-C3-107

Fabian Klose (Cologne)

Tuesday, 17.06.2025, 6:15 p.m., X-C3-107

Steven Jensen (Copenhagen)

Tuesday, 01.07.2025, 6:15 p.m., Zoom

Victoria Collis-Buthelezi (Johannesburg)

Tuesday, 15.07.2025, 6:15 p.m., X-C3-107

Sigrid Boysen (Hamburg)

All lectures will also be broadcast via Zoom (Meeting ID: 67434132155, Passcode: 301974).

Past Lecture Series

Winter Term 2024/2025
Tuesday, 15.10.2024
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
& via Zoom

Catherine Wihtol de Wenden (Paris):
Migrations in the World: Between Realities and Politics

Tuesday, 29.10.2024
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
& via Zoom

Ronaldo Munck (Dublin):
Migration and Social Transformation: A Complexity Lens

Tuesday, 14.01.2025
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
& via Zoom
Stefan Rother (Hamburg):
Global Migration and Refugee Governance from Below: A Comparative Perspective
Tuesday, 21.01.2024
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
& via Zoom

in cooperation with WG Sociology of the Media

Mirca Madianou (London):
Technocolonialism: When Technology for Good is Harmful

Tuesday, 28.01.2024
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
& via Zoom

Thomas Faist (Bielefeld):
All That is Solid Melts into Mobility: Understanding Climate-Related Migration and Immobility as a Socio-Ecological Question

Summer Term 2024
Tuesday, 7.05.2024
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
& via Zoom

in cooperation with ZDES

Jan Busse (München):
Reflections on a Global Historical Sociology of Political Order: The Complex Entanglement of Micro-Practices and Macro-Structures

Tuesday, 14.05.2024
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
& via Zoom

in cooperation with lecture series Understanding Asia

Jiwei Ci (Hong Kong):
Democratization Today: Theoretical and China-Specific Reflections

Tuesday, 11.06.2024
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
& via Zoom
Roundtable UTOPIC - Understanding the Transformations of World Politics
with members of the ZiF Resident Group "Understanding the Transformation of World Politics: Ordering Principles and Infrastructures of Communication"
Tuesday, 9.07.2024
6.15 p.m.
room X-B2-103
& via Zoom

Bettina Mahlert (Innsbruck) and Heikki Patomäki (Helsinki):
Universalism and Cosmopolitanism in World Politics

Winter Term 2023/24
Tuesday, 31.10.2023
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
& via Zoom
Markus Ciesielski (Gießen/Hildesheim):
Claiming in Colombia: A Regional Approach to Social Rights Insights
Tuesday, 14.11.2023
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
& via Zoom
Marcel van der Linden (Amsterdam):
Coerced and Free Labour in Global Perspective
Tuesday, 5.12.2023
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
& via Zoom
Octavio Luiz Motta Ferraz (London):
The Right to Health and the Amazon Forest: Brazil, the Americas and the World
Tuesday, 23.01.2024
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
& via Zoom

Angelika Siehr (Bielefeld):
The Human Right to Water

Summer Term 2023
Tuesday, 02.05.2023
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Benedikt Stuchtey (Marburg):
Writing the History of the British Empire
Tuesday, 13.06.2023
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107

Andrea Muehlebach (Bremen):

Can Waves have Rights? From Rights of Nature to Earth Law


Monday, 19.06.2023
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107

Ina Kerner (Koblenz):

Towards a Postsecular Feminist Critique of Religion

Tuesday, 04.07.2023
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107

Tobias Berger (Berlin):
Worldmaking from the Margins: How Southern actors shape Global Order

Tuesday, 11.07.2023
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107

Larissa Buchholz (Northwestern):
The Global Rule of Art

Winter Term 2022/2023
Tuesday, 25.10.2021
6.15 p.m.
via Zoom

Gurminder Bhambra (Sussex)
Accounting for Colonial Histories in Global Sociology

Tuesday, 13.12.2021
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Manuela Boatcă (Freiburg):
Most Common, Most Deceptive: Society as a Unit of Analysis
Tuesday, 24.01.2022
9.15 a.m.
via Zoom

Raewyn Connell (Sydney)
Resources for Change in World Society Research

Summer Term 2022
Tuesday, 12.04.2022
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Ieva Birka (Riga):
Harnessing the Potential of the Diasporas
Tuesday, 27.04.2022
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Felix Schürmann (Erfurt):
From the Head of the Snake to a Unity of the World: Mapping Blurred Transitions at the Congo Estuary, 1859-1887
Tuesday, 14.06.2022
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Vineeta Sinha (Singapore):
Contesting the Hegemony of the ‘neo-liberal, Corporate University‘: Implications for academic Freedom and critical intellectual Scholarship
Tuesday, 12.07.2022
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107

in Cooperation with Understanding Asia

Eva Gerharz (Fulda):
Youth Movements and the Changing Political in Bangladesh and Beyond

Winter Term 2021/2022
Tuesday, 19.10.2021
6.15 p.m.
via Zoom

Roundtable Questions, Problems, Challenges
with Holly Case (author of "The Age of Questions"), Holger Straßheim, and Tobias Werron

Tuesday, 07.12.2021
6.15 p.m.
via Zoom
Willibald Steinmetz (Bielefeld):
What is new? The Corona-Pandemic compared to earlier (20th- and 21st-century) pandemics
Tuesday, 25.01.2022
6.15 p.m.


Benedikt Stuchtey (Marburg)
Writing the history of the British Empire

Summer Term 2021
Tuesday, 27.04.2021
6.15 p.m.
via Zoom
Christina Morina (Bielefeld):
The Intervention of Marxism. How an Idea conquered the World
Tuesday, 15.06.2021
6.15 p.m.
via Zoom
Hedwig Richter (München):
The problem with 'equality' in the long 19th century. A narrative about democratization
Tuesday, 29.06.2021
6.15 p.m.
via Zoom
Lothar Brock & Hendrik Simon (Frankfurt a. M.):
Constituting World Order through the Justification of War. From Early Modernity to the Present
Winter Term 2020/2021
Tuesday, 15.12.2020
6.15 p.m.
via Zoom
Rudolf Stichweh (Bonn):
The COVID-19 Pandemic in the System of World Society
Tuesday, 12.01.2021
6.15 p.m.
via Zoom
Christina Morina (Bielefeld):
The Intervention of Marxism. How an Idea conquered the World
**The lecture will be postponed to the summer term 2021.**
Tuesday, 26.01.2021
6.15 p.m.
via Zoom
Book Launch:
What in the World? Understanding Global Social Change (Bristol Universtiy Press 2021, ed. by Mathias Albert and Tobias Werron (Bielefeld))
Summer Term 2020
Tuesday, 30.06.2020
6.15 p.m.
via Zoom
Ursula Mense-Petermann (Bielefeld):
Der Fall Tönnies und das Produktionsmodell der deutschen Fleischindustrie
Winter Term 2019/2020
Tuesday, 08.10.2019
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Boris Holzer (Konstanz):
Social Structure and Semantics in the Sociology of World Society
Monday, 28.10.2019
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Eva M. Hausteiner (Bonn):
In the Conceptual Twilight Zone: Federation, Empire, and the Description of large polities
Tuesday, 19.11.2019
6.15 p.m.
room X-B2-103
Hannah Bennani (Tübingen):
Globalizing categories. The case of "Indigenous Peoples"
Tuesday, 21.01.2020
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Masoud Mohammadi Alamuti (Teheran):
From a 'World' to a 'Global' Society: Normative Globalization
Summer Term 2019
Tuesday, 07.05.2019
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Andrew Zimmerman (Washington):
A Global History of the American Civil War
Tuesday, 14.05.2019
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Jennifer Mitzen (Columbus):
Symphony or Schism? The Concert of Europe in History and Theory
Tuesday, 21.05.2019
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Lene Hansen (Copenhagen):
Images and International Security: How Visual Representations Impact World Politics
Wednesday, 05.06.2019
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Anja Jakobi (Braunschweig):
Governing Global Illegal Markets - Countering Crime or Regulating Economic Flows
Winter Term 2018/2019
Wednesday, 24.10.2018
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Benjamin Tallis (Prague)
Identities, Borderscapes, (Dis)orders: Understanding the EU’s Migration and Neighbourhood Crises
Tuesday, 18.12.2018
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Teresa Koloma Beck (München)
Globalisation and the Everyday. How sociologies of everyday life can contribute to globalisation research
Tuesday, 08.10.2019
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Anja Weiß (Duisburg-Essen)
Sociology of Global Inequalities
Summer Term 2018
Tuesday, 08.05.2018
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Or Rosenboim (London):
Globalism: historical perspectives on a contested concept
Tuesday, 05.06.2018
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Shih-Jiunn Shi (Fellow at ZiF):
Cultural Convergence or Political-economic Divergence: A Comparative Perspective on the Welfare Development in Greater China
Tuesday, 19.06.2018
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Ursula Mense-Petermann (Bielefeld):
Observing transnational labor markets through the lens of economic sociology - on the production of a transnational labor market in the meat industry
Thuesday, 12.07.2018
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Georgios Varouxakis (London/Göttingen):
Towards a genealogy of the concept of "the West”
Winter Term 2017/2018
Tuesday, 24.10.2017
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Heidi Tworek (Vancouver):
“Lies are the Law of the World!”
News and Global Media Networks in the Twentieth Century
Tuesday, 28.11.2017
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
George Lawson (London):
"Global Historical Sociology"
Summer Term 2017
Tuesday, 09.05.2017
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Paul Stubbs (Zagreb)
Post- or Neo-Colonialism? Socialist Yugoslavia, The Non-Aligned Movement and the United Nations
Tuesday, 11.07.2017
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Martin Geiger (Ottawa)
Weltorganisationen in der Migrationspolitik
Tuesday, 18.07.2017
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Julian Go (Boston)
Postcolonial Thought, Field Theory, and Global Transformation: the End of Empires in the 20th Century
Winter Term 2016/2017
Tuesday, 22.11.2016
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Antje Flüchter (Bielefeld)
Indien im 'Warteraum der Geschichte'? Wie der Westen zur Zukunft der Welt wurde
Tuesday, 06.12.2016
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Jens Bartelson (Lund)
From the International to the Global?
Tuesday, 07.02.2017
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Peter Haldén (Stockholm)
New polities in the shadow of the World Society: No longer state-formation
Summer Term 2016
Wednesday, 15.06.2016
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Siri Hettige (Colombo)
Structural Impediments for Decent Work and Social Mobility in a Global Context: the case of Sri Lanka
Tuesday, 28.06.2016
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Gabriele Köhler (München)
70 Jahre Entwicklungspolitik und die 'drei UNs'
Tuesday, 05.07.2016
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Edward Keene (Oxford)
Stratificatory differentiation and the historical origins of modern world society
Tuesday, 12.07.2016
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Eckart Conze (Marburg)
Jenseits von Präsentismus und Globalismus. Überlegungen zu einer Zeitgeschichte internationaler Beziehungen
Winter Term 2015/2016
Tuesday, 27.10.2015
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Stephan Stetter (München)
Spectre Ante Portas: Stand und Perspektiven der sozialwissenschaftlichen Bondforschung
Tuesday, 10.11.2015
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Ellen Ehmke (Kassel)
Welfare and social policy in the global south - Insights from India
Tuesday, 15.12.2015
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Hauke Brunkhorst (Flensburg)
Rechtsrevolutionen - Der Anteil von Recht und Revolution an der Evolution der Weltgesellschaft
Tuesday, 26.01.2016
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Andrea Liese (Potsdam)
Wer hat das Sagen? Zur Expertenautorität internationaler Organisationen
Summer Term 2015
Tuesday, 19.05.2015
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Paul Stubbs (Zagreb)
Thinking 'social policy otherwise': translation, assemblage and variegation
Tuesday, 16.06.2015
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Ellen Ehmke (Kassel)
Welfare and social policy in the global south - Insights from India
Tuesday, 14.07.2015
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Andrea Liese (Potsdam)
Wer hat das Sagen? Zur Expertenautorität internationaler Organisationen
Winter Term 2014/2015
Tuesday, 18.11.2014
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Thorsten Bonacker (Marburg)
Reproduktive Gesundheit als umkämpftes institutionelles Feld der Weltgesellschaft
Tuesday, 02.12.2014
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Eveline Dürr (München)
Globalisierte Dimensionen von Abfall in Umwelt und Gesellschaft
Tuesday, 20.01.2015
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Rudolf Stichweh (Bonn)
Demokratie und Autoritarismus als globale politische Modelle. Zu einer soziologischen Theorie politischer Regimes
Tuesday, 27.01.2015
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Alexandra Kaasch (Bielefeld)
Protecting Domestic Workers: Emergence and Implementation of Global Social Policy
Summer Term 2014
Tuesday, 06.05.2014
6.15 p.m.
room U4-120
Stefan Kühl (Bielefeld)
Organisationen in der Weltgesellschaft
Tuesday, 27.05.2014
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Elmar Rieger (Bamberg)
Historische Globalisierungs- und Weltgesellschaftsforschung: Der Fall des Hellenismus
Tuesday, 10.06.2014
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Boris Holzer (Bielefeld)
Modernisierung als Missverständnis
Tuesday, 01.07.2014
6.15 p.m.
room X-C3-107
Hanna Lerner (Tel Aviv)
Constitution Writing, Democracy and Religious Freedom
Winter Term 2013/2014
Monday, 11.11.2013
6.30 p.m.
Plenarsaal ZiF
Sally Engle Merry (New York)
Quantified Governance and the Paradox of Measurement
Tuesday, 19.11.2013
6.15 p.m.
room U4-120
Volker H. Schmidt (Singapur)
Globale Moderne: Konzept und Wirklichkeit
Tuesday, 14.01.2014
6.15 p.m.
room U4-120
Mathias Albert (Bielefeld)
Weltpolitik in der Weltgesellschaft
Summer Term 2013
Thursday, 20.06.2013
6.15 p.m.
room U4-120
Misha Petrovic (Singapur)
Asian Cities as Centers of Global Modernity
Winter Term 2012/2013
Tuesday, 20.11.2012
6.15 p.m.
room U5-211
Sven Opitz (Hamburg)
Streit an der Grenze des Weltrechts: Wozu benutzt das Recht die Form des Menschen?
Tuesday, 11.12.2012
6.15 p.m.
room U5-211
Alexander Engel (Göttingen)
Wo ist der Weltmarkt? Zur Räumlichkeit globaler Waren- und Terminmärkte um 1900
Tuesday, 15.01.2013
6.15 p.m.
room U5-211
Daniel Speich (Luzern)
Die Weltkarte der Wohlstandsunterschiede. Weltinnenpolitik und statistisches Wissen im Zeitalter der Dekolonisation
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