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© Benjamin Davy

Advisory Board

Antje Flüchter

Antje Flüchter is full professor of early modern history and since 2018 she has been dean/vice dean of the faculty of history, philosophy, and theology. Her research interests include the history of global entanglements with a special focus on relations between Asia and Europe, gender history, theory of history, and history of religiosity with a focus on both the confessional age and with a global perspective, She leads a project in the SFB 1288 practices of comparison and the SPP 2130 cultures of translation. Recent publications include "Die Vielfalt der Bilder und die eine Wahrheit: Die Staatlichkeit Indiens in der deutschsprachigen Wahrnehmung (1500-1700)", Affalterbach 2020; "Hofdamen, Witwen und Tempeltänzerinnen - Indische Frauen und Geschlechterrollen in der Wahrnehmung der frühneuzeitlichen Jesuiten", in: Höfert, Becker, Mommertz and Ruppel (ed.), Körper - Macht - Geschlecht. Einsichten und Aussichten zwischen Mittelalter und Gegenwart, Frankfurt 2020, 151-165; together with Angelika Epple and Thomas Müller: "Praktiken des Vergleichens: praxistheoretische Fundierung und heuristische Typologien. Ein Bericht von unterwegs", in: SFB1288 Workingpaper 6, 2020; together with Gulia Nardini: Threefold translation of the body of Christ: concepts of the Eucharist and the body translated in the early modern missionary context, in: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7, 2020 and "Translating Jesuits - Translation as a Usefool Tool to Explore Transculturality", in: Brosius, Pangiotopoulos and Richter (ed.), Engaging Transculturality: Concepts, Key Terms, Case Studies, London 2018, 199-214.

Bettina Heintz

Bettina Heintz is senior professor at the University of Lucerne. From 2004 to 2013 she was Professor at the Faculty of Sociology of Bielefeld University and Director of the Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) "World Society: Making and Representing the Global". Her research concentrates on world society theory, human rights and sociology of comparison and quantification. Her recent publications include "Menschenrechte in der Weltgesellschaft. Deutungswandel und Wirkungsweise eines globalen Leitwertes", Frankfurt/M: Campus 2015 (ed. with B. Leisering), "Good - Better - Best: Comparisons and the Power of Ranking Orders", in: Willibald Steinmetz (ed.), The Force of Comparison: A New Perspective on Modern European History and the Contemporary World, Oxford Berghahn Books 2019, S. 306-332, Soziale Praktiken des Beobachtens: Vergleichen, Bewerten, Kategorisieren und Quantifizieren. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Sonderheft 73 (mit T. Wobbe).

Ina Kerner

Ina Kerner is Professor of Politics in the Department of Cultural Studies at University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz, Associated Researcher of the Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Associated Local Supervisor of the Research Training Group “Minor Cosmopolitanisms” at University of Potsdam. Before, she has been an Assistant Professor of Diversity Politics at Humboldt-Universität and held visiting teaching or research positions at Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad, at Universidade de Brasília, at Goldsmiths in London, at the University of the Western Cape in Cape Town and at the New School for Social Research in New York. She has also been a fellow at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) in Bielefeld, at the Centre for Global Cooperation Research (KHK/GCR21) in Duisburg and at desiguALdades.net at Freie Universität Berlin.

Ina Kerner has published widely in the fields of feminist and postcolonial political theory, intersectionality, and transnationalism. Recent publications include “Provinzialismus und Semi-Intersektionalität: Fallstricke des Feminismus in postkolonialen Zeiten”, in: Feministische Studien 38(1)2020, pp. 75-92; “Zu einer kritischen Theorie der Politik in postkolonialen Zeiten”, in: Ulf Bohmann, Paul Sörensen (eds.): Kritische Theorie der Politik. Berlin 2019, Suhrkamp, pp. 650-671; “Universalism: Claims, Problems, and Potentials”, in: ARCH+ English Edition: Can Design Change Society? Berlin 2019: ARCH+ Birkhäuser Verlag, pp. 88-91 und “Interrogating Western Modernity: Postcolonial Reflections on Occidental Claims and Action”, in: Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã, 23(2)2018, pp. 35-52.

Theresa Wobbe

Theresa Wobbe is professor of sociology and gender sociology at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of Potsdam University, Fellow at the „Potsdam Centre for Policy and Management“, and member of the training research group WIPCAD „Wicked Problems – Contested Public Administrations “. Her long time interest is in the institutional transformation of gender, knowledge and social differentiation at the interface of policy, law, and science. A second area of interest is the European Union in world society, especially the interplay of national, supranational, and global institutional levels. During her current stay at the IGK “Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History” (Humboldt University Berlin), she is working on “Making up people – Reworking gender. Labour statistics, legal norms and gender categorization in the European and global context”. The project explores the extent to which today’s occupational statistics reflect a global standardization of productivity and simultaneously, reconfigure gender relations. Recent publications include „Weltgesellschaft. Soziologische Einsichten“, Bielefeld: Transcript 2000 (second edition in preparation); „Menschenrechte im Sog des Binnenmarkts? Die Antidiskriminierungsmaßnahmen der Europäischen Union im globale Deutungsrahmen der Menschenrechte“, in: Bettina Heintz/Britta Leisering (Ed.), Menschenrechte in der Weltgesellschaft. Semantischer Wandel und rechtliche Institutionalisierung. Fankfurt/M./New York: Campus 2014.

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