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Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

Publikationen, Forschungsaufenthalte, Vorträge und Konferenzen

Projektbezogene Publikationen

Hofferberth M, Lambach D, Koch M, et al. (2022): The Why and How of Global Governors: Relational Agency in World Politics. In: International Studies Review. 2022;24(4).

Koch M. (2023): Mission G20: Organizing world politics. In: PuntOorg International Journal.

Franke U, Koch M (eds.) (2023): Inter-Organizational Relations and World Order. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

Franke U, Koch M (2023): Examining inter-organizational relations. In: Franke U, Koch M (eds): Inter-Organizational Relations and World Order. Bristol: Bristol University Press



Observation of G20 Leaders' Summit, Rio de Janeiro


Observation of protests during G20 Leaders' Summit, Rio de Janeiro 


Stockholm Center for Organizational Research (SCORE), Stockholm

08/2022 Archival Research, G7/20 Information Centre, Munk School, University of Toronto

Observation G7 Leaders‘ Summit, Elmau

Teilnahme an Konferenzen, Tagungen und Workshops


17th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations (PEC), Lille, France

Presentation "World Politics in the Local: Cooperation in conflict prevention and peacebuilding" - Alina Isakova


Workshop „European Society. A New Approach to Europe, its Past and Future Challenges“, Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg

Presentation "Peace OR Security: Constructing the European Society through Security Challenges"– Alina Isakova


12th Biennial Conference of the SGEU (ECPR Standing Group on the European Union), Universidade Nova, Lisbon, Portugal

Presentation “Exploring the EU Relationships in Conflict Early Warning: Autonomy, Cooperation, and Hierarchies”– Alina Isakova


ISA, 65th Annual Convention, San Francisco, California, USA.

Presentation “European Union in Early Warning and Response to Violent Conflicts”– Alina Isakova


DVPW Themengruppe IO Jahrestagung, Jena
09/2023 6th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations (PEC), Potsdam
07/2023 8th Conference of the Regulating for Decent Work Network, Geneva

DVPW IB-Sektionstagung, Friedrichshafen

Presentation „More than meets the eye–Various forms of environments in international relations” - Iris Bartelt, Martin Koch, Natia Tsaritova


Workshop “The Saliance of Meta-Organizations”, Aix-en-Provence, Paper  

Presentation “International Groups in Organizinig World Politics” – Martin Koch

04/2023 41st International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow

International Studies Association Conference, Montréal


  • “Valued cooperation - The International Labour Organization’s relation to G7 and BRICS” - Iris Bartelt
  • “All roads lead to the Arctic Council: Inter-organizational relations in the Arctic Region” - Natia Tsaritova

ICOS-Conference and Paper Development Workshop, Trondheim

Presentation “World Entities and their Inner World: Bureaucratic structures and Formalization in the International Labour Organization and the Arctic Council” - Iris Bartelt, Natia Tsaritova


Institute for World Society Annual Retreat, Bad Salzuflen

11/2022 Workshop Svalbard Imaginaries, Bielefeld
10/2022 Arctic Circle Assembly, Reykjavík

41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie

Poster presentation


Offene Tagung der DGS Sektion Politische Soziologie, Bielefeld

Presentation „Die Innenwelt internationaler Organisationen - Bürokratische Strukturen in der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation und im Arktischen Rat“ - Iris Bartelt, Natia Tsaritova

05/2022 Tagung zum 20. Jubiläum des Instituts für Weltgesellschaft

SUDEA Workshop, IDOS Bonn

02/2022 Offene Tagung Polar- und Meerespolitik der DVPW-Themengruppe (online)

Institute for World Society Annual Retreat (online)

Panel “A Theory of World Entities” - Iris Bartelt, Natia Tsaritova, Martin Koch

12/2021 Arctic Futures Symposium, Brussels (online)

Kovalevsky Reading, St. Petersburg (online)

11/2021 Workshop Publics in Global Politics (GPSA) (online)
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