The research project has so far resulted in the following studies, which have been published with international colleagues:
van Veen, F., Sattler, S., Mehlkop, G. (2024). Understanding Change and Differential Updating of Risk Perceptions Associated with Illicit Substance Use: A Panel Study. Sociological Spectrum. [Link]
Sattler, S., van Veen, F., Hasselhorn, F., El Tabei, L., Fuhr, U., Mehlkop, G. (2024). Prevalence of legal, prescription, and illegal drugs used for cognitive enhancement across sociodemographic groups in Germany. Deviant Behavior. [Link]
Sattler, S., Seddig, D., Zerbini, G. (2023). Die Messung von Schlafproblemen und der Beeinträchtigung der Tagesform mittels der Athens Insomnia Scale for Non-Clinical Application (AIS-NCA) in deutscher und englischer Sprache. Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS). [Link]
"Sattler, S., Wilkinson, R., Lee, M. T. (2023). Eine kurze und umfassende Messung des subjektiven Wohlergehens - Eine bevölkerungsbasierte Validierung der deutschen Version der Human Flourishing Scale bestehend aus dem Flourish Index (FI) und dem Secure Flourish Index (SFI). Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS). [Link]
Sattler, S., Wilkinson, R., Lee, M. T. (2023). A Brief Measure of Complete Subjective Well-Being in Germany: A Population-Based Validation of a German Version of the Flourish Index (FI) and the Secure Flourish Index (SFI).PLOS One 18: e0284892. [Link]
Sattler, S., Faber, N. Häusser, J. (2023). Working with a sleep-deprived or a cognitively enhanced team member compromises motivation to contribute to group performance How Enhanced and Impaired Colleagues Affect Performance Norms and Work Motivation. European Journal of Social Psychology 53: 1231-1244. [Link]
Sattler, S., Dubljevic, V., Racine, E. (2023). Cooperative Behavior in the Workplace: Empirical Evidence from The Agent-Deed-Consequences Model of Moral Judgment. Frontiers in Psychology 13: 1064442. [Link]
Sattler, S., Seddig, D., Zerbini, G. (2023): Assessing Sleep Problems and Daytime Functioning: A Translation, Adaption, and Validation of the Athens Insomnia Scale for Non-Clinical Application (AIS-NCA). Psychology & Health 38: 1006-1031. [Link]
Baum, M., Sattler, S., Reimann, M. (2023). Towards an Understanding of How Stress and Resources Affect the Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs for Performance Enhancement among Employees. Current Psychology 42: 4784-4801. [Link]
Huber, S., Sattler, S., Mehlkop, G. (2023). Mechanisms of Perceived Social Norms: The Mediating and Moderating Role of Morality and Outcome Expectations on Prescription Drug Misuse in the Working Population. Deviant Behavior 44: 359-380 [Link]
Sattler, S., Pietralla, D. (2022). Public Attitudes towards Neurotechnology: Findings from Two Experiments Concerning Brain Stimulation Devices (BSDs) and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). PLOS One 17: e0275454. [Link]
Sattler, S., von dem Knesebeck, O. (2022). Effort–Reward Imbalance at Work and Prescription Drug Misuse—Prospective Evidence from Germany.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19: 7632. [Link]
Sattler, S., van Veen, F., Hasselhorn, F., Mehlkop, G., & Sauer, C. (2022). An experimental test of Situational Action Theory of crime causation: Investigating the perception-choice process. Social Science Research 106: 102693. [Link]
van Veen, F., Sattler, S., Mehlkop, G., Hasselhorn, F. (2022). Feigning Symptoms to Obtain Pre-scription Stimulants: A Vignette-Based Study on Its Conditions. Journal of Drug Issues 52: 225-249. [Link]
Racine, É., Sattler, S., Boehlen, W. (2021). Cognitive Enhancement: Unanswered Questions about Human Psychology and Social Behavior. Science and Engineering Ethics 27: 19. [Link]
Sattler, S. (2020). Using Social Learning Theories to Better Understand the Variation of the Moral Acceptability of Performance Enhancement Drug Use. American Journal of Bioethics – Neuroscience 11: 248–250. [Link]
Sattler, S. (2020). Cognitive Enhancement in Children by Using Prescription Drugs. Pp. 113–130, in: Burns T and Gottschalk F (Eds.): Education and Childhood in the Digital Age: Healthy and Happy Children. Paris: OECD. [Link]