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The ENHANCE project

Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld

The research project has so far resulted in the following studies, which have been published with international colleagues:


  • van Veen, F., Sattler, S., Mehlkop, G. (2024). Understanding Change and Differential Updating of Risk Perceptions Associated with Illicit Substance Use: A Panel StudySociological Spectrum. [Link]
  • Sattler, S., van Veen, F., Hasselhorn, F., El Tabei, L., Fuhr, U., Mehlkop, G. (2024). Prevalence of legal, prescription, and illegal drugs used for cognitive enhancement across sociodemographic groups in GermanyDeviant Behavior. [Link]


  • Sattler, S., Seddig, D., Zerbini, G. (2023). Die Messung von Schlafproblemen und der Beeinträchtigung der Tagesform mittels der Athens Insomnia Scale for Non-Clinical Application (AIS-NCA) in deutscher und englischer SpracheZusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS). [Link]
  • "Sattler, S., Wilkinson, R., Lee, M. T. (2023). Eine kurze und umfassende Messung des subjektiven Wohlergehens - Eine bevölkerungsbasierte Validierung der deutschen Version der Human Flourishing Scale bestehend aus dem Flourish Index (FI) und dem Secure Flourish Index (SFI). Zusammenstellung sozialwissenschaftlicher Items und Skalen (ZIS). [Link]
  • Sattler, S., Wilkinson, R., Lee, M. T. (2023). A Brief Measure of Complete Subjective Well-Being in Germany: A Population-Based Validation of a German Version of the Flourish Index (FI) and the Secure Flourish Index (SFI). PLOS One 18: e0284892. [Link]
  • Sattler, S., Faber, N. Häusser, J. (2023). Working with a sleep-deprived or a cognitively enhanced team member compromises motivation to contribute to group performance How Enhanced and Impaired Colleagues Affect Performance Norms and Work Motivation. European Journal of Social Psychology 53: 1231-1244. [Link]
  • ​Sattler, S., Dubljevic, V., Racine, E. (2023). Cooperative Behavior in the Workplace: Empirical Evidence from The Agent-Deed-Consequences Model of Moral Judgment. Frontiers in Psychology 13: 1064442. [Link]
  • Sattler, S., Seddig, D., Zerbini, G. (2023): Assessing Sleep Problems and Daytime Functioning: A Translation, Adaption, and Validation of the Athens Insomnia Scale for Non-Clinical Application (AIS-NCA). Psychology & Health 38: 1006-1031. [Link]
  • Baum, M., Sattler, S., Reimann, M. (2023). Towards an Understanding of How Stress and Resources Affect the Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs for Performance Enhancement among Employees. Current Psychology 42: 4784-4801. [Link]
  • Huber, S., Sattler, S., Mehlkop, G. (2023). Mechanisms of Perceived Social Norms: The Mediating and Moderating Role of Morality and Outcome Expectations on Prescription Drug Misuse in the Working Population. Deviant Behavior 44: 359-380 [Link]


  • ​Sattler, S., Pietralla, D. (2022). Public Attitudes towards Neurotechnology: Findings from Two Experiments Concerning Brain Stimulation Devices (BSDs) and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). PLOS One 17: e0275454. [Link]
  • Sattler, S., von dem Knesebeck, O. (2022). Effort–Reward Imbalance at Work and Prescription Drug Misuse—Prospective Evidence from Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19: 7632. [Link]
  • Sattler, S., van Veen, F., Hasselhorn, F., Mehlkop, G., & Sauer, C. (2022). An experimental test of Situational Action Theory of crime causation: Investigating the perception-choice processSocial Science Research 106: 102693. [Link]
  • van Veen, F., Sattler, S., Mehlkop, G., Hasselhorn, F. (2022). Feigning Symptoms to Obtain Pre-scription Stimulants: A Vignette-Based Study on Its ConditionsJournal of Drug Issues 52: 225-249. [Link]


  • Racine, É., Sattler, S., Boehlen, W. (2021). Cognitive Enhancement: Unanswered Questions about Human Psychology and Social BehaviorScience and Engineering Ethics 27: 19. [Link]


  • Sattler, S. (2020). Using Social Learning Theories to Better Understand the Variation of the Moral Acceptability of Performance Enhancement Drug UseAmerican Journal of Bioethics – Neuroscience 11: 248–250. [Link]
  • Sattler, S. (2020). Cognitive Enhancement in Children by Using Prescription Drugs. Pp. 113–130, in: Burns T and Gottschalk F (Eds.): Education and Childhood in the Digital Age: Healthy and Happy Children. Paris: OECD. [Link]
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