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Lutz Leisering (2020) The Calls for Universal Social Protection by International Organizations: Constructing a New Global Consensus. Social Inclusion 8 (1), 90–102 (Open Access)

Tobias Böger & Lutz Leisering (2020) "A new pathway to universalism? Explaining the spread of ‘social’ pensions in the global South, 1967–2011" Journal of International Relations and Development 23: 308–338.

Lutz Leisering (2020) Social Cash Transfers in the Global South: Individualizing Poverty Policies. In: Bent Greve (ed.), Routledge International Handbook of Poverty. London: Routledge, 317-327

Lutz Leisering (2019) The Global Rise of Social Cash Transfers. How States and International Organizations Constructed a New Instrument for Combating Poverty. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Tobias Böger & Kerem Öktem (2019) "Levels or worlds of welfare? Assessing social rights and social stratification in Northern and Southern countries" Social Policy and Administration 53(1):63-77.

Tobias Böger, Lutz Leisering (2017) "Social citizenship for older persons? Measuring the social quality of social pensions in the global south and explaining their spread" Social Citizens Discussion paper no. 1703. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group.

John Berten (2017) "Evaluation and simulation: Producing evidence in the global politics of social cash transfers" in: Annabelle Littoz-Monnet (ed.) The politics of expertise in international organizations. How international bureaucracies produce and mobilize knowledge, New York: Routledge, 148-166.

Lutz Leisering, Tao Liu, Tobias ten Brink (2017) "Synthesizing Disparate Ideas: How a Chinese Model of Social Assistance Was Forged" Global Social Policy 17(3): 307-327.

John Berten & Lutz Leisering (2017) "Social policy by numbers. How international organisations construct global policy proposals" International Journal of Social Welfare, 26: 151-167.

Moritz von Gliszczynski (2017) "Social protection and basic income in global policy" Global Social Policy 17(1): 98-100.

Katrin Weible (2016) "What Social Cash Transfer Programmes Do Not Do in Middle Income Countries: Identifying Entitlement Gaps in Basic Social Protection" in: United Nations System Staff College & Hertie School of Governance (eds.) UN Reflection Series 2016: Development Cooperation, Policy Advice and Middle Income Countries, Berlin, 173-192.

Moritz von Gliszczynski & Lutz Leisering (2016) "Constructing new global models of social security: How international organizations defined the field of social cash transfers in the 2000s" Journal of Social Policy, 45(2): 325-343.

Tao Liu & Li Sun (2016) "Pension Reform in China" Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 28(1): 15-28.

Tao Liu & Li Sun (2016) "Urban Social Assistance in China: Transnational Diffusion and National Interpretation" Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 45(2): 29-51.

Lutz Leisering, Ulrike Davy & Benjamin Davy (2015) "The politics of recognition: Changing understandings of human rights, social development and land rights as normative foundation of global social policy" Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, 18: 565-600.

Moritz von Gliszczynski (2015) Cash Transfers and Basic Social Protection, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Lutz Leisering & Armando Barrientos (2013) "Social citizenship for the global poor? The worldwide spread of social assistance" International Journal of Social Welfare, 22(S1): S50-S67.

Katrin Weible & Lutz Leisering (2012) "South Africa's System of Social Cash Transfers. Assessing its Social Quality" in: Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, Anne Tittor & Nico Weinmann (eds.) Sozialpolitik in globaler Perspektive. Asien, Afrika und Lateinamerika, Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 247-270.

Unpublished PhD Theses

Michael Leutelt (2017) "Perspectives on Policy Transfer: "Dropping Stones, Making Waves". How International Organizations Promote "Social Cash Transfer Programs" in the Global South". PhD thesis, University of Bielefeld.

Katrin Weible (2021) „Social citizenship for ‘the poor’? Large N data construction, conceptualization, and comparative analysis of social cash transfers across the global South”. PhD thesis, Bielefeld University

Tobias Böger (2021) "The quest for universalism in global social protection. Contributions to the political economy of social assistance". PhD thesis, Bielefeld University

Preparatory Publications

Lutz Leisering (2009) "Extending Social Security to the Excluded: Are Social Cash Transfers to the Poor an Appropriate Way of Fighting Poverty in Developing Countries?" Global Social Policy, 9(2): 246-272.

Lutz Leisering (2009) "Die Entstehung globaler Sozialpolitik. Sozialhilfe als Testfall" in: Elmar Rieger & Herbert Obinger (eds.) Wohlfahrtsstaatlichkeit in entwickelten Demokratien: Befunde, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven. Festschrift für Stephan Leibfried, Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 577-610.

Lutz Leisering (2008) "Social Assistance in the Global South" Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Arbeits- und Sozialrecht, 22: 74-103.

Lutz Leisering, Petra Buhr & Ute Traiser-Diop (2006) Soziale Grundsicherung in der Weltgesellschaft. Monetäre Mindestsicherungssysteme in den Ländern des Südens und des Nordens. Weltweiter Survey und theoretische Verortung, Bielefeld: transcript.

Lutz Leisering (2006) Social Cash Transfers for the Poor in Developing Countries – a New Strategy of Development Policy? Eschborn: Schriftenreihe der Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) (German Technical Cooperation).

Working Papers

FLOOR Working Paper No. 33: John Berten (2013, online 2016) Numerische Technologien und Tools in der globalen Politik sozialer Grundsicherung. MA Thesis, University of Bielefeld.

FLOOR Working Paper No. 28: Tobias Böger (2013, online 2015) Diffusing social citizenship at the margins? The spread of social pensions in the global South. MA Thesis, University of Bielefeld.

FLOOR Working Paper No. 21: Tao Liu (2014) Intellectual origins of the Chinese Minimum Living Standard System. Applying a model of multiple knowledge diffusion.

FLOOR Working Paper No. 11: Moritz von Gliszczynski (2011) Ideas and discourse in policy research. Applying a constructivist approach on the global level.

FLOOR Working Paper No. 4: Lutz Leisering (2010) Social assistance in developed and developing countries. A case of global social policy?
Revised version of a paper read at the International Symposium on International Setting of Standards and Innovation in Social Protection in Low Income Countries, organized by the Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Sozialrecht, Munich, 14–16 October 2009.