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© RC19

Draft Programme

University of Mannheim,
Haupteingang/Main Entrance, Bismarckstraße 40,
Mannheim, Germany (see University of Mannheim Map)

All rooms & registration are at the upper floor above the Entrance Hall, the lecture hall is on the mezzanine level. Please follow the signs. Breaks & Lunch are at the Fuchs Petrolup Auditorium and in front of it.

Entrance: Universität Mannheim Haupteingang /
University, Main Entrance
Mezzanine Level (Right): SN169 Röchling Auditorium
Upper Level (Centre): Fuchs Petrolup Auditorium (with glass doors)
Upper Level (Left): O129, O131, O133, O135

Day 1, Wednesday, 28 August 2019


Registration (Upper Floor, outside Fuchs Petrolup Auditorium)


Conference Opening and Welcome by Claus Wendt (Röchling Auditorium/SN169)


Lecture I: Care and Migration Policies in East and Southeast Asia
Ito Peng (University of Toronto), chair: Bernhard Ebbinghaus (SN169/Röchling )




Parallel Paper Sessions A

Panel A1: Promoting gender equality: welfare policy approaches and mobilization (O135)

Panel A2: Societal embeddedness of the development of social rights (O133)

Panel A3: From welfare state expansion to an eco-social agenda (O131)


Coffee Break (Fuchs Petrolup Auditorium)


Parallel Paper Sessions B

Panel B1: Comparing long-term care (O135)

Panel B2: Towards an eco-social agenda (O133)

Panel B3: Family policies and realities in European countries (O131)

Panel B4: Migration in the EU: effects on policies, politics and attitudes (O129)


(RC19 Board Meeting, board members only) (O135)





Day 2, Thursday, 29 August 2019


Parallel Paper Sessions C

Panel C1: Welfare developments in middle-income countries (O135)

Panel C2: Family policies, economic crisis and inequalities in a global perspective (O133)

Panel C3: Health care areas and inequalities (O131)


Coffee Break (Fuchs Petrolup Auditorium)


Lecture II: Climate change: an impossible challenge to sustainable social policy? Ian Gough (University of Bath / LSE), chair: Alexandra Kaasch (SN169/Röchling Auditorium)

12.00- 13.00

RC19 General Assembly (open to all RC19 members)
(SN169/Röchling Auditorium)




Parallel Paper Sessions D

Panel D1: Health care systems and reforms (O135)

Panel D2: Inequality and poverty: causes and welfare responses (O133)

Panel D3: Migration and welfare policies: global, national and local perspectives(O131)


Coffee Break (Fuchs Petrolup Auditorium)


Plenary Session (Röchling Auditorium/SN169)
Chair: Enrique Delamonica (UNICEF, RC19 board member),
Christina Behrendt (International Labour Organisation),
Katja Hujo (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development),
Sarah Kups (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development),
Jan Vandemoortele (Author, formerly UNDP)




Max Weber House in Heidelberg OR self-guided City Tour


Conference Dinner


 Day 3, Friday, 30 August 2019


Parallel Paper Sessions E

Panel E1: Welfare policy approaches and the integration of migrants (O135)

Panel E2: Dynamics between welfare policies and its inequality-related effects (O133)

Panel E3: Welfare states developments: issues of design and attitudes (O131)


Coffee Break (Fuchs Petrolup Auditorium)


Parallel Paper Sessions F

Panel F1: Welfare Policies in the Global South: basic dimensions and approaches (O135)

Panel F2: The Crisis, the EU's New Economic Governance Regime and the Social Question (O133)

Panel F3: (Un)employment and social policies (O131)


Conference Closing Session by Hildegard Theobald (Röchling Auditorium/SN169)


Lunch to go (Fuchs Petrolup Auditorium)

Conference Organizing Committee:

Bernhard Ebbinghaus (University of Oxford & Mannheim Center for European Social Research)

Alexandra Kaasch (Bielefeld University)

Hildegard Theobald (University of Vechta & Centre for Globalisation and Governance, Uni Hamburg)

Claus Wendt (Siegen University & Mannheim Center for European Social Research)

We thank the following institutions for supporting this event:

  • German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • ISA RC19
  • Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES)
  • University of Mannheim
  • Bielefeld University, Faculty of Sociology
  • University of Siegen
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