Organiser: Shaping Asia Network
02 July 2021
Call for Papers
COVID-19 wreaked havoc. Its reverberations widened global and local precarity/privilege gaps. It rendered workers, labourers, and academics jobless, and left millions of families and communities without a source of income. The pandemic caused the deaths of loved ones, and it took a significant toll on everyone’s (mental) health across the board. Despite all this and more looming gloom, the workshop intends to jointly find ways out of academic depression and lonely somnambulism. It aims to reinvigorate transnational solidarity in supporting each other’s works and lives and focuses on the constructive research endeavours that—despite being obstructed during the last year—are about to emerge in the near future. The workshop discusses the potentials of the network’s ‘Three Cs’ – connectivities, comparisons, and collaborations—as methods of pushing back against the negative (mental) health effects of the pandemic across continents. The workshop is designed to be a call to value emerging initiatives and activities that, at first glance, might appear small yet thorough and/or slow yet dear to us in relation to the network’s ‘Three C’-methodology.
Exemplary questions that we invite you to reflect upon can be as follows (mere suggestions): How does Covid-19 function as a global framework for fundamental changes in our societies and respective academic landscapes? How can we get out of Covid-19 somnambulism together as researchers? What will connectivities, comparisons and collaborations look like after the Covid-19 emergency phases, and how can we reflect on them theoretically? What refurbished conceptual framing of the ‘Three Cs’ do you anticipate? What strategies can we propose to funding agencies, campuses and governments to secure research possibilities and academic positions? How has (academic) solidarity played out during pandemic lockdowns?
We invite network members and interested colleagues to submit a brief abstract of 150 words that fleshes out their perspectives on collaborations, connectivities, and comparisons throughout the pandemic to the respective session organizers (see below). We encourage joint abstracts of tandems, pairs, and groups that share their ideas, reflections, anticipations, or work-in-progress pieces as 10-minute teasers that can be developed into a paper at a later stage. The workshop will be hosted via an online-platform and is intended as a get-together, ideas-sharing platform, and as a kick-off to the network’s working paper series.
The workshop will be organized in three consecutive sessions that focus on the potentials of each of the Three C’s as methodological practices and theoretical trajectories to emerge from pandemic somnambulism. The three sessions will be organized uniformly, opening with a brief General Introduction and closing with a final open Q&A. The main sessions will be limited to 60 minutes followed by 15-minute breaks after each. We will consider the time zones respective to the participants’ locations where possible.
Session 1: Connectivities (organiser: Thomas Stodulka in cooperation with Kelvin Low (National University of Singapore) and Noorman Abdullah (National University of Singapore)
Session 2: Comparisons (organiser: Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka in cooperation with Cristoph Antweiler (Universität Bonn) and Akio Tanabe (University of Tokyo)
Session 3: Collaborations (organiser: Éva-Rozália Hölzle in cooperation with Nasreen Chowdhory (University of Delhi), Chiara Pierobon (Bielefeld University), and Phill Wilcox (Bielefeld University)
The workshop will last no longer than 4 hours with sufficient breaks in between to provide a creative collaborative space and to avoid excessive online-fatigue.
Please submit your abstracts to the organiser of your preferred thematic session (connectivities – comparisons – collaborations) by 10th May 2021 and please get back to us in case of questions.
A PDF version of the call is downloadable from here.
For those who are not yet familiar with the Shaping Asia network, please consult our homepage:
Event coordinator: Anass Khayati