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Social Security in Crisis Mode (SoSiKri)


Campus der Universität Bielefeld
© Universität Bielefeld
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Welcome to the SoSiKri blog!

Here, we will regularly share our latest insights on the nexus between social security and ecological crisis, keeping you up-to-date on our research. Browse our latest blog posts by clicking the tiles below to follow our progress.

  • Social Security in Crisis Mode

    With ecological crises ever-worsening, the social implications of these developments become more and more visible. Fueled by climate change...

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  • How the future impacts the present in social policy

    But how does this anticipation of futures influence policymaking? How can we understand the role of anticipations in times of crisis...

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  • Climate Change and Inequality

    As climate change accelerates more and more, its effects are felt globally, but not uniformly. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, resource scarcity...

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