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Research Training Group World Politics RTG 2225

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Campus der Universität Bielefeld
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Madeleine Myatt - Doctoral Researcher

© Universität Bielefeld

E-Mail: madeleine.myatt@uni-bielefeld.de

Doctoral Project: Cybersecurity a Shared Responsibility? The Role, Implementation and Strategic Promotion of Cooperative Partnerships with the Cybersecurity Industry

Since 10/2017 Doctoral Researcher in the Research Training Group "World Politics", Bielefeld University
2017 Teaching & Research Associate, Political Sociology (Political Organisations and Communication, Right-Wing Populism), Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University
2016 - 2017 Teaching & Research Associate, Comparative Politics and Public Policy (Comparative Democracy Research, Public Safety & Security), Faculty of Sociology, Bielefeld University
2010 - 2014 M.A. Political Science & European Studies (dual structure), University of Hannover
2006 - 2010 B.A. in Political Science, University of Hannover

Digital technologies are increasingly pervasive in the social, political and economic sphere. Global interconnectivity - especially via the internet - can justifiably be referred to as a revolutionary step in the transformation of modern societies. Moreover, an open, free and secure cyberspace is mainly seen as a key driver for the promotion of political and social inclusion, the diffusion of fundamental rights, economic growth and international competitiveness. Thus, the reliance on the internet and different information and communication technologies (ICTs) offer new opportunities as well as challenges and risks. Therefore, a secure cyberspace becomes an essential matter of national and international security and the growing influence of digital and smart grid technology as a distinguishing feature of security actors and the strategic value of data is significant. In this sense, our digital footprints are likewise, a security relevant resource and protection objective. In response, various states took on a strategic approach by developing a national cybersecurity strategy (NCSS). Although, the current NCSS-landscape reveals country and/or regional specific differences, similarities can be identified e.g. the categorization of cybersecurity as "shared responsibility" with an emphasis on public private partnerships and a strategic promotion of the cybersecurity industry. The latter is often underlined with an intention of becoming a "leading nation" or "forerunner" in cybersecurity. While most of previous research focus on public private partnerships regarding the protection of critical infrastructures, this project aims to stay abreast of changes and put a special emphasis on partnerships between the public sector, the cybersecurity industry and science.

The first aim of the research project is to map the NCSS-landscape and accompanied initiatives on the regional and international level to reflect the role of public private partnerships as a negotiation and discourse arena, also in terms of power politics and relations. Therefore, the introduction of a multistage-analytical scheme and a combined content-analysis of relevant security strategies (incl. text-mining tools) is used, to identify inducing contextual conditions, path-dependencies and patterns.

In a second step, the analytical perspective will be expanded on the export dimension of cybersecurity technology as a consequence of the strategic approach, to foster the cybersecurity industry and relevant partnership forms. It does so, by exploring the demand for a modernization and enlargement of transnational control regimes regarding the export of so called "dual-use" digital surveillance technologies.

  • Myatt, M. (with J. Siri) (2023). 'Der glitschige Rechtspopulismus: Politiken der Angst und Unsicherheit im 21. Jahrhundert', in: A. Zick, and L. Berg (eds.), Populär? Extrem? Normal? Ein Buch zur Debatte über Rechtspopulismus. Bonn: Dietz.
  • Myatt, M. (2021). 'Small, Smart, Powerful? Small States and the Competition for Cybertech Superiority in the Digital Age', in: D. Russ and J. Stafford (eds.), Competition in World Politics: Knowledge, Strategies and Institutions. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 233-260.
  • Myatt, M. (with J. Siri, F. Zimmermann, M. Koch and J. Jaschkowitz) (2020). 'Twitterpolitik II: Twitter Diplomacy: Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik in Zeiten von Social Media. Eine explorative Studie zur Reaktion von EU-Politikern auf die Twitterkommunikation des 45. Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerikas Donald J. Trump', Institut für Medien- und Kommunikationspolitik.
  • Myatt, M. (with H.G. Erhart, J. Schmid and P. von Wussow) (2019). International Workshop Report: 'Hybrid Warfare - a challenge for security and peace, legality and ethics'. Hybrid CoE, IFSH, ITHF.
  • Myatt, M. (with J. Siri) (2019). '(Un-)Sicherheitskonstruktionen und rechtspopulistische Mobilisierung: Die "Brexit"-Kampagne, ihre sicherheitspolitischen Implikationen und die Rolle der Medien', in: P. Adorf, U. Bitzegeio and F. Decker (eds.), Ausstieg, Souveränität, Isolation - Der Brexit und seine Folgen für die Zukunft Europas. Bonn: Dietz Verlag, pp. 135-156.
  • Myatt, M. (2019). 'The Northern Ireland Dimension of Brexit: The Underestimated Border Question and its Implications for Peace in Northern Ireland', in: P. Adorf, U. Bitzegeio and F. Decker (eds.), Ausstieg, Souveränität, Isolation - Der Brexit und seine Folgen für die Zukunft Europas. Bonn: Dietz Verlag, pp. 72-92.
  • Myatt, M. (with J. Siri) (2018). 'Germany ? Conditions for the recent establishment of right-wing populism and progressive responses', in: C. Krell, H. Möllers and N. Ferch (eds.), Reclaiming action? Progressive strategies in times of growing right-wing populism in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany. Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, pp. 75-96.
  • Myatt, M. (2020). 'Modes of Organizing Cybersecurity between the Public/ Private Sphere ? A differentiated View from the European Variety of Organized Forms of Network and Partnership Relations'. Paper presented at the international workshop 'Security in Cyberspace: dynamics, limits and opportunities', 14 May, Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Berlin, Germany.
  • Myatt, M. (2020). 'The Datafication of World Politics: Advanced Modes of Observing International Relations and Security Affairs through Innovations in Big Data Analytics'. Paper presented at: Hybrid CoE Expert Pool Meeting (AEP Cyber), 12-14 February, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Myatt, M. (2019). 'Cybersecurity, Public Private Partnerships and the Competition for Power and Authority in World Politics'. Paper presented at the international workshop 'Cyber Warfare: Strategic Challenges and Ethical Perspectives', 29-30 November, Institute für Theologie und Frieden (ITHF), Hamburg, Germany.
  • Myatt, M. (2019). 'Politische Kommunikation im und via Cyberspace: Technologiehoheit, Macht, Kontrolle und der Wettstreit von Sicherheits- und Unsicherheitsnarrativen'. Presentation at the workshop 'Re-Tweeting Trump? Annäherung an das neue Forschungsfeld der "Twitter?Diplomatie"', 22 November, ProjektZentrum Stiftung Mercator, Berlin, Germany.
  • Myatt, M. (2019). Participation in the RTG workshop 'Envisioning the Global: Perspectives, Positions, Communities', 21-22 November, Bielefeld University.
  • Myatt, M. (2019). 'Small, Smart, Powerful? Small States and the Competition for Cybertech Superiority in the Digital Age ? Insights from the Nordic Countries'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Competition in World Politics', 25 October, Bielefeld University.
  • Myatt, M. (with A. Boyashov, J. Nagel, D. Russ and J. Stafford) (2019). Organisation of the RTG workshop 'Organising Competition & Contestation in World Politics', 24-25 October, Bielefeld University.
  • Myatt, M. (2019). 'Hybrid Warfare - a challenge for security and peace, legality and ethics'. Talk given at the workshop 'Hybrid Warfare - a challenge for security and peace, legality and ethics', organized by Hybrid CoE, IFSH, ITHF, Hamburg, Germany, 24-25 September.
  • Myatt, M. (with D. Fracchiolla) (2019). 'Cyber Security and the constitutive Role of Security Cultures: A Framework of Global Cyber Security Cultures'. Paper presented at the conference 'GIG-ARTS 2019', 16-17 May, Salerno, Italy.
  • Myatt, M. (2019) 'Reclaiming Action - Progressive strategies in times of right-wing populism'. Presented at 'Kontroversen'. Panel discussion 'Parteiensysteme im Umbruch - Wie umgehen mit Rechtspopulismus', 09 May, University of Gießen, Germany.
  • Myatt, M. (2018). 'Cyber as Diplomatic Space (TechDiplomacy or Defence Diplomacy in the Digital Age)'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Balance & Competition in World Politics', 10 November, Bielefeld University.
  • Myatt, M. (with A. Boyashov, J. Nagel, D. Russ and J. Stafford) (2018). Organisation of the RTG workshop 'Balance & Competition in World Politics', 09-10 November, Bielefeld University.
  • Myatt, M. (2018). Participation in the RTG workshop 'Imagining Belonging in World Politics: Concepts, Practices, and Struggles', 01-02 October, Bielefeld University.
  • Myatt, M. (with F. Zimmermann) (2018). 'Cyberspace as Diplomatic Arena: The Role of Data Analytics & OSINT as Resource of Diplomatic Practice in Security Affairs'. Paper presented at the 'ECPR General Conference Hamburg, University of Hamburg', 22-25 August, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Myatt, M. (with J. Siri) (2018). Expert input and panelist at the workshop 'Reclaiming Action - Progressive Strategies in Times of Growing Right-Wing Populism', 31 May, Nordic Office, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin, Germany.
  • Myatt, M. (with D. Sack) (2018). 'Cyber Security a Shared Responsibility? The Role and Likelihood of Public Private Partnerships in National Cyber-Security Strategies as a Capacity Building Tool of Power Politics'. Paper presented at the conference 'Second European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies', 26-27 April, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
  • Myatt, M. (with D. Sack) (2017). 'Public Private Partnership Arrangements for a Secure Cyberspace? The Strategic Promotion of Cooperative Partnerships with the Cybersecurity Industry & the Need for a Critical Review on the Export of digital-surveillance items'. Paper presented at the conference 'Political Science in the Digital Age', IPSA/AISP International Conference, 04-06 December, Hannover, Germany.


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