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Research Training Group World Politics RTG 2225

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Gladys Vásquez - Doctoral Researcher

© Universität Bielefeld

E-Mail: gladys.vasquez@uni-bielefeld.de

Doctoral Project: The Creation of American Regional Integration and the Origination of the Inter-American System after Independence. The Congress of Panama (1826) and the American Congress of Lima (1847)

Since 10/2017 Doctoral Researcher in the Research Training Group "World Politics", Bielefeld University
2017 Lecturer, Critical History, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Peru
2016 - 2017 Chief of the Cultural Management and Public Relations Commission, Peru
2016 Master applicant in Latin American History, Indigenous World, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain
2014 - 2015 Chief of the Cultural Management and Institutional Cooperation Commission, Peru
2010 - 2015 M.A. History with a major in Andean Studies, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru (PUCP), Peru
2014 Professional Title in History, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru
2013 Temporary Exhibitions Assistant, Museo de Arte de Lima, Peru
2010 - 2012 Research Assistant, El Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú, Peru
1998 - 2003 B.A. Social Sciences with a major in History, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru

The Hispano-American nations recently emancipated in the early 19th century face not only the problems caused by the transition from a colonial system to a republican system of government, but also the fear of an eventual re-conquest or the military intervention of some other European power. In response to this, the creation of measures meant to prevent other nations from abusing their power takes shape in the form of their own American International Law, along with the rejection of already existent systems inappropriate for the American reality. In this sense, we will perform an analysis of how these young republics reinforced their diplomatic relationships and organized a series of congresses, such as the Congress of Panama and the Congress of Lima, where the foundations for the American Code of International Law were laid as well as revealed the contradictions between the supranational objectives and the search for reassurance by the new governments. Similarly, we will evaluate the conditions under which this process expanded and the way it responded to the situations that originated from the debates between those who supported the idea of a big Continental Confederation and those who defended national interests, which allowed the birth of a new political culture and an international political agenda among widespread local political instability.

  • Vásquez, G. (with C. Granados) (forthcoming). 'How to make memory without history?', in: C. Milton (ed.), How the Military Remembers: Countermemories and the Challenges to Latin America's Human Rights. University of Wisconsin Press.
  • Vásquez, G. (2021). 'From Region to World, and Back Again: How Latin Americans Envisioned the Global, 1810s-1830', in: S. Holtgreve, K. Preuß and M. Albert (eds.), Envisioning the World: Mapping and Making the Global. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 29-44.
  • Vásquez, G. (with L. Enriquez) (2020). 'Confederations and Federations: Spanish America after the dismemberment of the Spanish Monarchy', in: Revista Memorias No. 43. Universidad del Norte [original text in Spanish, translated by the author], pp 122-124.

  • Vásquez, G. (2014). 'El endeudamiento de Felipe II y el Virreinato del Perú: De las cajas de comunidad a la Caja General de Censos de Indios de Lima (1556-1600)', in: J. Campos (ed.), El Perú en los tiempos de Felipe II, 1st ed. Madrid: EDES, pp. 111-128.
  • Vásquez, G. (with A. Elmuradov, S. Holtgreve, M. Jacobsen, K. Preuss and Y. Sunca) (2019). Organisation of the RTG workshop 'Envisioning the Global, Engendering Agency: Perspectives, Positions, Communities', 21-22 November, Bielefeld University.
  • Vásquez, G. (2019). 'From Region to World, and Back Again: How Latin Americans Envisioned the Global, (1810s-1930s)'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Envisioning the Global: Perspectives, Positions, Communities', 21 November, Bielefeld University.
  • Vásquez, G. (2019). Participation in the RTG workshop 'Organising Competition & Contestation in World Politics', 24-25 October, Bielefeld University.
  • Vásquez, G. (2019). Presentation of dissertation project at the summer school 'The 8th London Summer School on Intellectual History', 03-06 September, University College London and Queen Mary, UK.
  • Vásquez, G. (2019). 'From multiplicity to integration: Simon Bolivar's Confederal Project in the Congress of Panama'. Paper presented at the workshop 'From Bolivar to UNASUR- 200 years of Latin- American Political Integration', 01-02 July, Bielefeld University.
  • Vásquez, G. (2019). 'Conflicto Armado Interno: nuevas perspectivas desde la historia militar'. Paper presented at 'Latin American Studies Association International Congress', 24-27 May, Boston, USA.
  • Vásquez, G. (2019). 'Sovereignty and representation of space after Hispano-American independence: The Congress of Panama (1826)'. Paper presented at '10th International PhD Student Exchange Workshop Notre Dame/Bielefeld', 05-10 May, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA.
  • Vásquez, G. (2019). Tutorial meetings with Joanna Innes, Sommerville College, and with Eduardo Posada-Carbó, Latin American Centre and research in the Bodleian Library, 18-22 March, University of Oxford, UK.
  • Vásquez, G. (2018). Presentation of book proposal at 'Annual Retreat of the Institute of World Society Studies', 17 December, Bad Salzuflen, Germany.
  • Vásquez, G. (2018). Participation in the RTG workshop 'Balance & Competition in World Politics', 09-10 November, Bielefeld University.
  • Vásquez, G. (with A. Elmuradov, S. Holtgreve, M. Jacobsen, K. Preuss and Y. Sunca) (2018). Organisation of the RTG workshop 'Imagining Belonging in World Politics: Concepts, Practices and Struggles', 01-02 October, Bielefeld University.
  • Vásquez, G. (2018). 'The new American Imaginary: collective identity in post-American independence discourses'. Paper presented at the workshop 'Imagining Belonging in World Politics: Concepts, Practices and Struggles', 01 October, Bielefeld University.
  • Vásquez, G. (2018). Presentation of dissertation project 'Times of Crisis, Chaos and Political Transformation' at III Summer School CONCEPTA Iberoamerica in Conceptual History, 30 July-10 August, Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Vásquez, G. (2018). 'La dialéctica de la violencia: el caso del Partido Comunista del Perú-Sendero Lumino-so'. Panel organised at the conference: 'LASA 2018. XXXVI International Congress', 23-26 May, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Vásquez, G. (2018). Participation in the gender equality workshop 'Attention Please & the Power of Persuasion', 13 September, Bielefeld University.
  • Vásquez, G. (2018). 'Hacerse macho: La participación de la mujer campesina en los Comites de Autodefensa durante el conflicto armado en Perú (1980-2000)'. Paper presented at 'International Congress History and Present of Women in Africa, Latin America and the Iberian World', 10-12 April, Seville, Spain.
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