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Research Training Group World Politics RTG 2225

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Alina Isakova

Doctoral Researcher

Photo Alina Isakova

E-Mail: alina.isakova@uni-bielefeld.de

Phone: +49 521 106-12665

Office: Gebäude X-B2-220, Locations Map

Postbox: Nr. 398 im Gebäude X - Magistrale - Ebene C2

Doctoral Project:
Do International Organizations Actually Cooperate? Factors Influencing Cooperation Among Inter- and Non-Governmental Organizations in Early Warning and Response to Violent Conflicts

Since 15/03/2024 Research associate with the project "A Theory of World Entities" (ATOWE), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
10/2020-09/2023 Doctoral Researcher in the Research Training Group
“World Politics”, Bielefeld University
2012 - 2018 Lecturer at the Faculty of International Relations,
Kyrgyz National University, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
2017 - 2018 Consultant at the World Bank’s Second Health and Social Protection project,
Ministry of Labour and Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, KG
2016 - 2017 Non-Profit Management Resource Center Assistant at the Kyrgyz National University,
East-West Management Institute/USAID Collaborative Governance Program, Bishkek, KG
2013 - 2016 Project manager at the Helvetas-funded projects,
B’Art Contemporary Public Foundation, Bishkek, KG
2010 – 2012 Master’s degree in International Economic and Political Studies, summa cum laude from the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
2011 Global Leadership Program (Human Rights in IR; Philosophy of Leadership) by the Global Institute for Leadership and Civic Development, USA and the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
2003 – 2008 Specialist (BA/MA) degree in International Relations,
with excellence from the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Despite their seeming commitment to collaborative work, differing interests and vision, rules and procedures of distinct organizations could lead to demonstrative rather than actual cooperative efforts. The work aims to study cooperation structures, principles, norms and practices among the United Nations, regional intergovernmental (e.g. EU, OSCE, AU, ECOWAS, IGAD), non-governmental (e.g. International Crisis Group, International Alert) and, in some cases, local civil society organizations, which are engaged into early warning and response to violent conflicts. Relying on the existing approaches to inter-organizational cooperation in both international relations and political sociology, discourse analysis will be applied in order to pursue deeper understanding of the relationship and political communication among actors as well as underlying causes of their behavior.

Research Stays

  • Isakova. A. (2022). Archival Research at the African Union Commission Archives / Research Interviews. 11 November – 8 December 2022, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

  • Isakova, A. Field work/Research Interviews, 08-21 September 2022, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

  • Isakova, A. Archival/documentary research, Reading Room of the European Commission’s Historical Archives Service, 17-19 May 2022, Brussels, Belgium.

  • Isakova, A. (2021). Archival research and participation in the OSCE 'Researcher-in-Residence Programme', OSCE Documentation Centre, 02-30 November, Prague, Czech Republic.


  • Isakova, A. (with Paré, M.-H.) (2024). Teaching assistant at ECPR Winter Methods School: ‘Qualitative Data Analysis’ course, 5-9 February, online.

  • Isakova, A. (2024). 'Peace OR Security: Constructing the European Society through the Security Challenges'. Presentation at the workshop 'European Society. A New Approach to Europe, its Past and Future Challenges', 24-25 January 2024, EUI, Florence, Italy.

  • Isakova, A. (2023). ‘Exploring the EU roles and partnerships in early warning and response to violent conflicts’. Paper presented at Publication Support Series workshops, 19-21 April and 4-6 October, online.

  • Participation in the workshop ‘Military Thought and World Polity Theory’, Bielefeld, 20-21 September 2023.

  • Isakova, A. (2023). ‘Adoption and Re-Invention of World Cultural Models by International Bureaucracies: Constructing Conflict Early Warning in the OSCE’. Paper presented at EISA PEC, 5-9 September, Potsdam.

  • Isakova, A. (with Paré, M.-H.) (2023). Teaching assistant at ECPR Winter Methods School: ‘Qualitative Data Analysis’ and ‘Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis’ courses, 31 July-4 August, online.

  • Isakova, A. (2023). ‘Hierarchies Among Heavyweights: Inter-Organizational Cooperation in Conflict Early Warning and Response Since 1990s’. Paper presented at ‘Global crisis governance in times of uncertainty’ workshop, EWIS 2023, 12-14 July, Amsterdam

  • Isakova, A. (2023). ‘Inter-Organisational Cooperation in Conflict Early Warning and Response Since 1990s: A Cross-Case Study of Heavyweights’. Paper presented at the panel ‘Feminism and changing international institutions’, BISA 2023, 21-23 June, Glasgow.

  • Isakova, A. (2023). ‘How Do International Bureaucracies Cooperate? Choice Rationalisation and Hierarchies in Cooperation Among Conflict Early Warning Heavyweights’. Paper presented at SNIS 2023, 13-14 June, University of St Gallen, Switzerland.

  • Isakova, A. (2023). Discussant at the ‘Global Cooperation and Global Challenges. A Roundtable Discussion’. 6 June, Bielefeld University.
  • Isakova, A. (with Paré, M.-H.) (2023). Teaching assistant at ECPR Winter Methods School: ‘Qualitative Data Analysis’ courses (QDA-1, QDA-2), 13-17 February 2023, online.

  • Isakova, A. (with Volkov K. and Koch M.) (2022). ‘International Organizations and Construction of Complex Global Security Challenges’. Paper presented at RTG workshop: “Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes”, organised by O. Uraiqat, J. Fritzler and A. Isakova, 06-07 September, Bielefeld University.

  • Isakova, A. (with Uraiqat O. and Fritzler J.) (2022). Organisation of the RTG workshop: “Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes”, 06-07 September, Bielefeld University.

  • Isakova, A. (2022). ‘Inter-Organizational Cooperation in Conflict Early Warning and Response: Qualitative Study of Heavyweights in Horn of Africa and Central Asia’. Paper presented at ECPR General Conference, 22-26 August, University of Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Isakova, A. (with Paré, M.-H.) (2022). Teaching assistant at ECPR Summer Methods School: ‘Qualitative Data Analysis and Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis courses’, 25-29 July, online.

  • Isakova, A. (2022). ‘Norms vs. Practices of Cooperation: Inter-Organizational Relationships in Conflict Early Warning and Response’. Paper presented at 9th European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS), 06-09 July, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece.

  • Isakova, A. (2022). ‘Constructing Conflict Early Warning in International Organizations'. Paper presented at ISA Interdisciplinary Studies Section (IDSS) conference, 17-19 June, University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece.

  • Isakova, A. (2022). ‘EU in Early Warning and Response to Violent Conflicts’. Paper presented at the 11th Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, 08-10 June, Luiss University, Rome, Italy.

  • Isakova, A. (2022). Participation to pre-conference workshop on research outreach for early career researchers: “OpenEUdebate”, 07 June 2022, Luiss University, Rome, Italy.
  • Isakova, A. (with Volkov K. and Koch M.) (2022). ‘International Organizations and Construction of Complex Global Security Challenges’. Paper presented at International Studies Association(ISA) 63d Annual Convention “A Wider Discipline For A Smaller World”, 28 March-02 April, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
  • Isakova, A. (2022). Participation in the ECPR Winter Methods School 2022 course 'Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis', 14-18 February, online.
  • Isakova, A. (2022). 'Preventing conflicts together? Inter-Organizational Cooperation in Early Warning and Response to Violent Conflicts'. Paper presented at the 10th Eurasian Peace Science Conference 'Peace Science in Times of a Pandemic', 13 January, online.
  • Isakova, A. (with K. Volkov and M. Koch) (2021). 'International Organizations and Construction of Complex "Global Security Challenges"'. Paper presented at the RTG Workshop 'Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes', 14 December, Bielefeld University, online.
  • Isakova, A. (2021). 'Normative influence of international bureaucracies on conflict prevention policies'. Paper presented at the virtual ECPR General Conference 2021, Section: ‘21st Century International Organizations: Power, Politics, and Global Policy Making’, 31 August - 03 September, online.
  • Isakova, A. (2021). Participation in the virtual 'Antwerp Summer School on international Relations in a post-hegemonic world' (with the dissertation project discussion). Organised by the ECPR Standing Group on International Relations, 12-15 July, online.
  • Isakova, A. (with C. Erdoğan, T. Saraseko and K. Volkov) (2021). Organisation of and participation in the virtual gender equality workshop 'Storytelling Techniques for Female Scientists', 23 April, Bielefeld University, online.
  • Isakova, A. (2021). ‘The European Union and its Partnerships in the sphere of Early Warning and Response to Violent Conflicts: Successful Cooperation?’. Paper presented at the Doctoral Researcher Workshop ‘Security and the European Union’. FUTURES Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Europa Institute, 22 April, University of Edinburgh, UK, online.
  • Isakova, A. (2021). Participation in the online ECPR Winter Methods School course 'Qualitative Data Analysis'. Received ECPR 2021 Winter School Participation Grant, 15-26 March, online.
  • Isakova, A. (with C. Erdoğan, T. Saraseko and K. Volkov) (2020). Organisation of and participation in the virtual gender equality workshop 'Networking Strategies for Women in Academia', 27 November, Bielefeld University, online.
  • Isakova, A. (with C. Erdoğan, T. Saraseko and K. Volkov) (2020). Organisation of and participation in the virtual gender equality workshop 'How to Build your Career Strategy and find your Strengths and Goals as a Female Researcher', 20 November, Bielefeld University, online.
  • Isakova, A. (2020). Participation in the webinar '(Dis)functional international security institutions? The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) today'. Organized by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) in the framework of the Virtual Stockholm Security Conference, 17-20 November, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Isakova, A. (2014). '25 years later: In search of the word for harmony. Role of media in the state-building process in Kyrgyzstan'. Presentation given at the conference '1989, Also a Key Year in Central Asia? A New Look at the Sociocultural and Political Changes of 1989', September 2014, Institut Français d'Etudes sur l'Asie Centrale (IFEAC) and Kyrgyz National University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
  • Isakova, A. (2014). Participation in the workshop 'Conflict Prevention Strategies; Gender Violence and Extremism in Kyrgyzstan' at the conference 'Regional Peace Games'. Organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic; Faculty of International Relations, IIIEP, Kyrgyz National University Gender and Peacebuilding, June 2014, United States Institute of Peace, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.


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