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Research Training Group World Politics RTG 2225

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Tatiana Saraseko

Doctoral Researcher

E-Mail: tatiana.saraseko@uni-bielefeld.de

Phone: +49 521 106-67634

Office: Gebäude X B2-218, Locations Map

Postbox: Nr. 398 im Gebäude X - Magistrale - Ebene C2

Doctoral project:
Urban Renaissance in World Society: Actorness of Global Cities in Global Governance

Since 10/2020 Doctoral Researcher in the Research Training Group "World Politics", Bielefeld University
2018 - 2019 Public relations manager, Russian Nano Industry Association, Moscow
2018 Researcher, Transparency International – Russia, Moscow
2017 - 2018 Junior analyst at Regional Agency for Social and Marketing Research, ACIG Group Consulting, Moscow
2016 Intern, World Heritage Watch, Berlin
2015 - 2016 Bilateral research program “Think Tank “European Politics”: Radboud University – Saint Petersburg State University, linked to Netherlands Commission for UNESCO, the Hague
2015 - 2017 M.A., Studies in European Societies,
Saint Petersburg State University
2013 - 2015 Research assistant, project “From Empire to Multiculturalism and Multipolarity: Harmonization of Policies of Citizenship and Sovereignty with the Challenges of Cultural Diversity”,
Saint Petersburg State University
2011 - 2015 B.A., Political Science, Bard College, United States Double-degree program with Saint Petersburg State University
2011 - 2015 B.A., International Relations, Political Science and Human Rights, Saint Petersburg State University

The Hanseatic League (Hansa) emerged as an outstanding form of governance with ‘free cities’ as its core actors. From the perspective of global governance, the modern system might differ from the one in the Hanseatic times. Still, global cities of today demonstrate a tendency to legitimize their place in world society. For instance, global cities can autonomously shape the agenda of international discussions and frame international cooperation.

The academic literature studies the rising role of global cities at the age of globalization, but the consequent transformation of the Westphalian system lacks a comprehensive explanation. The doctoral project aims to develop a systemic view on global cities as political actors in global governance, their structural role, and capacities. The interdisciplinary approach is based on global governance theories, the sociological behavioral approach to actorness, and the theory of social differentiation.

The empirical part of the project employs document analysis and expert interviewing to answer the research question: How do global cities contribute to global governance? The dissertation pursues three research objectives. Firstly, it investigates how global cities interact with each other and with other actors such as states of origin, foreign states, IGOs, NGOs, TNCs. The research pays particular attention to the adaptation of a state to the emergence of global cities. Secondly, the project overviews the thematic agenda promoted by global cities in world politics. Finally, the project explores how global cities are observed via global cities’ rankings. Which criteria does a global city have to meet? Do global cities’ rankings represent knowledge or political agenda?

Research Stays

  • Saraseko, T. Field research at the 58th sessions of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (SB58 UNFCCC), 5-15 June 2023, Bonn, Germany.
  • Saraseko, T. Field research at the 27th Conference of Parties United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27 UNFCCC), 06-18 November 2022, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
  • Saraseko, T. Research stay at Malmö University and field research at the World ICLEI Summit, 04-14 May 2022, Malmö, Sweden.
  • Saraseko, T. Field research at the San Diego Climate Action Network, 04-08 April 2022, San Diego, California, USA.


  • Saraseko, T. (2023). 'Subnational Response to Global Climate Disorder and Multilevel Governance at EU and UNFCCC'. Paper presented at the DAAD Centres' Conference of German and European Studies, 28-31 March, Berlin, Germany.

  • Saraseko, T. (2023). “City Engagement at the UNFCCC Process: Globalization and Localization of Climate Change as a Policy Issue,” Guest lecturer at the Münster University, 14 January, Münster, Germany.

  • Saraseko, T. (2022). ‘Urban Renaissance in World Society: Actorness of Global Cities in Global Governance’. Poster presented at 41st Congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS): “Polarisierte Welten”, 26-30 September, Bielefeld University.

  • Saraseko, T. (2022). ‘Urban Actors in World Politics: How Do Cities Become Drivers of Global Climate Politics?’. Paper presented at RTG workshop: “Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes”, 06-07 September, Bielefeld University.

  • Saraseko, T. (2022). ‘Urban Governance of Climate Change within the United Nations: Orchestration or Competition?’. Paper presented ECPR General Conference, 22-26 August, University of Innsbruck, Austria.

  • Saraseko, T. (2022). ‘Global City Networks in Climate Change Regime: Universal Archives or Unilateral Instruments?’. Paper presented at 9th European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS), 06-09 July, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece.

  • Saraseko, T. (2022). ‘Universalism and Particularism of Global City Networks in Climate Change Governance’. Paper presented at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Tagung der Sektion Politische Soziologie, 02-03 June, Bielefeld University.

  • Saraseko, T. (2022). ‘Urban Actors in World Politics: How Do Cities Become Drivers of Global Environmental Politics?’. Paper presented at International Studies Association(ISA) 63d Annual Convention “A Wider Discipline For A Smaller World”, 28 March-02 April, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

  • Saraseko, T. (2021). 'Urban actors in world politics: How do cities become drivers of global environmental politics?’. Paper presented at the RTG Workshop ‘Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes’, 15 December, Bielefeld University, online.

  • Saraseko, T. (2021). Participation in the virtual ECPR Summer Methods School course 'Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis’, 16 - 20 August, online.

  • Saraseko, T. (2021). Participation in the virtual ECPR Summer Methods School course 'Interviews for Qualitative Data Generation’. Received ECPR 2021 Summer School Participation Grant, 09 - 13 August, online.

  • Saraseko, T. (2021). Participation in the virtual ECPR Summer Methods School course 'Case Study Research: Method and Practice’. Received ECPR 2021 Summer School Participation Grant, 02 -06 August, online.

  • Saraseko, T. (with C. Erdoğan, A. Isakova and K. Volkov) (2021). Organisation of and participation in the virtual gender equality workshop 'Storytelling Techniques for Female Scientists', 23 April, Bielefeld University, online.

  • Saraseko, T. (2021). Participation in the ECPR Virtual Winter School in Methods and Techniques course ‘Qualitative Data Analysis’, 22-26 March, online.
  • Saraseko, T. (2021). Participation in the conference 'Interinstitutional Cooperation in Global Governance: Why Do Intergovernmental Organizations Participate in Transnational Public-Private Governance Initiatives', 18 February, ECPR, online.
  • Saraseko, T. (2021). Participation in the conference '"World on the Edge": the crisis of the western liberal order', 16 February, Department of International Relations, LSE, online.
  • Saraseko, T. (2021). Participation in the seminar 'Non-state actors as a formative factor in World Politics', Diplomacy and Global Affairs Research Seminar Series, 09 February. University of Leiden, online.
  • Saraseko, T. (2021). Participation in the virtual conference 'International Perspectives on the Future of Architecture and Urbanism in the Post-COVID Age', 29-30 January, Epidemic Urbanism Initiative, online.
  • Saraseko, T. (with C. Erdoğan, A. Isakova and K. Volkov) (2020). Organisation of and participation in the virtual gender equality workshop 'Networking Strategies for Women in Academia', 27 November, Bielefeld University, online.
  • Saraseko, T. (with C. Erdoğan, A. Isakova and K. Volkov) (2020). Organisation of and participation in the virtual gender equality workshop 'How to Build your Career Strategy and find your Strengths and Goals as a Female Researcher', 20 November, Bielefeld University, online.


  • Saraseko, T. United Nations Summer Academy 2023 'Governance for Sustainable Development: Multilevel Governance, Green and Just Transitions, and Governance for the Future'. Awarded a full scholarship by the State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, 26-30 June 2023, online
  • Saraseko, T. Urban95 Academy, education program for municipal leaders in designing child-friendly and healthy cities led by the London School of Economics & Political Science and the Bernard van Leer Foundation, February-April 2023, online.
  • Saraseko, T. Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC), Online course, 16-29 Dec 2022.
  • Saraseko, T. United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC), Online course, 2-13 Dec 2022
  • Saraseko T. Age of Sustainable Development. SDG Academy. MOOC
  • Saraseko T. Climate Change Science and Negotiations. SDG Academy. MOOC
  • Saraseko T. Sustainable Cities. SDG Academy. MOOC


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