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Research Training Group World Politics RTG 2225

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Dr. Robin Schulze Waltrup (start up)

Postdoctoral Researcher

E-Mail:  robin.schulze_waltrup@uni-bielefeld.de

Phone: +49 521 106-67631

Office: Gebäude X C2-219, Locations Map

Postbox: Nr. 398 im Gebäude X - Magistrale - Ebene C2

Doctoral Project (concluded):
Ideas and Discourses on Eco-Social Policy as a New Paradigm in Global Governance? Exploring the Merging of Environmental and Social Policy Ideas in the OECD and the World Bank

Since 10/2023 Postdoctoral Researcher at the Research Training Group "World Politics", Bielefeld University
09/2022 - 01/2023 Visiting Researcher at the Sustainability Research Institute of University of Leeds, United Kingdom
10/2020 – 09/2023 Doctoral Researcher at the Research Training Group "World Politics", Bielefeld University
10/2018 - 08/2020 MA Sociology, Bielefeld University (Scholarship holder "Deutschlandstipendium")
04/2020 - 09/2020 Research assistant at the Working Group "Transnational Social Policy", Bielefeld University
09/2019 - 02/2020 Exchange student at Gent University, Belgium (Erasmus+ Scholarship)
11/2018 - 09/2019 Research assistant at the Working Group "Transnational Social Policy", Bielefeld University
10/2015 - 10/2018 BA Political Science and Sociology, Bielefeld University
08/2017 - 01/2018 Exchange student at Umeå University, Sweden (Erasmus+ Scholarship)

In recent years the study of ideas, discourses and paradigms has developed into prominent research not only at the level of nation-states but also at the global level of international organisations. While most studies focused on policy discourses either within global social or global environmental governance, this thesis takes an integrated perspective. Thus, reconstructing the emergence of eco-social policy discourses on a global level. Based on the notion of interpretative policy analysis, it investigates and conceptualises appearing eco-social policy scripts within the World Bank and the OECD. In doing so, the projects aims to integrate approaches out of various research strands such as policy research, world polity studies and qualitative discourse analysis - deriving data from document analysis and expert interviews.

Next to mapping the appearing eco-social policy concepts, the general guiding question of the analysis is wether the emergence of eco-social policy discourses on a global level represents a shift of policy paradigms or wether it should be considered as paradigm maintenance.

  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (2023). 'Eco-Social Policy in the Global Political Economy: Analysing Shifting Discourses of Agricultural Subsidies'. Presentation at the European International Studies Association Pan-European Conference, University of Potsdam, 5-9 September, Germany.

  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (2023). 'Towards Global Eco-Social Policy. An Assessment of the OECD '. Presentation at the workshop 'Grovainity', University of Kassel, 20–21 April, Germany.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (2023). 'Exploring the Merging of Environmental and Social Policy in the OECD and World Bank'. Presentation at the research group 'Economics and Policy for Sustainability', University of Leeds, 18 January, United Kingdom.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (2023). 'Exploring the Merging of Environmental and Social Policy in the OECD and World Bank'. Presentation at the research group 'Social and Political Dimensions of Sustainability', University of Leeds, 11 January, United Kingdom.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (2022). 'Global Challenges in World Politics. Actors, Discourses and Outcomes'. Paper presented at the Annual Retreat of the Institute for World Society Studies (Bielefeld University), 10-11 November, Bad Salzuflen, Germany.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (2022). ‘The OECD, Global Challenges, and Contestation of the Economic Growth Paradigm’. Paper presented at RTG workshop: “Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes”, 06-07 September 2022, Bielefeld University.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (2022) ‘A Discursive Eco-Social Policy Typology: From Systemic Reproduction to Transformation’. Paper presented at the International Sociological Association RC19 Annual Meeting, 24-26 August, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (2022). ‘The Problematisation of “Global Challenges” in the OECD’s Policy Discourse: Shifting from Green Growth to Going Beyond Growth’. Paper presented at the International Studies Association Annual Convention, 28 March - 02 April, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (2021). ‘The Problematisation of “Global Challenges” in the OECD’s Policy Discourse: Shifting from Green Growth to Going Beyond Growth’. Paper presented at the RTG Workshop ‘Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes’, 14 December, Bielefeld University, online.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with C. Erdoğan and O. Uraiqat) (2021). Organisation of the workshop ‘Global Challenges in World Politics: Discourses, Actors and Outcomes’, 13-15 December, Bielefeld University, online.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with H. Brown) (2021). ‘Eco-Social Policy Ideas in the Food Policy of the European Union’. Paper presented at the Annual ESPAnet Conference, 31 August – 03 September, Leuven, Belgium, online.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (2021) ‘The Emergence of Eco-Social Policy Discourses in the World Bank’. Paper presented at the International Sociological Association RC19 Annual Meeting, 25-27 August, Fribourg, Switzerland.


  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Isakova, M. Neuwinger and O. Uraiqat) (Eds.) (2024). Constructing Global Challenges in World Politics. London: Routledge.
  • Berten, J., Besche-Truthe, F., Drubel, J., Knebusch, V., Meier, S., Panaro, A. G., Samonova, E., Schulze Waltrup, R., Selivanov, M., Silva, V., Speroni, T., Torres Villarubia, F. (2024). Global Social Policy Digest 24.1: How inequalities and the climate crisis are entangled Global Social Policy 24 (1), 535–574.
  • Berten, J., Babirye, M., Besche-Truthe, F., Cunmulay, J., Drubel, J., Knebusch, V., Panaro, A. G., Samonova, E., Schulze Waltrup, R., Selivanov, M., Silva, V., Speroni, T., Torres Villarubia, F. (2023). Global Social Policy Digest 23.3: Ready for the future? Global Social Policy 23 (3), 535–574.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (2023). An Eco-Social Policy Typology. From System Reproduction to Transformation. Global Social Policy. Online-First.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with M. Moore, T. Paulsen) (2023). Eco-Social Policy in the Global Political Economy. Analysing Shifting Discourses on Agricultural Subsidies. European Journal of Social Security. Online-First.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Shriwise, M. Babirye, J. Berten, F. Besche-Truthe, A. Boyashov,  J. Cunmulay, S. Cufré, V. Knebusch, T. Ooms, M. Selivanov) (2022). Global Social Policy Digest 23.2: Holding the line to prevent (further) backsliding?. Global Social Policy Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 373–401.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Shriwise, J. Cunmulay, M. Babirye, J. Berten, F. Besche-Truthe, A. Boyashov, S. Cufré, V. Knebusch, T. Ooms, M. Selivanov) (2022). Global Social Policy Digest 23.1: Cost of living increases and looming crises. Global Social Policy Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 188–218
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Shriwise, F. Besche-Truthe, A. Boyashov, M. Babirye, J. Berten, S. Cufré, T. Ooms, C. Prempeh) (2022). Global Social Policy Digest 22.3: The pros and cons of digitalization. Global Social Policy Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 604–630.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Shriwise, M. Laws, M. Babirye,  J. Berten, F. Besche-Truthe, A. Boyashov, S. Cufré, E. Igbojekwe, M. Neuwinger, T. Ooms) (2022). ''Global Social Policy Digest 22.2: Was COP26 only 'blah blah blah' or a step forward for eco-social policy?'', Global Social Policy, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 392-419.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Shriwise, J. Berten, S. Cufré, M. Babirye, F. Besche-Truthe, A. Boyashov, E. Igbojekwe, M. Laws, T. Ooms) (2022). ‘Global Social Policy Digest 22.1: Old problems in a Corona context’, Global Social Policy, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 207-235.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Shriwise, M. Babirye,  J. Berten, F. Besche-Truthe, A. Boyashov, S. Cufré, E. Igbojekwe, M. Laws, T. Ooms) (2021). 'Global Social Policy Digest 21.3: Managing the fallout from COVID-19', Global Social Policy, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 595-626
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Kaasch) (2021). 'Introduction: Global eco-social policy: Contestation within an emerging policy era?', Global Social Policy, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 319-322.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Shriwise, M. Babirye,  J. Berten, F. Besche-Truthe, A. Boyashov, C. Crokett, S. Cufré, E. Igbojekwe, A. Kaasch, M. Laws, T. Ooms) (2021). 'Global Social Policy Digest 21.2: Turning the tide in the battle against COVID-19?', Global Social Policy, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 349-377.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Shriwise, J. Berten, F. Besche-Truthe, A. Boyashov, C. Crokett, S. Cufré, E. Igbojekwe, A. Kaasch and M. Laws) (2021). 'Global Social Policy Digest 21.1: an equitable and sustainable recovery from COVID-19?', Global Social Policy, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 153-182.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Shriwise, J. Berten, F. Besche-Truthe, A. Boyashov, S. Cufré, M. Fritz, A. Kaasch, C. Crockett and M. Laws) (2020). 'Global Social Policy Digest 20.3 and COVID-19: Global social or "corona" policies and governance?', Global Social Policy, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 412-449.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Kaasch, A. Shriwise, J. Berten, F. Besche, A. Boyashov, T. Brunotte, S. Cufré, M. Fritz) (2020). 'Global Social Policy Digest 20.2', Global Social Policy, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 254-275.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Kaasch, A. Shriwise, J. Berten, F. Besche, A. Boyashov, T. Brunotte, S. Cufré, M. Fritz) (2020). 'Global Social Policy Digest 20.1', Global Social Policy, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 117-134.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (2020). 'Comparing Moscow and Lagos: Similarities and Differences in the Pursuit of Neoliberalization'. Web publication, TheProtocity.com.
  • Schulze Waltrup, R. (with A. Kaasch, J. Berten, F. Besche, A. Boyashov, T. Brunotte, S. Cufré, M. Fritz and B. Marijan) (2019). 'Global Social Policy Digest 19.3', Global Social Policy, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 282-299.


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