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  • Dr. Delgado Molina, Cecilia

    © Simon A. Eugster

Dr. Delgado Molina, Cecilia

Contact: ceci.delgadom@outlook.com


Adscription -Einrichtungen-

Associate researcher with CIRRuS, Universität Bielefeld


Coordinator of the Laboratory of Observation of the Religious Phenomenon in Contemporary Society, Mexico


Research -Forschung-


Research Interests

Sociology of Culture & Sociology of Religion

Religion & Politics (Institutions & Citizens)

Religion & Identity

Social Science Theory, Pierre Bourdieu Theory, Qualitative Methodologies


Regional Focus

Latin America, specially Mexico & Argentina




08/2014 to 08/2018 Ph.D. in Political & Social Science. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Knowledge field: Sociology. Graduate with honors ( summa cum laude ). Dissertation: Religion and Politics in a context of violence: the case of Morelos (2012-2017). Research Project with the advice of the Center of Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CIRRuS) at the Bielefeld University, Germany.


01/2017 to 08/2017 Visiting Scholar at the Center of Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CIRRuS) at the Bielefeld University, Germany.


08/2010 to 07/2012 – Master in Latin America Studies at National Autonomous

University of Mexico (UNAM), Knowledge field: Culture, Identity and Political Culture in Latin America. Graduate with honors ( summa cum laude ). Research Thesis: Between the public and the private: catholic Argentinian women in front of sexual and reproductive rights legislations.


08/2011 to 12/2011 – Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Studies and Labour Research

of Scientific and Technic Research Council at Buenos Aires, Argentina.


01/2004 to 07/2007 – Bachelor Program in International Affairs. Mexico.


Membership in Academic Organizations

International Sociology Association (ISA)

International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR)

Network researchers of religious phenomenon in Mexico (RIFREM)



Doctoral Research Project


Religion and Politics in a context of violence: the case of Morelos (2012-2017).


Morelos is a Mexican state marked by the violence, which has created conditions that put this situation and the different efforts to transform it (peacebuilding projects) as a focus of social life. In the public space converge a variety of postures and ways of living “being Catholic” with the links that that experience has with politics and with the way they interpret and deal with violence, as well as which means "peace".


This research sought to understand the reconfigurations between the Catholic religion and local politics from this context, and the ways in which these convergences are expressed in public space; in the institutional level as well as the believers experience, as from the social theory of Pierre Bourdieu.


Methodologically, the project worked from the ethnographic approach and methodology of Habitus Analysis developed by Dr. Dr. Heinrich Schäfer at the CIRRuS.


Publications -Publikationen-

Delgado Molina, C. (2019). ¿Y qué podemos hacer?: Religión y política frente a la violencia en Morelos. México: CRIM UNAM. [In Peer Review].


Suárez, H.J., Bárcenas Barajas, K., Delgado Molina, C. (Coords). (2019). Estudiar el fenómeno religioso hoy: caminos metodológicos. México: IIS UNAM. [Peer Reviewed and Approved, in final edition for publication].


Suárez, H.J., Bárcenas Barajas, K., Delgado Molina, C. (Coords). (2019). Formas de creer en la ciudad. México: IIS UNAM. [In Peer Review].


Delgado Molina, C. (2019). Combinar Metodologías: una apuesta entre el control y la flexibilidad. In H.J. Suárez, K. Bárcenas Barajas & C. Delgado Molina (Coords). Estudiar el fenómeno religioso hoy: caminos metodológicos (pp. xx-xxx). México: IIS UNAM. [Peer Reviewed and Approved, in final edition for publication].


Rivera Sánchez, L.; Garma, C.; Martínez Gómez, L.J.; Yllescas Illescas, A.; Delgado Molina, C. (2018). Región Centro. In C. De la Torre, Gutiérrez Zúñiga, C. y Hernández H. (Coords.). Reconfiguración de las identidades religiosas en México. Análisis de la Encuesta Nacional sobre Creencias y Prácticas Religiosas, ENCREER 2016. (pp. 173-205, Tomo II). México: CIESAS. [In Peer Review].


Delgado Molina, C. (2018). El campo religioso y sus interacciones con el campo político en Morelos: propuestas y retos para su construcción. In R. Castro, H.J. Suárez (Coords.), Pierre Bourdieu en la sociología latinoamericana. El uso de campo y habitus en la investigación (pp. 189-204). México: CRIM UNAM.


Delgado Molina, C. (2018). Modelos culturales de mujeres católicas de los activismos conservadores en Argentina. Revista Cultura y Religión . Vol.12 ( 2 ), 43-65


Delgado Molina, C. (2012). Entre lo público y lo privado: discurso religioso frente a la conyugalidad de parejas del mismo sexo en Ciudad de México. Ciencias Sociales y Religión/Ciências Sociais e Religião. 14 (16), 61-77.


Delgado Molina, C. (2017). Review of Giménez Béliveau, Verónica. (2016). Católicos militantes: sujeto, comunidad e institución en la Argentina. Cultura y Representaciones Sociales, 12 (23), 106-111.



Contact: ceci.delgadom@outlook.com


Adscription -Einrichtungen-

Associate researcher with CIRRuS, Universität Bielefeld


Coordinator of the Laboratory of Observation of the Religious Phenomenon in Contemporary Society, Mexico


Research -Forschung-


Research Interests

Sociology of Culture & Sociology of Religion

Religion & Politics (Institutions & Citizens)

Religion & Identity

Social Science Theory, Pierre Bourdieu Theory, Qualitative Methodologies


Regional Focus

Latin America, specially Mexico & Argentina




08/2014 to 08/2018 Ph.D. in Political & Social Science. National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Knowledge field: Sociology. Graduate with honors ( summa cum laude ). Dissertation: Religion and Politics in a context of violence: the case of Morelos (2012-2017). Research Project with the advice of the Center of Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CIRRuS) at the Bielefeld University, Germany.


01/2017 to 08/2017 Visiting Scholar at the Center of Interdisciplinary Research on Religion and Society (CIRRuS) at the Bielefeld University, Germany.


08/2010 to 07/2012 – Master in Latin America Studies at National Autonomous

University of Mexico (UNAM), Knowledge field: Culture, Identity and Political Culture in Latin America. Graduate with honors ( summa cum laude ). Research Thesis: Between the public and the private: catholic Argentinian women in front of sexual and reproductive rights legislations.


08/2011 to 12/2011 – Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Studies and Labour Research

of Scientific and Technic Research Council at Buenos Aires, Argentina.


01/2004 to 07/2007 – Bachelor Program in International Affairs. Mexico.


Membership in Academic Organizations

International Sociology Association (ISA)

International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR)

Network researchers of religious phenomenon in Mexico (RIFREM)



Doctoral Research Project


Religion and Politics in a context of violence: the case of Morelos (2012-2017).


Morelos is a Mexican state marked by the violence, which has created conditions that put this situation and the different efforts to transform it (peacebuilding projects) as a focus of social life. In the public space converge a variety of postures and ways of living “being Catholic” with the links that that experience has with politics and with the way they interpret and deal with violence, as well as which means "peace".


This research sought to understand the reconfigurations between the Catholic religion and local politics from this context, and the ways in which these convergences are expressed in public space; in the institutional level as well as the believers experience, as from the social theory of Pierre Bourdieu.


Methodologically, the project worked from the ethnographic approach and methodology of Habitus Analysis developed by Dr. Dr. Heinrich Schäfer at the CIRRuS.


Publications -Publikationen-

Delgado Molina, C. (2019). ¿Y qué podemos hacer?: Religión y política frente a la violencia en Morelos. México: CRIM UNAM. [In Peer Review].


Suárez, H.J., Bárcenas Barajas, K., Delgado Molina, C. (Coords). (2019). Estudiar el fenómeno religioso hoy: caminos metodológicos. México: IIS UNAM. [Peer Reviewed and Approved, in final edition for publication].


Suárez, H.J., Bárcenas Barajas, K., Delgado Molina, C. (Coords). (2019). Formas de creer en la ciudad. México: IIS UNAM. [In Peer Review].


Delgado Molina, C. (2019). Combinar Metodologías: una apuesta entre el control y la flexibilidad. In H.J. Suárez, K. Bárcenas Barajas & C. Delgado Molina (Coords). Estudiar el fenómeno religioso hoy: caminos metodológicos (pp. xx-xxx). México: IIS UNAM. [Peer Reviewed and Approved, in final edition for publication].


Rivera Sánchez, L.; Garma, C.; Martínez Gómez, L.J.; Yllescas Illescas, A.; Delgado Molina, C. (2018). Región Centro. In C. De la Torre, Gutiérrez Zúñiga, C. y Hernández H. (Coords.). Reconfiguración de las identidades religiosas en México. Análisis de la Encuesta Nacional sobre Creencias y Prácticas Religiosas, ENCREER 2016. (pp. 173-205, Tomo II). México: CIESAS. [In Peer Review].


Delgado Molina, C. (2018). El campo religioso y sus interacciones con el campo político en Morelos: propuestas y retos para su construcción. In R. Castro, H.J. Suárez (Coords.), Pierre Bourdieu en la sociología latinoamericana. El uso de campo y habitus en la investigación (pp. 189-204). México: CRIM UNAM.


Delgado Molina, C. (2018). Modelos culturales de mujeres católicas de los activismos conservadores en Argentina. Revista Cultura y Religión . Vol.12 ( 2 ), 43-65


Delgado Molina, C. (2012). Entre lo público y lo privado: discurso religioso frente a la conyugalidad de parejas del mismo sexo en Ciudad de México. Ciencias Sociales y Religión/Ciências Sociais e Religião. 14 (16), 61-77.


Delgado Molina, C. (2017). Review of Giménez Béliveau, Verónica. (2016). Católicos militantes: sujeto, comunidad e institución en la Argentina. Cultura y Representaciones Sociales, 12 (23), 106-111.

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