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Open Science

© Universität Bielefeld

Open Science

What is Open Science?

Open Science means that scientific knowledge, publications and research data should be openly shared. This includes publications, measured and observational data, analyzed data, questionnaires, soft- and hardware, analysis scripts and tools, multimedia files, experimental setups and workflows, metadata and provenance data, etc. (more on this topic)

Research Data Management

Research data is the basis for scientific discovery. Research data is highly valuable, often created in time-consuming experiments and with expensive experimental settings. Research data is essential to verify scientific results.

The reproducibility of scientific research ensures the integrity of science. Therefore, good scientific practice requires meticulous documentation and archiving of research data. This includes the primary data measured as well as the algorithms used for analysis of the data.

Research data management is concerned with all questions regarding research data during the whole research lifecycle, i.e. how to

  • organise and document data
  • store, back-up and archive data
  • share and publish data

Research Data Management is an integral part of the research process. It ensures that requirements of the university, research funders, and journals are met.

CITEC's Open Science Manifesto

CITEC has released the "CITEC Open Science Manifesto" to express its strong commitment to the ideals of Open Science. CITEC believes that the free sharing of scientific knowledge and research data will significantly improve the power and efficiency of science. The Manifesto presents CITEC's strategy towards this goal and describes measures that will support the sharing of research. CITEC's Scientific Board passed the Manifesto on March 8, 2013.

Teaching Open Science

Bielefeld University extends the educational curriculum for young scientists towards topics of research data management and offers training and personal consulting for advanced researchers, thus contributing to awareness among young researchers of good practice in scientific research.

Further links about Open Science

[1] Michael Nielsen, Open Science Mailing List, 28 Jul 2011,

[2] Budapest Open Access Initiative,

[3] Berlin Declaration, 22 Oct 2003,

[4] Murray-Rust, P, Neylon C, Pollock R & Wilbanks J, “Panton Principles - Principles for Open Data in Science”, 19 Feb 2010,

[5] Open Science Working Group,

[6] Ausschuss für Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken und Informationssysteme der DFG, “Empfehlungen zur gesicherten Aufbewahrung und Bereitstellung digitaler Forschungsdaten”, Jan 2009,

[7] Priority Initiative “Digital Information” by the Alliance of German Science Foundations,

[8] Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland,

[9] LeibnizOpen, Open Access Initive of Leibniz Foundation,

[10] Information Platform Open Access,

Open Science Publications

CITEC Data Publications

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